The Western North Regional Minister, Joojo Rocky Obeng, along with his team, visited the site of the collapsed Boinso bridge to assess the damage and current situation.

The Minister assured residents that efforts to reconstruct the bridge would commence immediately to restore normalcy in the area.

The bridge, which serves as the sole connection between Enchi and Elubo, collapsed on Sunday morning, leaving residents and travelers frustrated and stranded.

It also caused significant disruption to daily commutes and the transportation of goods.

While no casualties were reported, the collapse has isolated Boinso and surrounding communities, impacting local businesses and access to essential services.

In response to the situation, Regional Minister Joojo Rocky Obeng, accompanied by the Western North Regional Highway Director, Ing. Ernest Osei Bonsu, inspected the damage and engaged with local chiefs and residents.

The Minister assured the community that discussions with the Roads Minister and other key stakeholders are underway to expedite the reconstruction of the bridge.

He said the government is commitment to rebuilding the bridge as swiftly as possible to ensure the smooth movement of people and goods in the area.

The Western North Regional Highway Director, Ing. Ernest Osei Bonsu, expressed confidence in their ability to rebuild the bridge within three weeks, contingent upon the availability of funds.

Meanwhile, efforts are being made to expedite the construction of a new bridge to provide a more permanent solution.