

Lockdown Diaries: Wife flees from husband over marathon sex [Video]

Below is a video showing a wife fleeing from her husband over his insatiable quest for sex.The wife can be seen crying while her...

Covid-19: Pornhub premium is now free to encourage everyone to stay home

Another company is offering everyone some free perks during this period of self-isolation, and this time it’s Pornhub. The adult content site is offering everyone...

When you try to change a man

If my previous relationship taught me any lesson, it taught me that forever is a long time to waste with someone who gives you...

How to help your relationship survive a lockdown

The strain that the coronavirus is putting on our lives is immense. And it is affecting most relationships in some way. As a licensed...

Self-isolation has increased my fights with my in-laws

Question: Hi! I am going through a very bad phase since the isolation has started. We live in a joint family but since everyone...

Why six minutes before sex are most crucial for pleasure – Experts

When it comes to sex, some people are really keen on stringing out the foreplay for as long as they possibly can, while others prefer to...

How to talk to your parents about depression

Do you remember your last emotional breakdown? Whose face popped into your mind? Was it your parents? For many—certainly not.Talking to parents about depression...

How to help a friend get over an ex

If you are a 90s kid, you must be well aware of the love story of then teen sensation Justin Bieber and Selena...

How I found out about my husband’s extramarital affair during the lockdown

The lockdown has changed our lives in many ways. It brought to light many facets of life as well as made us face some...

5 embarrassing things we do when we have a crush on someone

If you think you are the only person who acts weird or stupid when you have a crush on someone, you are wrong....

My wife didn’t tell me about her past sex life

Question: I am a 32-year-old man and I am married for just six months. I had an arranged marriage and I met my then...

7 toxic beliefs that will kill your relationship slowly

01/8Toxic beliefs that are bad for your relationshipOur relationships are shaped by the many things that surround us. There’s a lot we learn about...

Planning to get married this year? This stylish groom should be your style inspiration

Well, men will be men always, just that the modern ones are snazzier and wittier. And, when we say snazzy, we definitely include...

Coronavirus: How to maintain your sex life during this period

“For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one...

Lockdown dairies: Couple holds wedding online [photo]

A newly wed couple is trending on social media for getting married despite the Covi-19 lockdown.ALSO READ:Coronavirus: Akufo-Addo extends ban on public gatherings to...

Woman reveals what makes her reach orgasm

Good afternoon. Do you know what really turns me on? When a man uses his mouth to remove my pantie – before sex.That...

He was difficult to look at

Dave, I’m seeing your recent post on the husband whose wife has gained weight after childbirth. It brings back memories. You see, my baby’s...

Lillies and dillies on a lockdown

It was Val’s day in 2017. We had been married for only a year so we did things like people in a new marriage....

Is it very painful to have sex for the first time?

Question: Hi! I am a 27-year-old woman and my marriage has been fixed with a man chosen by my parents.He is a very...

Sex toy companies booming in lockdown season

As the United Kingdom continues adjusting to life in lockdown, Brits are missing many things from the pre-coronavirus world.Seeing friends, going out for a...

What’s stopping you from falling in love

The search for our special someone is never-ending. We all have either met the love of our lives or are still on a quest...

8 reasons why she is unforgettable and every man wants her

There is no doubt that men are attracted by physical beauty, good sense of humour and femininity, however, life is beyond that.Aside the physical...

Here’s how you can have the perfect virtual date during the lockdown

These are challenging times; not only for the officegoers who now have to work from home, even for small children or young students who...

‘Having sex’ tops what people look forward to after lockdown – Survey reveals

With the UK's coronavirus lockdown continuing, many are fantasising about all the things they'll do once restrictions are lifted.Some might want to visit their loved ones,...

10 indications that you may be living with a ghost

True, non-believers will tell you that there are no such things as ghosts, demons, poltergeists, etc. However, millions of people around the world have...

10 things men find unattractive but won’t tell you

Men tend to have this wide list of behavioural attributes that they look for in women. However wide the list is, the attributes are...

Sex during the Coronavirus Pandemic: What’s safe, and what experts don’t want you to do

We’re all social distancing right now. And that begs the question: how do you have sex in the era of COVID-19 self-isolation? Is it...

This doctor’s breathing technique to ease COVID-19 symptoms is going viral on Twitter

With 4,281 confirmed cases in India and 1,351,752 cases worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic has left people in a state of shock and panic.Along with staying...

6 signs that say your partner likes you, but doesn’t love you

01/7Signs that say your partner likes you but doesn't love youAre you in a relationship? And do you also think that because you’re a...

Coronavirus: Offline sex workers forced to start again online

Most sex workers meet customers in person. For them, the coronavirus spells economic ruin.ALSO READ:Stop f**ling, I don’t have your time – Sarkodie fires...

5 dating tips every realist romantic should follow

When we talk about dating apps and advices everyone’s had their full. There finally comes a time, when the usual Do’s and Don’ts in...

7 signs he doesn’t love you anymore

Relationships can be difficult – at times – but it’s best if things are worked out between the two people dealing with one another....

Best non-sexual gestures to increase intimacy and add romance to your love life

These are difficult times and getting physically intimate with a partner has grown even riskier. So, many might be wondering how they can have...

Gay man opens up on why gays in Ghana hide their sexuality

A Ghanaian homosexual, Alex Kofi Donkor, says there are a number of his colleagues in Ghana but the hate in society has made it...

Love will find a way, always

On the 15th of march after the president’s address to the nation, I turned to my husband and asked, “Now what next?” There was...

Finally, you have time to do all the sex stuff you usually don’t have time for

If I had to guess, I’d say your pre-social distancing weekday sex probably looked something like this: non-existent. Sure, you may have made time for the...

7 signs that say you married the wrong person

In the beginning, it’s all hearts and roses and one is so immersed in the romance, he or she forgets that there is much...

Are you getting married? 5 secrets you should never keep from your would-be spouse

Love, relationships and marriage are all built on trust.Unfortunately, a lot of people underestimate the importance of trust and thereby hardly pays...

A drunk mind can’t keep secrets

We found each other at a church program. I found her interesting to be with and she found me “attractive,” in her own words....

Lockdown and how it has revived sex life in my marriage

I didn’t know I was going to get married to my wife.Before her, I had dated about seven different women and each one of...