Dear society, 7 things I would like to tell you before I get married
Dear society, 7 things I would like to tell you before I get marriedThere are so many expectations surrounding marriage and I am not...
10 relationship quotes that would make you think about relationships differently
"A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other…Maybe temporarily, maybe at...
Do cheating partners ever change?
Is there any chance that a partner who once cheated will ever change?Anyone who has ever been cheated on will have no problem telling...
Why I removed my ring: Not all that glitters is gold
We were not in a good place financially when we got married. My husband was working as a fuel station attendant and I was...
Here’s how you can have a healthy fight with your partner to save your relationship
How to have a healthy fight with a partnerConflicts are a part of a relationship and they are even considered to be healthy for...
Whether you’re having sex or not, you should talk about it in your relationship
efusing to talk about sex means you are leaving your sexual satisfaction to chance.Now that you’re here, let’s talk about how communication about sex...
Why regular reassurance is important in relationships
Partners need to occasionally affirm to each other that if they could go back to do it again, they’d pick each other.Everyone needs reassurance....
5 strategic ways to deal with jealous colleagues
Most professionals must have come across colleagues who get easily jealous for some reason or none. Dealing with such colleagues every day at the...
How important is sexual compatibility in a relationship?
A relationship in which partners’ views on life’s issues are so divergent might soon find itself hitting the rocks.This is because any romance that...
Pay attention to these early problems in your relationship before they get worse
Pay attention to these early problems in your relationship before they get worseRelationships may seem bright and beautiful from the outside, but once you...
Do you find yourself emotionally unavailable in a relationship? These tips will help you fix it
Are you emotionally unavailable in a relationship?A relationship that has an emotionally unavailable partner doesn't go a long way. Being in love and being...
4 ways to get your girlfriend to break up with you
Guys, we get it. Sometimes girls really don’t read the room even when it’s very obvious. You’ve tried everything in you to break up...
‘My boyfriend’s leaving me because I stopped wearing make-up after I gave birth’
An exhausted new mum has revealed that her partner wants to end their relationship because she stopped making effort after the birth of their...
How do I deal when the man I love acts like he does not love me back?
Dear Bukky,I'm a 24-year-old-lady, with a confused mind. I met a guy through Instagram, And we've been together for like a month now but...
This is how to talk about sex with a new partner
How to finesse your way through this potentially-awkward conversation.Of course, the months or weeks leading to a new relationship and even the early stages...
Are you doubtful about your relationship? Here are 7 signs that you are with the right person
Signs that say you are with the right partnerRelationships have their own set of ups and downs. They are beautiful yet can break the...
There’s a way to tell when your partner is gaslighting you
You have undoubtedly heard the term “gaslighting,” a communication technique in which someone causes you to question your own version of past events. Whether...
3 things you should never do if you catch a partner cheating
How not to behave when you discover your partner's unfaithfulness.Unfaithful partners get discovered every now and then, but what next after that earth-shattering discovery?What...
Planning to tell your partner about your past love life? Here’s how you need to approach it
Here's how you need to talk about your past love lifeYou tend to date many people until you can settle down with 'the one'....
Signs that say your marriage will last long although you might not think so
6 signs of a strong and long-lasting marriageEveryone thrives for a happy marriage. A lifelong partnership with someone special, someone who appreciates them at...
Do you know about these fascinating marriage traditions from around the world?
Do you know about these fascinating marriage traditions from around the world?Weddings are the most beautiful events to watch, to be a part of,...
Are people willing to forgive unfaithful partners? Here’s what a survey finds
While many people continue to live life in shades of black and white, others are more welcoming of the greys.A recent survey reveals...
Here are 7 foods you need to eat for increased sexual stamina
Humans beings have searched for ways to improve their sexual experience for thousands of years, including trying to discover the best foods to improve...
People are willing to give their cheating partner a second chance, finds survey
This is the thing about trends—it keeps changing very fast. And when it's about the dating world, people's likes, dislikes and trends can change...
How to deal with attraction to other people without breaking your partner’s heart
A professional relationship therapist explains what you need do when you find yourself longing for someone who isn't your partner.Everyone knows, and it possibly...
Here are 7 relatable reasons why people remain in bad marriages
Explaining the logical, relatable reasons why bad marriages continue to 'thrive'.Every marriage has its own problems - from the little infrequent issues, to the...
5 ways to be romantic in a long distance relationship
If you really intend to make your long-distance work like magic, you can't afford to not take these rules seriously.Being in a long-distance relationship...
How to determine sexual compatibility without having sex
You don't have to indulge in premarital sex to determine sexual compatibility with your partner.Sex is something that many would rather leave till they...
Pastor’s son reveals how he slept with seven women in 6 months
A pastor's son has shared a chilling story of circumstances leading to why he slept with seven women in just a 6-month period.In a...
5 tips on how to balance your work and relationship
There are many individuals who find it hard to maintain their work and still have a healthy relationship with their partners. It is just...
These 3 things will give you good marriage – Kennedy Agyapong [Watch]
Assin Central Member of Parliament (MP), Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has advised women looking for a good marriage to do these three things.Mr Agyapong is...
How to handle rejection and get over the pain without self-harm
Yes, it hurts. A lot. Rejection in any form, be it from a lover or a friend, rejected from being part of a group...
5 most effective ways to keep your memory sharp
Here are some easy ways to do itWhether you are a student, working professional or senior citizens, sharp memory is important for all. Everyone...
Achievable couple goals to strengthen your relationship
Creating relationship goals together is a great way to connect and strengthen your bond with your partner. Doing so can take time, but it’s...
Casual sex: Harmless fun or harmful to the soul?
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused lockdowns across the world, cutting off opportunities for socializing with others.While hard data is not readily available, this lockdown likely led to a...
Some marriage advice that may have become outdated
What if marriage as we know it is no longer suitable for this age we live in? What if, at this stage of human...
My girlfriend wants me to impregnate her but she’s married to someone else
She wants me to impregnate her so she can transfer the responsibility to her husband. What should I do?Dear Bukky,Dear reader,I am dating a...
I said no to sex and he stopped loving me like he used to
He wants sex, I don't. Now the relationship is not as great as it used to be.Good evening! My boyfriend of 7 months now...
Here’s the problem with over-using words of endearment with people you are not dating
Just the other day I had to get some outsiders opinion on something and for this purpose, a friend links me up with one...
How to avoid break-ups
How to avoid break-ups during the lockdown?In light of the global pandemic, everyone and everything is falling apart. The challenges faced by people are...