

Ways to talk to your children about sex

Like 99% of the population, your sex education probably consisted of an awkward biology teacher showing you how to put a condom on a...

Children born in september are smarter, study finds

Being one of the older ones in the year group gives children an advantage in school, a new US study published in the National...

‘A child who reads becomes an adult who thinks’ – Parents told

Educationist, Mrs Ewura-Abena Ahwoi, has called on parents to introduce inter-generational reading in homes to inculcate reading habits among children. She said: “In the olden...

Birth control proposals needless – Lecturer

There is no need to limit the number of children couples should have, Associate Professor with the Regional Institute of Population Studies (RIPS) of...

Alarm as 'modern life' sees average sperm count halve since the 1970s

Men’s sperm counts have fallen by almost 60 per cent since the 1970s, according to major research which warns that modern life may be...

How to stay mindful when kids are fighting

“It’s summer, and for many parents, that means the kids are home more than usual. Siblings can love each other fiercely and yet also...

After a parent is gone, how to let go of sentimental things

My mother died in 2009. She lived a thousand miles away, and it was my responsibility to vacate her apartment in Florida. It was...

Family of three adopts seven siblings

A family of three in Georgia became a family of 10 when they adopted seven siblings who spent nearly their entire lives in foster...

When Mother’s Day hurts: Life after pregnancy loss

I sat up on the exam table, my husband next to me. Our doctor turned her back on us and asked for the date...

How to awaken joy in kids