Compete with the slay queens when it comes to appearance – Pastor tells wives


Men as God created them, are mostly enthused by what they see.

Naturally, they are wired that way. However, most often, women get complacent after marriage. Thus, they do not put in as much effort as they used to when they were in a relationship with their partners.

One aspect of it has to do with physical appearance. Physical appearance is one great way to improve physical attraction in marriages and when it gets compromised too many times, it could yield great problems in the marriage.

Head Pastor of Cristian Center A/G, Rev. Osei Karikari Annor, has advised wives not to lose their grip on their spouses.

He mentioned that a lot of women lose their sense of fashion after they get married because they believe their men have seen it all and it even gets worse when they start having kids.

According to him, it is normal to lose shape after childbirth but there should be that effort to help get back in shape. Rev. Karikari also talked of sexual demand in marriages and advised women to always be willing to satisfy their husbands’ sexual needs unless for genuine reasons.

Speaking on Prime Morning, on Thursday, he indicated that the competition out there is very tough. Therefore, any vacuum a woman leaves in their marriage could easily be occupied by another who is just patiently waiting to creep into it.

“Anytime you cause trouble, there is another lady somewhere who is ready to receive the man and give the man the comfort that he is looking for.

“The women we are calling slay queens and side chicks are having their way into people’s marriages because they know how to treat their husbands, you don’t give excuses when it comes to sex unless you are practically sick or the man knows that you are extremely tired. Because if you don’t give, another person will give,” he said this on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

The Head Pastor also advised Christian women who only think marriage is about Christ and church to also try and spice things up to keep their husbands running home each time.

“Especially to our Christian women, don’t let your husband marry you just because of Christ but because of your appearance too, the way you keep yourself”

“We are having situations whereby a lot of Christian women believe that after marriage, I can just appear anyhow and my husband will still love me. No it shouldn’t happen that way, you must dress well, you must appear well, be neat, don’t be smelling and expect your husband to still love you”, Rev. Osei indicated.

Marriage is not always rosy, there are sweet and bitter times and in all that, couples should always remember what brought them together in the first place. Couples should study each other and understand how to handle situations.

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