Cecilia Dapaah

Former Sanitation, Minister Cecilia Dapaah has paid a heartfelt tribute to the late Theresa Kufuor.

To her, the late Theresa Kufuor was not just a mother but she was her confidante, special friend, and mentor.

Her presence, she noted was a calming force, a manifestation of grace that left an indelible mark on her heart.

According to Madam Dapaah, under Maa Theresa’s exemplary leadership as chair and life patron, the Mother and Child Community Development Foundation thrived, becoming a beacon of hope and support for countless individuals.

“The legacy she left behind was not just in the tangible achievements of the organization but in the lives touched and transformed through its initiatives” part of her tribute read.

A solemn ceremony took place at the Forecourt of the State House in Accra, where dignitaries gathered to pay their respects to the late Theresa Kufuor.

The former First Lady passed away at the age of 87.

Theresa Kufuor, the wife of former President John Agyekum Kufuor was not only a dedicated public figure but also a retired nurse and midwife.

Read Madam Dapaah’s full tribute:

My dear Maa: it is with great pain and loss that I pen these few words on your demise. I do not
think mere words can describe adequately the relationship that existed between us. You were
my mum, confidante, special friend and mentor.

You were the epitome of gentility and calmness. You had a peaceful nature. Our bond, which
endured for close to four decades, is one that I will for ever cherish for its warmth and pure love.
It was with great delight and humility that I accepted the proposal from you to become one of the
directors of the Mother and Child Community Development Foundation, the great organisation
that you set up.

The Foundation flourished under your exemplary leadership as the chair and life patron.
Maa, one of the most remarkable things you did at that time was to visit an HIV/Aids patient. You
embraced her and had a chat with her. The lady had expressed the wish to meet you before passing
on. You readily accepted and travelled to the hospital to meet her. Incidentally, her name was also Theresa.

The lady managed a smile to show her appreciation. She passed away a few weeks later. This was at
a time when no one wanted to touch patients suffering from HIV/Aids. What an angel you were.
During your pastoral visits, you also engaged with medical staff and patients in Amasaman affected

by buruli ulcer. For some of us it was our first encounter with the disease.
Maa, you knew how to touch people’s hearts. You carried on working with such dignity and humility,
not only in Ghana but also other parts of Africa. You were a founding member of the Organization
of African First Ladies Against HIV/Aids (OAFLA) and served as its inaugural vice-president.
I learned a lot at your feet and absorbed your mantra: “God never makes a mistake.”
Your legacy is etched in the sands of time.
Maa, Mrs K – fare thee well as you rest in the bosom of our Maker. My family will sorely miss you.
Rest, rest, rest, Maa – until we meet again at the Resurrection.
Due, due. Damirifa due.
Honourable Cecilia Abena Dapaah is a former MP for Bantama and minister of state

Akufo-Addo’s heartfelt tribute in honour of Theresa Kufuor