Cuties Readerfeast Foundation promotes reading, fetes pupils of Berekuso Prim Schools


In a heartwarming gathering last Wednesday, December 20, 2023, the Apesemakahene of Berekuso Akuapim, the head teacher, teachers and students of Berekuso Presby A and Berekuso Presby B Basic Schools in the Eastern Region, convened for the much-anticipated “Readerfeast.”

Addressing the audience, the Apesemakahene, Nana Odei Leebi, expressed immense pleasure in welcoming everyone to the occasion dedicated to celebrating the joy of reading.

He encouraged attendees to develop the habit of reading to help enhance their cognitive skills.

The event, themed “CUTIES READ A BOOK FETE 2023” was conceptualised as a response to the concerning decline in the reading culture among young people in the country.

The initiative aims to revive a passion for reading among the young ones by incorporating non-traditional teaching methods, including technology and animation.

“We are gathered here today to share in the joy of reading; to remind ourselves of the essence of reading and, more importantly, to build in these young ones a culture of reading,” remarked the Chief.

Elikem Adiku, the founder of Cuties Readerfeast Foundation explained that the “READERFEAST” (Read & Feast) not only focuses on promoting literacy but also aims to leave attendees with lasting memories that inspire continued reading beyond the event.

Ms Adiku stressed the importance of English proficiency, encouraging students to communicate effectively in preparation for the Basic Certificate Education Examination (BECE).

Quoting Francis Bacon, Ms Adiku emphasised, “Reading maketh a full man.” Drawing on the power of storytelling, she shared an anecdote about a young man who, due to neglecting reading, found himself at the wrong event venue.

This served as a metaphor for the richness of experiences that reading imparts, allowing individuals to live a thousand lives.

Ms Adiku urged the pupils to develop a habit of reading, highlighting its positive impact on language development, creativity, listening skills, and academic success.

Additionally, she called on parents to play an active role in cultivating a reading culture at home.

Expressing gratitude, she extended special thanks to the Apesemakahene of Berekuso for wholeheartedly supporting the event, and recognising the importance of nurturing the future leaders of Berekuso and Ghana.

Concluding the address, Ms Adiku welcomed everyone to the Berekuso edition of the ” Readerfeast,” expressing hope that the event would bring smiles to the faces of the students.

Wishing all a Merry Christmas, she encouraged everyone to enjoy the festivities and, most importantly, embrace the gift of reading.

The event entailed a reading clinic where learners were supervised by various instructors to read followed by a feast where participants were treated to hot delicious meals. Each learner took home souvenirs and educational materials .

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