How to trust again after you’ve been cheated on
You have been betrayed and it hurts. You may be asking yourself, why did I not see it coming? Or you saw it coming...
What next after divorce?
One interesting thing about divorce is that it is leveler; victims cut across wide spectrum from the rich to the poor, young and old,...
15 things to do in bed that aren’t sex
1. Cuddle. This can be done pre-sex, post-sex, or even instead of sex. But never during sex. That’s dangerous.2. Binge-watch until you get bed...
16 Beautiful Signs A Man Truly Loves You
Recently I was driving with a close friend in the car and we were having love talk conversations. Out of heaven, she asked me...
16 Beautiful Signs A Man Truly Loves You
Recently I was driving with a close friend in the car and we were having love talk conversations. Out of heaven, she asked me...
How to keep your great big love alive, even after the honeymoon
That initial spark only lasts 12-18 months. Here's what to do after.Most people don’t put much thought into the fact that chemistry happens in...
My boyfriend’s father hates me after I turned down his sex overtures
My boyfriend and I have postponed our wedding for more than two times and on each occasion, my soon-to-be father-in-law was the cause.The once...
What’s the best way to tell your friend to dump their partner?
When a friend complains incessantly to you about their relationship, it can sometimes seem like they're just waiting for you to say, "Dump them!"While...
Men are ditching condoms in favor of dangerous alternative
From the pill to the coil and the implant, there are loads of options for women looking to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.But for guys,...
Women get bored of having sex with their partner after just one year – Study
Other passion-killers included poor mental and physical health or having recently had a sexually transmitted infection.For women, having had three or more partners in...
Why some women are addicted to abusive men
Your partner verbally and physically abuses you but you can’t find the courage to leave him.Open your eyes to your oppressed reality!He manipulates, controls,...
Women who do these 9 things never get played by men
The only way to find love is to date with an open heart. But I know what you've been through.You’re tired of investing time and energy in the...
Toxic relationship habits we mistake as healthy
1. Calling your partner your “everything”A friend of mine, after dating a girl for about six months, texted me and said, “She means everything...
What I learned from dating myself
I have a strong aversion to walking into places first.It’s true — if I’m out with family or friends, I’ll always try to be...
Men who put phones in their pocket destroy their sperm…
Despite all the fears about cell phones and radiation, most of us still put our phones in our jean pockets. It’s easy, convenient, and...
This one quality could be the secret to seducing someone
We are never as shy and gauche as we are when attempting to seduce someone we deeply like. The thought of someone this perfect...
Man falls off bridge, dies after jumping for joy when girlfriend said yes
A man died after he fell from a bridge while ‘jumping for joy’ after his girlfriend agreed to marry him.The 32-year-old unnamed man was...
This is the age men are most boring
The age at which men hit peak boring has been revealed.New ‘research’ demonstrates that men do not age gradually to become a Bond-like god...
5 amazing reasons why couples don’t have sex on their wedding night
Morning sex
Thank me later for this free advice. Early morning sex leaves you revitalized and happy all day. A daily dose of morning sex...
Reliable strategies for managing a loved one with anger issues
Anger is a normal part of daily life. We all get angry every now and then. It’s how you manage this emotion that can...
Relationship problems? Try getting more sleep
It started as a simple conversation about a child’s birthday party. But it quickly escalated into a full-blown marital rift. She accused him of...
6 ways to know if the guy you like is serious boyfriend material
As women, we come to a point in life, where we want to stop messing around and learn how to find true love.This may...
How my addiction to social media affected my mental health and my relationships
It sounds a little pathetic, I know – and I hate to use the word ‘addicted’, as though I found it almost impossible to...
5 tips for long distance relationships
The world is a huge place, and whether you believe in soul mates or not, it’s ridiculous to think that the love of your...
11 reasons why you really shouldn’t date a writer
Writers: They’re glamorous, mysterious, creative, passionate, fearless word warriors whose pens are mightier than any sword.And sometimes that’s true.More often, though, they’re more like...
Date someone who challenges you, even if they drive you nuts sometimes
It’s a simple principle, and yet so often overlooked or underestimated. Compatibility in a relationship isn’t just about being able to have a good...
Men abusing aphrodisiacs to satisfy women – Medical practitioner
Medical practitioner and chief executive officer for victory regenerative centre in Kumasi, Dr. Martin Asante has attributed the increasing use of aphrodisiac by most...
6 signs you’re in a band-aid relationship
It’s hard to admit, but in romantic relationships, sometimes we settle for what we’re familiar with rather than what we deserve.Call them Band-Aid relationships. It’s...
Why yawning is so contagious
You may well be yawning just reading this - it's contagious. Now researchers have looked at what happens in our brains to trigger that...
5 Signs you’re settling
Sometimes after a long stretch without being in a relationship, it’s tempting to start dating someone new just because you’re both available.You may be...
Heart attacks during sex are more likely to result in death- Study
Heart-stopping sex really could be the end of the affair.
New research shows men are four times as likely to die from a heart attack it if it occurs...
Confessions: My husband slept with my ‘corpse’ on our wedding night
It was the morning after my wedding night and there I was pacing up and down the balcony of our honeymoon suite. I could...
The words that ended my marriage
A marriage doesn’t fall apart overnight, but sometimes, looking back, you can pinpoint certain moments that irrevocably changed things for the worse.
It could be...
If he does these 7 things, he likes you way more than you think
Buying you flowers, paying for your dinner, making uninterrupted eye contact with you during said dinner — these are all classic signs that someone is...
Women reveal the specific movements that make them orgasm
A recent study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy examined the different types of clitoral stimulation women prefer.
The study was published in July...
These newlyweds are a reminder that you can’t put an age limit on love
In June, photos from 67-year-old Lucinda Myers and 70-year-old Murphy Wilson’s engagement shoot began going viral, reminding the internet that it’s never, ever too...
Intercourse isn't everything for most women – study
Many of us equate "sex" with "intercourse" and use those words interchangeably. Yet highly satisfying sex doesn't have to be limited to penetration --...
The words that ended my marriage
A marriage doesn’t fall apart overnight, but sometimes, looking back, you can pinpoint certain moments that irrevocably changed things for the worse.
It could be things that were...
The 10 best ways to end a relationship
Calling it a day on your relationship is always going to be tricky, and having ‘the conversation’ is something many of us will go...
What we can learn from Brad and Angelina about reconciling after a divorce filing
In what has become one of Hollywood’s most talked about divorces, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie-Pitt are again making headlines as rumors circulate that...