

Five tangible benefits of being single

Time was when being single was considered failing in life – but society has changed and it’s now something to celebrate.Not only is singledom...

‘I fell in love and married a man with dwarfism’

Chloe Lusted and husband James are like any other newly married busy couple - they enjoy hanging out together and have recently bought a...

What every second wife needs to hear

The most romantic statement my husband Gabe ever made to me didn’t happen on our wedding day.  He didn’t declare it at the base...

The fundamental truth about relationships

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints from my coaching clients and friends about their partners. The summary? They’re finding fault — many...

9 types of women who are the reasons relationships are difficult

1 I call these ones “Resolution Women.” It’s their resolution for every new year to get married before the year ends. Usually, they are desperate....

4 important things to do if you want to retire early

Even with the nature of our society, retiring early is possible and achievable (especially if this has always been your lifelong goal), you only...

How to have better arguments with your partner

Surprisingly, almost the last thing we ever do when we’ve been very hurt is to say that we’ve been very hurt. *********************************Arguments in relationships are...

21 ejaculations per month can protect you from prostate cancer

During a discussion on this week's Ultimate Health some interesting statements  were made with regard to prostate health. The doctors on the panel stated...

5 things your wife secretly wishes you’d do more often

Do you ever wonder how you can make your wife happier? What are some things you can do to gain favor and add joy to your relationship?Wives...

Who orgasms most and least, and why

More and more studies are shedding light on the "orgasm gap," which refers to how men orgasm during sex more frequently than women.But why...

Just having sex: the key to a lasting relationship?

That’s true, according to some new research. But the full picture is more complicated, and the findings raise an obvious question: What enables and...

A letter to … my husband, who simply stopped loving me

I will never forget the beauty I saw when I first set eyes on you. I never tired of telling you how handsome you...

4 tips for dating after divorce

After going through a divorce, it can be strange and unsettling to re-enter the dating scene. Chances are it is very different from when...

8 signs you’re being lied to

How many people have you spoken with today? Chances are that most of them lied to you—and that they did it more than once....

People who go to university are more likely to have affairs

You’re more likely to have an affair if you’ve been to university, a new study claims.Extramarital dating site VictoriaMilan looked at the education levels...

3 toxic mistakes that can tear young married couples apart

Even strong relationships are susceptible to marriage mistakes, particularly if the marriage is relatively new, according to Pastor John Gray of Lakewood Church in...

The real reasons you’re attractive, according to science

Let’s be honest: Looks count. When you see that certain mix of eyes, cheekbones, hair, and je ne sais quoi from across the room,...

3 unmarried couples who live together get real about their expenses

While moving in with your significant other can often result in saving some cash, there are also other unique considerations to think about when...

Stop calling a boyfriend ‘My Guy’

One of the phrases I have come to dislike is “my guy”. Almost all the single ladies dating refer to their boyfriends as “my...

This is the age YOU will have the best orgasm of your life

Like a fine wine, it seems orgasms only get better with age. According to a new study the age women will have the best...

I dated my best friend and it only lasted two days

Falling in love with and then subsequently dating your best friend is obviously a well-worn rom-com trope, but can it ever actually work out...

If you’re sleeping with a married person, here’s how to end it

There’s plenty of advice out there focused on affair recovery and what married couples can do to rebuild trust after infidelity.There’s considerably less information available on...

8 little white lies that are ‘OK’ to tell your spouse

Honesty is the best policy . . . isn't it? Well sometimes, it makes sense to tell a little white lie here and there...

Here are 4 ways sex can kill you

According to several studies conducted by leading doctors, medical and experts deaths during consensual sex account for approximately 0.6% of all sudden deaths.Here are...

It’s a curse to wait for someone to divorce in order to marry you

Before anyone agrees to marry you, I am very sure they love you, see what a mess you can be, how moody you can...

The one sure way to get married

Jessica, an acquaintance, had unsolicited advice for me. When we bumped into each other on the street, she shared that she had recently become...

He broke up by text, so does she keep the $53,000 ring? – A judge’s shocking verdict

They met at a golf tournament in 2009. He was a New York restaurateur. She was a nail technician. Two years later, during a...

5 mistakes to avoid during your wedding night

The wedding night is a special occasion for every married couple.For many of us, the wedding night comes with it a lot of expectations...

What does a happy marriage really look like?

In 1997, a peculiar business deal went down.To keep the then-fledgling Apple Computers from becoming a figment of Silicon Valley’s past, an unlikely investor...

9 small things you do that people use to judge your personality

From the moment two people meet, they're sizing each other up, looking for signs of qualities like honesty, intelligence, and altruism.Whether it's a date...

Japanese princess to lose royal status by marrying commoner

A member of Japan's royal family, Princess Mako, is to surrender her royal status by marrying a commoner.The 25-year-old eldest granddaughter of Emperor Akihito...

Marriage advice from a divorced woman

I’m a woman, divorced after 7 years of marriage. Given my experience, there are some key concepts I learned in my journey as well. We...

Hot audio: Pastor advocates manhood inspection before marriage

A man of God is advocating premarital sex before marriage to end the incessant divorce cases in the country.According to Apostle Dr. Owusu Kwakye,...

Romantic Fraud: Has it happened to you?

Louise Gallagher of Calgary wasn’t even looking for a relationship. A 45-year-old partner in a corporate communications firm, she was a busy professional raising...

6 things not to do when your partner cheats

1. Don’t ignore the infidelityYou might be tempted to act as if nothing happened because it feels less painful, but if you do, any...

Why are we having less sex – Research

We live in one of the most sexually liberated times of human history. Access to new technologies over the past 40 years, whether it...

Man finds out wife has p3nis on their wedding night

A married man has been left in a dilemma after he found one his wife whom he dated for a year before marriage had...

7 Things everyone gets wrong about love

Want to find your soulmate? You need to know this.When it comes to love, most people have the true definition of love so wrong.Think about the lyrics to...

How my pastor ruined my marriage – Woman cries in court

A civil servant, Mrs Victoria Igbo, on Monday, told a Nyanya Customary Court, Abuja, that her pastor hurried her into marrying the wrong man.Victoria,...

65% of Ghanaian wives cheat – Counsellor

Sexotherapist Dr Larry Boateng has asserted that more than half (65 per cent) of married women in Ghana seek sexual pleasure outside marriage.He made...