Another company is offering everyone some free perks during this period of self-isolation, and this time it’s Pornhub. The adult content site is offering everyone a free premium subscription to make these times a little easier!
On March 24th, you can sign up for a free Pornhub premium account on the site’s Stay Home page. You can then enjoy premium free for an entire month!
Vice President of Pornhub, Core Price, shared the reasoning as to why they’re offering this. “With nearly one billion people in lockdown across the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we lend a hand and provide them with an enjoyable way to pass the time,” Price stated in a Press Release, “We hope by expanding our offer of free Pornhub Premium worldwide, people have an extra incentive to stay home and flatten the curve.”
As we know, many are being affected by the coronavirus financially because they are now out of work. Aside from offering viewers a free month of premium, Pornhub is also helping out the performers who have been impacted by the pandemic. For the month of April, Pornhub is offering all performers 100% of their video sales, minus a 15% processing fee. This means the performers are taking home 85% of their earnings from Pornhub and the clip site Modelhub.
Additionally, Pornhub is also making a donation of $25,000 to the Sex Workers Outreach Project! This project is contributing to those affected by COVID-19.
Outside of the sex work industry, Pornhub has donated 15,000 surgical masks to Local 2507, 15,000 masks to the Uniformed Firefighters Association Local 94 of New York City, 20,000 masks to Mount Sinai South Nassau of New York. They are also donating €50,000 to several European organizations to go toward surgical masks! These masks are critical for the fight against COVID-19.
If you needed more convincing to stay inside and help flatten the curve, maybe this free month of Pornhub Premium is for you.
Credit: Pornhub