

Why the people we love the most can so easily hurt our feelings

How many times have you felt hurt or insulted or shocked by what a friend, partner, or family member has said or done to...

A marriage proposal is a dream for some, but for me, it was a nightmare

I was 20 years old, studying abroad in Florence, Italy, when I fell in love for the first time. We met while I was...

A marriage proposal is a dream for some, but for me, it was a nightmarec

I was 20 years old, studying abroad in Florence, Italy, when I fell in love for the first time. We met while I was...

Yes, it's totally ok to break up over the holidays

The holidays are full of joy, love, and laughter . . . until they aren't. While this time of year can be lovely, it...

Under the mistletoe: Tips for a happy sex life over the holidays

When the holiday cheer calls and office parties and family time are taking center stage, it's all too easy to put your sex life...

My parents disowned me for marrying a man who couldn’t pay my bride price

I was twenty-four years when Charles and his family came home to see my parent and asked for my hand in marriage. I’d dated Charles...

5 signs a lady wants to sleep with you when she comes visiting

Guys are not only guilty about this, sometimes ladies really feel the urge to be alone and get down with someone they have a...

G-strings trigger vaginal infections

Women, especially the youth who are in the habit of wearing skimpy underwears known as G-strings or thongs excessively, are at risk of contracting...

5 ways you can accidentally become someone’s boyfriend

There’s a scary moment in every relationship when things starts to get serious and you’re not mentally prepared for the next level. Here is the...

7 reasons you’re attracted to jerks

Your parents taught you not to call people names, like “jerk.” But let’s be honest, some people have earned this label for good reason. If...

'No sex before marriage' destroyed me

I met him in church one Sunday morning. He sat next to me and I couldn’t help it but recognize the kind of gentleman...

'My rapist is now a deputy minister

At the launch of her new novel, Jackie Phamotse has spoken out about being gang-raped by five men when she was 17, one a...

Are muscular and ‘6-packs’ guys better in bed?

There’s no doubt that ladies swoon over guys with muscles and 6 packs, who look athletic. Such characteristics have been used as a tool...

10 major perks of getting married really young

Young wife, happy life? I never imagined I'd be the "type" of girl that would be getting married young. And if that sounds judgmental and...

11 men share the moment they knew it was true love

Even though it seems like it should be natural and easy, sometimes trying to pinpoint how you know when you're in true love can...

Sexsomnia: My boyfriend raped his ex 'in his sleep'

Everyone knows about sleeping people who get up and go for a walk, but far less is heard about the rare cases of men...

6 reasons why many newlyweds are broke

Welcome to today’s world, where ‘’save the dates’’ are constant on our social media timelines.  A world where Instagram and Facebook popularity matters more...

Why your prayers aren't 'working'

I wish I could say that my prayer life is one defined by consistent authenticity and audacious faith. But if I’m being honest … Prayer is...

How to fix a terrible kisser

While on the road from savvy singledom to happily hooked up, chances are good that, at one time or another, you’ll find yourself in...

Six reasons why many newlyweds are broke

Welcome to today’s world, where ‘’save the dates’’ are constant on our social media timelines. A world where instagram and facebook popularity matters more than...

How to plan a wedding in six weeks

The wedding of: Daniela Lazo-Cedré and Alfred Matérn, plus 50 guests. Where:The Gramercy Park Hotel. Why six weeks: “We didn’t want to linger and drive ourselves crazy with...

What Not To Do At Your Office's Christmas Party

The work Christmas party is notorious for people getting a little too excited and letting more than their hair down. While some of things...

6 ways to fight for purity in a hyper-sexualized world

Your stomach balls up, clenched by shame and regret. You never thought you would get to this point … Your mind races back to the...

The most common ways women mess up otherwise good relationships

As a relationship coach, I'm on the front lines every day hearing all the latest and most common ways that otherwise good people mess...

Can men and women be friends without having any motives?

Can a man and woman just be friends? This is a question which elicits a lot of debate when it is brought up. To some,...

Can you spot the mom? 40-year-old mother looks as young as her teen daughters

Photos of 40-year-old Kiyenia Booker and her two teenage daughters have recently went viral on social media, because people just can’t tell which one’s...

Being single is harder on men than it is on women

Being single can be a drag, but according to a new study by the British research firm Mintel, some of us are better at it...

7 things you probably failed to do in 2017

Almost everyone in this world begins January 1, with certain goals that he or she wants to achieve within the year. However, due to a...

If you answer 'Yes' to any of these questions, you're settling in your relationship

You're worthy of a great relationship. In theory, we understand that people are who they are and we can not change them. However, in practice,...

How to survive cheating in a relationship

"If you Google me, one of the first things that comes up is a Cosmo headline that's like, 'Why I Cheated on My Husband,'"...

Therapists tell couples to ignore this common marriage advice

Word to the wise (or couples who want to stay married): Just because certain relationship advice is popular doesn’t mean it’s worth applying to...

6 sneaky ways your phone is ruining your relationship

It's no question that smartphones can inadvertently cause conflicts in a relationship. Most people (me) have gotten mad at a text that was sent too...

8 mistakes women make with men

We Fall In Love With Potential I cannot possibly be the only one who has made this mistake. Often times we know this person isn’t...

My partner has been leading a secret sex life

He has confessed to going to sex parties to meet other partners. Am I nuts to stay with him? Annalisa Barbieri advises a reader. My...

How to get her to dump you in 6 steps

Your relationship has run its course and you are ready to go your separate ways. But as much as you’d like to make a...

Is your relationship a game of tug of war?

You know that feeling when your head is spinning around and around on a merry-go-round. All you want is for your relationship to be...

20 people married for 20+ years share how they keep things hot in the bedroom

When you first got together, sex might have been hot, heavy, and frequent. But after being married for a while? Probably not so much....

3 toxic mistakes that can tear young married couples apart

Even strong relationships are susceptible to marriage mistakes, particularly if the marriage is relatively new, according to a counselor. Pastor John often counsels couples and...

How to talk about lack of sex in a relationship

Physical intimacy is an important part of a relationship. But if you and your partner are not having sex for whatever reason, you may...

Women are happier being single than men because relationships are hard work

Women are happier being single than men are because being in a relationship is harder work for women, new research suggests. According to a study...