

Top 5 Ghanaian destinations for wedding anniversary getaways

Marriage is a beautiful thing, the beginning of a new life, an adventure and one of life’s most amazing journeys. The anxiety and excitement...

10 subtle things you could do every day to be happier in your relationship

A lot of us have been taught that being happy in a relationship is something that just happens. We're told that falling in love...

How well should you know your partner before getting married?

It’s so romantic! You meet one night when you least expect. You’ve recently sworn off dating and tell yourself you’re content, no, wait, happy being...

10 sure signs you’re the toxic one in your friendship

Nobody wants to admit they’ve been a bad friend – especially if the person they’ve mistreated has been an exceptional pal throughout the entire...

'Every husband needs a girlfriend but not another woman' – marriage counsellor

Frank Adofoli, a marriage counselor, has explained why married men need to have a 'girlfriend'. According to him, all couples who intend to make their...

Man tries to date 6 women in one night, they become BFFs instead

Female friendships are a powerful thing, especially, as it turns out when they’re founded on shutting down a slimy dude. This week, Washington D.C.-based...

When sex hurts and what to do about it

They said there was nothing wrong with me. Gynecologists. Gastroenterologists. Even a lung specialist. They ran tests — CAT scans, X-ray’s, blood labs, you...

In a relationship with an entrepreneur? Here are 10 things you should never say

Entrepreneurs are a unique blend of risk-takers, mad scientists, hope addicts, inventors, and magicians. They can make incredible love partners if you know how...

The truth about why some people cheat

Too often, affairs are seen as the outcome of random horniness – or just plain old nastiness. That’s very rarely the case. When it comes...

What every woman needs to know about married men who cheat

I’ve written about my experience as “the mistress.” It was a much-read post that unleashed both an outpouring of emotional stories and unbridled fury...

Loving different brands can have a huge impact on your relationship

Do you like Coke while your partner prefers Pepsi? Beware, the difference in brand choices can affect our happiness in relationships more than shared...

Will my relationship last? 7 Ways couples can slowly become unhealthy over time

For better or worse, relationships change over time. Over the long term, things can erode slowly and a healthy relationship can be unhealthy without...

Why do people cheat? Relationship expert reveals warning signs your partner has strayed

Cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by any relationship. Though it can be extremely painful for all those involved, the situation isn’t often...

Ten (10) things you should never say to a woman

Many of us have been there. One minute you’re having a conversation, maybe a minor argument, but that’s OK; it’s all under control. Then...

How your relationship with your father affects who and how you date

Could your low expectations of men or your quick ability to praise them have more to do with your father than you thought?Believe it...

Healthy sex is about respect!

In a healthy relationship, both partners are able to express their feelings and respect each other’s boundaries about sex. You shouldn’t have to have sex to...

‘Love bombing’ is the newest dangerous dating trend

Have you started dating someone who has lavished you with attention and then things have quickly soured? Chances are you could have been a...

Gallup poll: More Americans than ever say polygamy is morally acceptable

The practice of polygamy, or having more than one spouse at the same time, is illegal in all 50 states. But the percentage of...

Being single beats being married, psychologist claims

Being single allows people to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life” and the idea of wedded bliss is largely a myth,...

Hold me tight

Love demands the reassurance of touch. Most fights are really protests over emotional disconnection. Underneath the distress, partners are desperate to know: Are you...

Psychologist explains why it's better being single than married

Being single allows people to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life” and the idea of wedded bliss is largely a myth,...

Husband's tribute to his 'curvy' wife sparks backlash

A husband's Instagram post about loving his wife's "curvy" size has sparked a backlash online about body image and feminism. American entrepreneur Robbie Tripp, who...

Ten health benefits of sex

Type "sexual health" into a search engine, and it is likely that you will be bombarded with pages of articles covering anything and everything,...

What teens really want to know about sex

Remember how weird it was to ask questions about sex as a teenager? High school teacher Al Vernacchio answers his students’ questions about everything...

Can you marry in silence?

Communication is very essential in every area or aspect of life. • Communication of babies to mothers This is the reason why God made it possible...

Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it

Psychologist Guy Winch shares some practical tips for soothing the sting of rejection. Rejections are the most common emotional wound we sustain in daily life....

Find someone who understands that love isn’t a fantasy land

What you need is a partner who gets it — who understands that it’s going to be tough and who’s prepared to dive in...

Relationship tips: should you loan him your cash?

At some point in your relationship, your partner will fall seriously broke and ask you for a loan. Should you give him the money...

How staying single could actually improve your health

Bella DePaulo is 63 years old and she's been single her entire life. “I never wanted to get married. Living single was my happily ever...

Feeling bored with your marriage? Here is how to change it

It was a Saturday afternoon 8 years ago. I was sitting on the couch staring at the TV while my husband was in the...

9 things to consider before leaving your relationship

The decision whether one should stay or leave is one of the most consequential and painful any of us ever has to make. On...

It's a marriage ceremony not a…

A lady approached me that she was really stressed about her upcoming marriage ceremony. She told me how she was under a lot of pressure...

Six negative thoughts that can destroy a relationship

When you’re married or in a long-term relationship, there are plenty of things best left unsaid. Negative thoughts can be just as harmful. Below, marriage therapists share six...

How long should sex last? Study reveals the average duration of a sex session

You'd be forgiven for thinking that we humans do nothing but talk about sex. But even when us amorous apes actually stop doing the jaw-jaw...

We don’t always end up with the love of our lives (and that’s okay)

I believe in big love because I’ve had it. I’ve had that massive love, that all-consuming love, that ‘I can’t believe this exists in the...

Why it’s OK to ask for relationship support

It isn’t always easy to ask for help, particularly with something as personal as your relationship. But trouble finds us all from time to...

Marriage requires due diligence

‘I thought I had met my soul mate, when I got married in August 2013. Nevertheless, I signed my final divorce documents, as granted...

8 ways men destroy their marriages

Marriage is a very hard thing to pull off. It’s like living on a prayer. You never know when things can turn dull and...

The 7 health benefits of having more sex

Want to look younger and live longer without having to go under the knife? Turns out there’s a way — and no, it doesn’t...

The secret to a happy marriage is not communication, experts say

It should go without saying that even happy couples fight. Still, with 40 to 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, the way you...