Teenage Pregnancy: How a daughter’s growing belly earns her a mother’s growling slap
Barbara and her mother make their way through a mini squabble outside the consulting room. It's a long queue cemented with resistance, and impatience....
Let your women keep quiet in the church (Pt. 1)
I have been blessed tremendously by the ministry of some well-known women of God in Ghana and abroad. I wouldn’t like to name them...
Church accountability: What happens to money men ‘give to God’?
Whose money is it when men give to God in church? If it’s God’s, do men need to give a hoot about how it...
Inside Asiedua Chest: My husband’s bestie
After a long lecture about being careful and studying hard, with his forefinger pointing at me and in a deadpan tone my father said:...
Open Letter to Former President John Dramani Mahama – By a swing voter
Your Excellency, I am taking this initiative of writing to you in the hope that you will see reason and a greater purpose, not...
The man to clean up our banks
As I sat down late Monday night at my laptop to write, I was thinking that Kwaku Adoboli had finally resigned himself to being...
Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah: The idea, strength of Africa’s liberation
“There comes a time in all political struggle hard to distinguish yet fatal to less slip. Then all must be set on a hazard,...
Sharon Strikes: How anger disfigured my beautiful face, body
My heart would pound faster, blood pressure would elevate and the levels of my adrenaline and noradrenaline would increase.And yes the hair around the...
BettyBlueMenz Perspectives: Double track system ay3 pinsoo!
As the double track system takes off across selected senior high schools in the country, some parents are still unsure which school their wards...
NCA’s new 4G move; a fix or more mess?
The National Communications Authority (NCA) is finally taking steps to ensure that at least each telco gets to come into the 4G space after...
The salvation of Atewa Forest sits in the bosom of Nana Akufo Addo and Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2009 report, on the state of the world’s forest indicates that the current total forest area of the...
NATIONAL CATHEDRAL: Vulgar or Virtuous Venture?
My Unwholly Holy Initial Thoughts, Honest-to-God‘To build or not to build?’ is more often than not a rather profound, mind-wracking, heart-churning, soul-searching question, be...
All you need to know: Friendship, the Dagaaba-Frafra way
True friendship, it is often said, is tested on the day one finds oneself in a crisis and needs the help of others one...
BettyBlueMenz Perspectives: National Cathedral, misplaced priority?
On Independence Day, 6th of March last year, which also happened to be the 60th anniversary of Ghana’s independence, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo cut the...
Jones Asante Mfodwo write: Now the dust has settled
“The GOG and FIFA shall work closely to eradicate corruption and malfeasance and other associated criminal conduct from the administration of football in Ghana”Interestingly,...
Take a Read: Ghana’s oldest female legislator alive writes to SA Prez Cyril Ramaphosa
Re: A letter in response to the article “South Africa risks Zimbabwe-style land chaos Johannesburg (South Africa), August 11”Dear President Cyril Ramaphosa,I wish to...
MANASSEH’S FOLDER: The trial of Mensa Otabil
Great men and women, they say, are like eagles. They don’t flock. They are spotted one at a time. Once in a while. It...
V.S. Naipaul and Kofi Annan: Death of opposites
It was a week of dramatic occurrence -- the short passage to eternity of two contrasting (in manners and lifestyles) Nobel laureates. One of...
World Photography Day: Sad end of African photojournalist whose shots shook the world
Sunday marked the World Photography Day and as the day is set aside to measure progress made so far in the industry and as well...
Inside Asiedua’s Chest: Compound House Chronicles 2
Click here for Part 1 of Compound House Chronicles.It is a free show now with tenants peeping through their windows to see the faces behind the...
BettyBlueMenz Perspective: Hypocritical tributes, honest rantings
I think I heard Prophet Isaac Owusu Bempah claim he prophesied about the demise of former Vice President Paa Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur?! Yes, he...
Ace Ankomah writes: Before you sign “I Consent…”
There are so many of us who have accepted to be directors of companies and signed consent letters but haven’t attended or been invited...
Edwinology’s Lab: Sober down, settle down and yes – sit down
This article is rated T for Transcendent. It is for those who have a faith in God. Any other person can please click here...
Inside Asiedua’s Chest: Compound house chronicles 1
Growing up in a compound house is an advanced study in deliberate provocation with topics in applied core values of patience, respect, sharing and...
Jones Asante Mfodwo writes: Let’s hasten slowly
Indeed, I am really enjoying the kind of discussions going on as to whether the 2017/2018 abandoned league season should be continued or truncated....
Joyce Mogtari: Of Ameri and matters arising
In the not so recent past, under the watch of former President John Dramani Mahama, Ghana suffered a crippling power production deficit that was...
JONES ASANTE MFODWO WRITES: Ghana football crisis and the FIFA/CAF liaison team
“We will not work with them because the mandate given to them by FIFA is to facilitate the participation of all national football teams...
BettyBlueMenz Perspectives: The Police can be your friend too
Back in primary school, we were taught that the police service is the law enforcement wing of the executive branch of government.That is tricky...
A case for Free SHS: Sarah Frimpong shares her intriguing story
After reading some posts on free SHS, I have decided to share a bit of my experience with school fees when I was in...
MFWA’s Sulemana’s Attack on Anas: A Smack of Journalistic Camarilla, Turpitude
I virtually blew the gasket over Mr. Sulemana Braimah of Media Foundation for West Africa’s relentless and suspicious attacks on the credibility of...
Body shaming in Ghana
The phenomenon of body shaming is one that has recently plagued our society. Until recently, body shaming seemed alien to Africans, as stories of...
BettyBlueMenz Perspective…Humble PERSCO now owns NSMQ Bragging rights
I am anthem happy today, and I feel like singing the St. Peters Senior High School Anthem:“At your master’s callYou gave up your...
Why Anas should take a break
Even superman takes a break especially at a time that the city thinks him a villain. I have never met Anas or Kweku Baako....
Valerie Sawyerr writes: The cry of the oppressed!
Amaaaaandla … Aweeeeethu!I hear chanting and stomping! That was the cry of the black South Africans as they chanted and stomped against apartheid and...
‘A daily nightmare’ – how Ghana, 3 other big nations not at World Cup are coping
People in Italy, the Netherlands, Chile and Ghana are watching the party in Russia from afar. For some, it is a painful experience.Read the...
10 Years after my conviction…An overflow of praise!
Ten years ago, on June 18, I was convicted on charges of “willfully causing financial loss to the state” and “misapplying public property” and sentenced...