Ghana has recorded four new cases of the deadly coronavirus, shooting the number up to 136.
Below is a confirmation by the Ghana Health Service on its website:

Read the breakdown from the Ministry’s website below:
Situation Update, Confirmed Covid-19 Cases In Ghana As At 27 March 2020, 09:15 Hr:
As at the morning of 27 March 2020, a total of fifty-seven (57) cases including three (3) deaths have been confirmed from the regular surveillance systems.
All the three (3) cases that unfortunately succumbed to the disease were aged and had underlying chronic medical conditions.
All the other fifty-four (54) cases are well; fourteen (14) are being managed at home and the rest are responding well to treatment on admission in isolation.
They are awaiting their test results and will be discharged when the results are negative.
Majority of the confirmed cases are Ghanaians, who returned home from affected countries. Seven (7) are of other nationals namely: Norway, Lebanon, China, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (UK).
The number of confirmed cases among travelers under mandatory quarantine who have been tested is seventy-eight (78).
In respect of contact tracing, a total of 1,006 contacts have been identified and are being tracked.
Out of these, two hundred and four (204) have completed the 14 days mandatory follow up.