

4 tips for staying motivated to learn a language

When it comes to language learning, it’s more...

What women want after sex

5 breakfast mistakes to avoid to get a flat tummy

Breakfast, being the most important meal of the...

Natural tips to prevent hair loss

Can’t afford expensive hair fall treatment but worried...

Which countries eat the most meat?

You may have heard an increasing number of...

7 dangerous brain damaging habits to stop immediately

Sure, we all want to shut off our...

10 easy skin secrets dermatologists don’t want you to know

Good skin is the basis for a beautiful...

Foods you should never eat after age 30

Unhealthy food is unhealthy at any age, but...

You don’t have to go no-carb; instead, think slow carb

It’s trendy to go low-carb these days, even...

Freed inmate names twins after Journalist

A pregnant sanitation worker freed from the Kumasi...

How often should you weigh yourself?