Lifestyle – Your comprehensive news portal Thu, 02 Jan 2025 10:02:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle – 32 32 Six facts to help avoid a hangover Thu, 02 Jan 2025 10:02:36 +0000

From red wine headaches to mixing drinks, here’s what to know about hangovers ahead of New Year’s Day.

Bouts of amnesia, throbbing headaches, extreme lethargy and nausea that’s cruelly combined with overwhelming hunger – when you list them out, the symptoms could describe a terrible new medical condition. But of course, this is just a classic hangover.

After a night of consuming humanity’s favourite toxin, as dawn breaks across the globe on New Year’s Day, millions of people will awake with a groan and a feeling of nagging curiosity about exactly what they got up to the night before.

To help others through this annual alcohol-induced reckoning, we have nobly curated some key findings about hangovers, from the folk wisdom that’s genuinely backed by scientific evidence to the surprising power of expectation.

Red wine headaches are real

Red wine has a bad reputation when it comes to one particularly annoying symptom some people experience after drinking: headaches. Even the Romans were compelled to queasily list the bad effects of a red wine headache more than 2,000 years ago.

The active, ouch-inducing ingredient has long thought to be compounds such as sulphites – but white wine contains just as many of them, and there’s some evidence that it doesn’t cause headaches to the same degree.

The culprit may in fact be a compound called quercetin, found in abundance in the skin of red grapes, according to recent research by scientists at the University of California, Davis. It’s thought that quercetin disrupts the normal processing of alcohol in certain people.

Getty Images Contrary to popular belief, mixing drinks does not make you any drunker – what matters is the total amount you have consumed (Credit: Getty Images)
Getty Images Contrary to popular belief, mixing drinks does not make you any drunker – what matters is the total amount you have consumed (Credit: Getty Images)

The ethanol in alcohol is normally converted to acetaldehyde in the body, which the enzyme ALDH coverts to acetate. It’s not always the type of alcohol to blame, sometimes it’s down to individual differences in the way our bodies metabolise alcohol. Some people have enzymes that don’t process this as efficiently, and the levels of noxious acetaldehyde build up, causing those famous red wine headaches.

…but red wine might have some upsides 

The belief that the occasional tipple of red wine could be good for us goes back to the 1970s, when research showed that French people were less likely to have heart disease than other populations, despite their high intake of saturated fat. Known as “the French paradox“, it’s still puzzling researchers today.

Afterwards, researchers believed it was actually less healthy to abstain completely from alcohol than it was to drink moderately. But now it’s thought that data may be flawed – biased by the fact that some people may abstain from alcohol because of other health issues.

Further research has tried to find out if alcohol really is a silver bullet against heart disease. A study in China showed that the more people drink, the more likely they are to suffer from high blood pressure and risk having a stroke. But there is a silver lining too: while the risk of strokes goes up, heart attacks apparently don’t. Something in alcohol may make protect us from them. Worth, perhaps, mulling over, if not over a mulled wine.

Expectation can get you drunk with less

How people react to alcohol can be unexpected. Some people tend to become wild, an unfortunate minority become sad, and others are chatty – some are even inclined to turn a little obnoxious. As the author David Robson explains in his book The Expectation Effect, the effects of alcohol are not purely chemical – in fact, powerful social expectations can shape the way we respond when we drink.

In one famous experiment, researchers gave volunteers drinks that they said had a lot, a little or no alcohol, then introduced them to a “participant” planted to be deliberately rude – and asked them to season a dish with hot sauce and salt for them to eat. Those who believed they had drunk the most alcohol served dishes spiked with significantly more hot sauce.

However, expectations could also be harnessed for good – such as to reduce the severity of drinking, and consequently (hopefully) the hangover. In another study, people who were told they had drunk vodka mixed with the energy drink Red Bull felt more drunk than those who were informed they had been given a “vodka cocktail”, or “exotic fruits cocktail”. Those with the belief that mixing alcohol with energy drinks can get you more drunk experienced the biggest increase in drunkenness. It could be one way to have some intoxicating fun while keeping the actual amount you drink to a minimum.

Acetaldehyde: a chemical that might make us feel terrible

In 2023, 173 million adults aged 18 and older in the US alone consumed the precursor to a potent carcinogen: alcohol. When alcohol is metabolised by the liver, the first step is to turn it into acetaldehyde – a chemical capable of causing permanent damage to the body’s DNA. This carcinogen is thought to be one of the primary causes of alcohol-related cancer – but there’s also evidence that it might be at least partly to blame for some of the symptoms of a hangover.

The myths of mixing drinks

According to popular wisdom, not all alcoholic drinks are created equal – at least in terms of the severity of the hangover they cause. And there are certainly some differences in the substances that alcohol beverages contain which can influence a hangover.

Chief among them is alcohol itself, which has a diuretic effect that can leave you dehydrated if you don’t drink enough water alongside your booze. We also know that heavy drinking can result in poor quality sleep and leaves us less likely to get the rapid eye movement (REM) shut-eye we need to feel fresh in the morning.

And the higher the alcohol content of a drink, the easier it is to drink more of it in a short space of time, especially if you are having cocktails that mask the taste with flavoursome mixers.

Our bodies usually can usually break ethanol down into acetaldehyde quite quickly, before it is further converted into acetic acid. People who have a genetic variation that means they can’t break it down, and so have elevated levels in their blood after drinking, tend to suffer more severe hangovers.

Getty Images Expectation can make us feel more drunk than we really are (Credit: Getty Images)
Getty Images Expectation can make us feel more drunk than we really are (Credit: Getty Images)

There are other substances lurking in your favourite tipple that can also contribute to how rough you feel the next morning. And they help to explain why certain beverages can leave some of us feeling worse than others.

Chief among these are chemicals the beverage industry calls congeners, which are produced during the fermentation process. These include substances such as acetone, fusel oil and tannins, which give darker drinks such as whiskey and red wine their colour and astringent taste.

Bourbon whiskey, for example, contains 37 times more congeners than vodka. Studies have shown that people who have a big night on bourbon tend to feel a more severe hangover the next day than those who drink vodka. However, it is worth noting that the effects of congeners on a hangover are outweighed by those of the volume of alcohol itself.

One randomised controlled trial has even examined two popular drinkers’ adages – “beer before wine and you’ll feel fine; wine before beer and you’ll feel queer”, and “grape or grain but never the twain”. It found that mixing the two in any order didn’t seem to affect the intensity of a hangover. Again, it was the level of intoxication that was the most reliable predictor of hangover severity. And if you are mixing drinks, it is perhaps more likely you are already drinking more.

So while moderating the total amount of alcohol you drink will be most effective at avoiding that hangover, it might be best to lay off the dark stuff if you are having a few.

Don’t rely too much on hangover cures

There are no shortage of alleged quick fixes to get rid of a hangover. In ancient Egypt, for example, people were advised to wear a necklace made from the leaves of a shrub called Alexandrian chamaedaphne, while the ancient Romans suggested eating fried canary.

Others swear by a plate of greasy food after a night out or a hideous concoction known as a Prairie Oyster – a mixture of raw eggs, tomato juice and hot sauce. But in truth, hangovers are generally not caused by a nutritional deficiency.

One review of randomised controlled trials examined eight different purported hangover cures, including extracts from borage, artichoke treatments, yeast extract, prickly pear and fruit juices, along with several drugs. None showed any ability to alter the course of a hangover. Tests on other cures have also had mixed results, with some helping with a few of the symptoms, such as tiredness and nausea, but none were able to address all of the symptoms relating to a hangover. Korean pear juice, for example, seemed to work in people who have a genotype that already leaves them less prone to severe hangovers.

Getty Images Discussing the unpleasant side effects of alcohol with friends can help us to consume less (Credit: Getty Images)
Getty Images Discussing the unpleasant side effects of alcohol with friends can help us to consume less (Credit: Getty Images)

It is often suggested that eggs can help with a hangover due to being rich in an amino acid called cysteine, which can bind to acetaldehyde and neutralise some of its effects. But as the role of acetaldehyde itself in hangovers is questionable, the benefits might not be that great. Indeed, one study that gave participants a cysteine supplement found there was little improvement in their hangover scores (although it did find women benefitted more than men, intriguingly).

In many cases, however, the quality of the research in this area itself is poor, meaning drawing firm conclusions is difficult. Relying upon people’s self-reported experience of a hangover can be confounded by other factors, and asking them to draw comparisons with previous hangovers is prone to bias. It’s perhaps best not to place too much hope in some quick fixes the day after.

Conversations with friends can influence how much we drink

Our decision to drink more during social occasions is often driven by the behaviour of our friends and family. Our brain is constantly picking up on cues from other people to inform the way we act.

“Anything our friends do influences us in ways that we are conscious of or not. Their presence can decide whether we act on that health information or ignore it,” says Christin Scholz, assistant professor in persuasive communication at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

In a 2019 study, Scholz asked students in the US whether they had spoken to anyone about their recent experiences involving alcohol, and whether those conversations were positive or negative. They drank more alcohol the next day if they had a positive conversation, while sharing negative drinking experiences with their peers led them to drink less alcohol in future.

“Say I have a conversation with a friend the day before about some of the negative sides of alcohol but the next day I am in a bar with other people – I would still argue that conversation has some form of influence on me,” says Scholz.

Ashanti region confirms 5 cholera cases Tue, 31 Dec 2024 09:20:52 +0000 The Ashanti region has for the first time recorded five confirmed cholera cases in three districts.

The Sekyere South district has the highest number of cholera cases with three confirmed cases, while Kumasi and Bekwai have recorded one case each as of December 28, 2024.

Out of a total of 28 cumulative suspected cases, five returned positive during laboratory tests.

The Ashanti region joins the Western, Greater Accra, and Central regions, which have all recorded fatal cholera cases in recent times.

Health authorities until now remained on high alert following outbreaks in these regions, which they say share so many things in common with the Ashanti region.

The situation has put the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate on its toes as the directorate summoned all stakeholders to a Public Health Emergency Operations Centre meeting to address the situation.

Among participating stakeholders were the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), environmental officers at both regional and district levels, water and sanitation, and all district, municipal, and metropolitan health directors.

Regional teams were assigned to support district teams to continue active surveillance and implement recommended actions while regional and district public health emergency committees in all affected districts have been activated.

But the Regional Health Directorate has allayed the fear of residents after the directorate disinfected households of all cases, isolated cases, and traced and confined all contacts as part of measures to reduce further spread.

After initial assessment in all affected communities, including Bekwai and Sekyere South Districts, it came out that all confirmed cases reside in confined areas and do not use public washrooms.

Authorities of the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate, led by Dr. Fred Adomako-Boateng, are strengthening sensitisation and training regimes for all healthcare workers on case definition, case findings, and contact tracing.

The directorate has also activated surveillance and case search in affected districts.

Meanwhile, all five confirmed cases have recovered with all cases having recovered with the last patient being discharged on December 24, 2024.

Cholera cases were first reported this year in the Western Region where out of over 100 cases, some 15 people have been confirmed dead.


Former Health Director advocates for conducive environment for health workers Mon, 30 Dec 2024 11:02:11 +0000 A former Upper East Regional Director of Health Services, Dr Williams Koku Awoonor, has called on government to establish a more conducive environment for healthcare workers considering postings to rural areas.

With years of experience in the medical field, Dr Woonor understands the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in underserved regions and believes that targeted incentives and opportunities are crucial for attracting talent to the areas.

He noted that, while urban centres often attract a wealth of medical professionals, rural areas struggle to retain qualified staff, as this imbalance not only affects the quality of care but also exacerbates health inequalities among populations in rural areas.

Dr AWoonor highlighted that many healthcare workers are refusing to accept postings in rural areas due to concerns about inadequate facilities, lack of resources, and limited professional development opportunities.

He argues that by addressing these issues, the government can significantly improve the distribution of healthcare services across the country.

Additionally, Dr Awunoor stressed the importance of offering competitive incentives for healthcare workers.

The former director of health made the call when NKwanta District Old Staff Association honoured him for selfless dedication towards improving health care delivery.

Dr Awoonor, who accepted posting to the Nkwanta Clinic in 1990, at a time his colleagues had refused, transformed the Clinic into a fully-fledged hospital (Medical Village) which is now the Nkwanta South Municipal Hospital.

The 122-bed hospital is now the Centre for Primary Healthcare serving other region and neighboring country Togo.

The retired medical director arrival in the Nkwanta was the eradication of the Guinea worm pandemic and high maternal mortality which was prevalent in the area.

Through hard work together with his scanty staff were able to eradicate the Guinea worm plague and also started the Community Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compounds by establishing 16 of them in the various communities.

He advised the youth to be ready so that any where they are sent to since 60 per cent of the population are in the rural areas and someone must be there to serve them.


What happens when you urinate while showering? Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:16:20 +0000 You can’t deny that you have passed urine while taking your bath before. Or can you?
Urinating in the shower is a common habit for many people, often done out of convenience or simply because it’s easier than stepping out of the shower.
While it may seem harmless, there are several factors to consider regarding health, hygiene, and the environment.

Urine and Hygiene
Though urine is often considered sterile when it leaves the body, it’s not completely free of bacteria. In a healthy person, the bacterial load is typically low, but if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or another infection, your urine may contain more bacteria.

Additionally, as urine exits the body, it can pick up bacteria from the urethra. If urine comes into contact with open wounds or cuts, it can potentially delay healing or increase the risk of infection.People with UTIs or skin conditions should be cautious when urinating in the shower to avoid irritation or infection.

Pelvic Floor Health
Standing to urinate in the shower may affect your pelvic floor muscles. This position can prevent the bladder from fully relaxing, which can weaken the pelvic floor over time.

A weakened pelvic floor may lead to issues such as urinary incontinence or leakage. For individuals at risk or experiencing pelvic floor problems, it’s advisable to avoid standing while urinating, as it could exacerbate these issues.
Skin Conditions
Shaving or exfoliating your skin can create tiny micro-tears, making it easier for bacteria to enter. If urine comes into contact with these freshly shaved or exfoliated areas, it could increase the risk of infection.

Those with sensitive skin should be particularly cautious, ensuring they thoroughly rinse the area after urinating to minimise any irritation.
Environmental Benefits
On a positive note, urinating in the shower can help conserve water. A single toilet flush uses several litres of water, so by urinating while showering, you can save water and reduce your environmental impact. Additionally, it reduces toilet paper waste, further benefiting the environment.

While urinating in the shower is generally safe if done responsibly, it’s important to consider hygiene, pelvic floor health, and skin conditions to ensure it’s done safely.
35 dead as cholera outbreak spreads across five regions Wed, 25 Dec 2024 11:04:38 +0000

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has confirmed 35 deaths from the cholera outbreak and 4,155 suspected across five regions nationwide.

The Western Region according to GHS has been the most affected, recording 17 deaths, with the majority occurring within 24 hours of hospital admission.

This was contained in a statement dated December 24, 2024, and signed by GHS Director-General Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye.

The statement explained that, the outbreak initially spread from the Greater Accra Region to the Central, Eastern, Western, and Ashanti Regions.

However, there are now no active cases in the Eastern Region while most districts in the other regions have also reported no new cases in the past week.

GHS has acknowledged the efforts of health workers, local authorities, and other stakeholders in addressing the outbreak and assured the public that all necessary steps are being taken to bring the situation under control.

The statement highlighted an oral cholera vaccination campaign conducted from November 30 to December 19, 2024, in hotspot areas such as Awutu Senya East and Sekondi-Takoradi.

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Of the 792,482 eligible people, 662,906 were vaccinated. Awutu Senya East has not recorded any new cases since the campaign while continuous measures are underway to curb the spread.

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Nigeria activates emergency response as Lassa fever kills 190 this year Tue, 24 Dec 2024 08:25:05 +0000 Nigeria has launched an emergency response centre after recording 190 deaths from Lassa fever, a viral haemorrhagic illness, the country’s disease control agency said on Monday.

The disease, mainly transmitted to humans via contact with food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or excrement, has infected 1,154 people in six Nigerian states.

Jide Idris, head of the Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC), said the agency’s risk assessment has categorized it as high, prompting the activation of the emergency Operations Centre to manage the outbreak.

“While the disease occurs throughout the year, peak transmission typically happens between October and May, coinciding with the dry season when human exposure to rodents increases,” he said at a press briefing in Abuja.

The centre will ensure seamless coordination of the control and management of the outbreak.

Symptoms of the virus – which can also be passed between people through bodily fluids of those infected – include fever, headaches and, in the most severe cases, death.

The World Health Organization classifies Lassa fever as a priority disease due to its epidemic potential and lack of approved vaccines.


Honda and Nissan join forces to challenge Chinese EV market Tue, 24 Dec 2024 02:30:40 +0000

Honda and Nissan plan to merge as the two Japanese firms seek to fight back against competition from the Chinese car industry.

Joining forces would create one of the world’s biggest car producers alongside Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford.

The potential multibillion dollar deal to combat “the rise of Chinese power” was a key driver behind the plan, said Honda’s chief executive Toshihiro Mibe.

Mr Mibe said a plan to “fight back” needs to be in place by 2030, or they risk being “beaten” by rivals.

The merger, which would include Mitsubishi – of which Nissan is the biggest shareholder – would allow all three companies to share resources against other electric vehicle competitors such as Tesla.

The growing electric car market has been increasingly dominated by Chinese-made electric vehicles, including BYD, which have posed a threat to some of the world’s best known car firms.

“There is a rise of Chinese power and emerging forces and the structure of the automobile industry is changing,” Mr Mibe told reporters at a press conference announcing the merger talks.

Growing competition in China has left many carmakers struggling to compete, as lower labour and manufacturing costs make local firms more nimble and able to price their goods lower than foreign counterparts, making them far more attractive to buyers.

It has led to China becoming the world’s biggest producer of electric vehicles.

In October, EU officials said the Chinese state was unfairly subsidising its EV makers and announced big taxes on imports of EVs from China to the EU, after the majority of member states backed the plans. The tariffs are set to rise from 10% to 45% for the next five years, but there are concerns it could raise EV prices higher for buyers.

‘Capabilities to fight’

The total sales of Nissan and Honda is more than $191bn (£152bn), said Nissan’s chief executive, Makoto Uchida.

In March, the two Japanese car makers agreed to explore a strategic partnership for electric vehicles (EVs).

“The talks started because we believe that we must build up capabilities to fight them, including the current emerging forces, by 2030. Otherwise we will be beaten”, said Mr Mibe.

He added that the deal was not a bailout of Nissan, which has been struggling with falling sales.

In November, Nissan said it will cut around 9,000 jobs as it slashes global production to tackle a drop in sales in China and the US. The cuts mean its global production will be reduced by a fifth.

Nissan, once a symbol of Japan’s car making strength, has spent the past few years trying to regain its footing after the arrest of longtime chief executive Carlos Ghosn.

Mr Ghosn faced charges of financial misconduct when he fled Japan in 2019, and is currently the subject of an Interpol Red Notice, which is a request to law enforcement worldwide to find and arrest a person.

Mr Ghosn, currently in Lebanon, told reporters in December that Nissan’s merger plans were an act of panic and desperation.

Mr Mibe said that any merger would be dependent on the turnaround of Nissan.

Honda and Nissan agreed in March to cooperate in their EV businesses, and in August deepened their ties, agreeing to work together on batteries and other technology.

However, any deal is likely to come under intense political scrutiny in Japan as it may result in job cuts, whilst Nissan is likely to unwind its alliance with French auto firm Renault.

Physician Specialist shares useful tips for diabetic patients Sun, 22 Dec 2024 12:10:24 +0000 Commander Dr. Diane Afeng-Nkansah, a Senior Family Physician Specialist and Diabetologist at the 37 Military Hospital, has shared useful tips for diabetic patients.

She urged for prioritization of fiber-rich foods to enhance blood sugar control, manage weight, and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes.

Speaking during a free medical screening event organized by Barima Gyensi Koree, the Chief of Akyem Kyebi-Ahwenease in the Eastern Region, Dr. Afeng-Nkansah highlighted the benefits of consuming avocados, legumes, cereals, fruits, and vegetables.

She noted that such foods help regulate glucose levels and lower the rate of diabetes in the country.

The medical screening, attended by over 1,500 residents, included tests for blood pressure, malaria, hepatitis B, blood sugar, eye health, dental care, physiotherapy, and massage.

Barima Gyensi Koree explained the motivation behind the initiative, emphasizing the importance of accessible healthcare for all.

He advised residents to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and seek medical attention to address health concerns promptly.

Agenda 111: Akufo-Addo commissioned empty buildings – Mintah Akandoh Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:00:44 +0000 Juaboso Member of Parliament (MP) Kwabena Mintah Akandoh has accused President Nana Akufo-Addo of commissioning empty buildings under the Agenda 111 project.

According to him, these buildings cannot be considered as hospitals if they lack essential medical resources to ensure healthcare delivery.

President Akufo-Addo on December 5, 2024, commissioned the Atwima Kwanwoma Municipal Hospital at Trede and the Oforikrom Municipal Hospital in the Ashanti Region under the Agenda 111 project.

Ahead of the commissioning, the Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare announced there was a complete 100-bed hospital with an accident and emergency centre, with a neonatal unit and paediatric unit.

Additionally, he mentioned a maternity home, kitchen, mortuary, OPD, pharmacy, X-ray, and a laboratory, touting it as a complete hospital.

However, the Ranking Member Parliament Health Committee on Asempa FM Ekosii Sen programme indicated that, the hospitals are incomplete and not operational.

“The three they commissioned is even empty. There is nothing inside. Can anybody seek medical treatment there? A hospital is not a shrine to be worshipped but for people to seek treatment.

“If we have veronica buckets and thermometers in a hospital, it doesn’t mean all that is what is required for a hospital to be operational,” he stated.

Mr Akandoh noted that, the Mahama Transition Team in the coming days will update Ghanaians on the state of the health facilities.

He further claimed that, there is no dedicated funding to ensure continuity of the projects by the next government.


‘I Just Saw Jesus’ book extends 40-Year legacy of media ministry Fri, 20 Dec 2024 16:51:29 +0000 Forty years after the release of the original JESUS film, Jesus Film Project®is releasing an updated edition of founder Paul Eshleman’s book, I Just Saw Jesus.

The new edition features a heartfelt foreword written by Eshleman’s daughter, Jenn Huff, as well as refreshed cover art. The book was officially released in October 2024.

Originally published in 1985, I Just Saw Jesus chronicles Eshleman’s journey to create the JESUS film, the most translated and viewed film in history.

Translated into more than 2,100 languages and counting, the film has been a significant resource in spreading the gospel to millions across the globe.

The release of this updated edition comes at a critical juncture as Jesus Film Project reimagines the 1979 film for today’s generation.

In her foreword to the new edition of I Just Saw Jesus, Huff reflects on her father’s vision and passion for the project. She writes, ”The JESUS film, meticulously crafted to depict the life of Jesus with unprecedented accuracy, stood as a beacon of attention to detail. Behind the scenes, my father’s equally meticulous storytelling mirrored the attention that was paid to every aspect of the film’s creation.” She added, “I Just Saw Jesus is not just a book; it is a testament to the miraculous change Jesus makes in people’s lives.”

Paul Eshleman’s work on the JESUS film was inspired by the mission to share the gospel message in every corner of the world.I Just Saw Jesus tells the stories of the faithful volunteer film teams, missionaries and pastors who ventured into remote tribes to show the JESUS film.

They carried generators and projectors across jungles, stood before influential leaders, and overcame threats, curses and deadly diseases – all to share the story of Jesus in the heart language of those who might not otherwise hear the gospel.

This new edition of I Just Saw Jesus is a tribute to Paul Eshleman’s legacy. It marks a new chapter in the ongoing mission to innovate and reach people with today’s tools, ensuring that the gospel remains accessible to new generations.

Purchase I Just Saw Jesus on Amazon or the Cru store, and join the ongoing conversation about how media can inspire the next generation.

About Jesus Film Project

The Jesus Film Project is passionate about sharing Jesus with the world because they believe everyone, everywhere should have access to His life-changing love and forgiveness. That’s why, by God’s grace and through the help of their partners, their Christian films are available in over 2,000 different languages. They are designed to break language and literacy barriers so anyone can watch—no matter where they are in the world.
They have placed their sights on reaching everyone, everywhere, with a special focus on the areas of the world that have the least access to the Gospel. And as the world changes, they innovate, adapt, and use new technologies to reach it with the story of Jesus.

About the JESUSfilm

JESUSis a new, animated family film about the life of Jesus designed to reach families, new generations, and people of all ages with the story of Jesus. Anchored in the Christian Gospels, the film re-imagines the 1979 JESUS film, using much of its dialogue in a refreshed script. The new film will eventually be in 2,000+ heart languages!

JESUSbuilds on the global impact of the original JESUS film and more than 40 years of Bible translation work, language production, and strong relationships with ministry partners – helping to reach everyone, everywhere.

Minority demands urgent action on cholera outbreak Fri, 20 Dec 2024 13:30:09 +0000 The Ranking Member on Parliament’s Health Committee, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, has criticized the government for its inadequate response to the ongoing cholera outbreak, which has claimed several lives in recent weeks.

Addressing journalists in Parliament, Mr. Akandoh accused the government of neglecting Ghana’s health sector.

He cited poor working conditions for healthcare workers and a lack of medical supplies as key factors exacerbating the situation.

“The alarming rate of deaths linked to cholera infections points to broader neglect of the health sector. Without immediate and decisive intervention, Ghana risks facing a full-blown cholera epidemic before the incoming administration takes over,” Mr. Akandoh warned.

He called on the government to urgently allocate resources to support healthcare workers and ensure adequate medical supplies are available to combat the outbreak.

Additionally, he urged the Ghana Health Service to intensify public health education efforts to prevent further spread of the disease.


Claim cloves water cleanses vagina infection, scientifically unproven Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:01:36 +0000 Claim: A Facebook user claims cloves water can be used to get rid of yeast infection and tighten the vagina.

Claim cloves water cleanses vagina infection, scientifically unproven

Verdict: False. There is no substantial scientific evidence that suggests cloves water can be used to cure yeast infection and tighten the vagina. Moreover, gynaecologists say despite antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, cloves have not been scientifically tested to cure vaginal infection.

Full Text

Despite daily breakthroughs in the efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs, a good number of Africans still rely on herbal medicine as an antidote to specific ailments.

Facebook user,  Angela Nwosu Page, claims cloves water can cure vaginal yeast infection.

“I am going to teach you the proper way to use cloves water to treat yeast infection, mouth odour, even (staphylococcus). No matter how long you have carried the (staphylococcus) around, cloves water would eradicate it,” the Facebook user asserted.

“For all sorts of toilet infections, you can make your natural remedy (referring to the cloves) and drink it, and it is all gone,” she added.

Ms Nwosu went ahead to give the recipe for preparing the liquid.

As of Tuesday, November 19, 2024, the Facebook post earned over 1 million views, 16,000 comments, and 85,000 likes.

Most users who had viewed the post and commented only registered interest in testing the herbal antidote.

“I will try this. Thanks for sharing.” Onyinye Cecilia reacted.

“What’s the quantity to be taken?” Amarachi Mercellina Ohuakanwa asked.

“Please, Mami, can men use cloves to get rid of the infections?” Helen Okoro asked.

A similar claim was also posted on TikTok.

Because the recommendation is non-pharmaceutical and novel, DUBAWA decided to verify the claim.


Cleaveland Clinic mentions the presence of eugenol—an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial chemical—in clove oil. However, it quotes Erik Modlo, who works at Cleaveland Clinic Main Campus, saying that adding small quantities of cloves to food is not threatening. There is no substantial evidence that cloves can be used for medicinal purposes.

Consuming cloves can have many benefits, including easing dental pain and managing gum disease, lowering blood sugar, protecting against cancer, relieving itchy skin, and improving breathing. However,  the article does not mention that cloves cure any diseases highlighted by the Facebook claimant.

In an interview with Scientific America, Paul Nyirjesy, an obstetrician–gynaecologist, pointed out that the public perception of cloves as an antidote to vaginal infection is because of the presence of allicin. Allicin is considered fungicidal. However, Dr Nyirjesy said, “It is challenging to assess the potency of such infections.”

He further stated that whenever people insert anything, such as cloves, into the vagina, they could incur severe irritation or burn in that area.

An article on vaginal yeast infection by MedicalNewsToday informs that the condition arises as a result of Candida yeast overgrowth in the vagina. The condition occurs due to disturbances or imbalances between the presence of bacteria and vaginal yeast. About 75% of women are bound to experience this condition.

However, the outlet advises individuals with the infection to immediately contact a doctor. It also listed some medications that an infected person can consume over-the-counter (OTC), such as butoconazole (Gynazole-1), clotrimazole (Gyne-Lotrimin), miconazole (Monistat 3), and terconazole (Terazol 3).

But MedicalNewsToday also recommended homemade treatment, including the application of boric acid vagina suppository and oral or vaginal application of yoghurt.

What experts say  

DUBAWA interviewed gynaecologist Qudus Lawal, who works at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Edo State, about the Facebook claim. He stated that there is no scientific evidence to back the claim up.

He posited that cloves have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, “but it is not enough to heal or cure for those purposes, as there is no scientific evidence to use them for treatment about those conditions.”

Corroborating Mr Lawal, Akinkuade Abimbola, a gynaecologist at Garki Hospital in Abuja, explained that no scientific research validates the Facebook claim.

“The truth is that anything you put into your vagina becomes a foreign body, no matter how good the content of the thing is.  It will irritate the vagina and cause soreness. When this wound heals, it causes what we refer to as gynaetresia, that is, the narrowing of the vagina due to fibrosis from poor healing.

“This is what some people call vagina tightness, but to a gynaecologist, it is an abnormal condition that may reduce women’s reproductive quality of life,” he explained.


DUBAWA’s findings show that the claim is false. It is not scientifically proven, and gynaecologists and researchers have debunked it.

From Sefwi to Accra: the Mitch Brothers and friends board the train of dreams for MB27 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 09:33:35 +0000 This year’s MB27 celebration by the Mitch Brothers (MBs) continues with a nostalgic vibe “From Sefwi to Accra.”

Capturing a symbolic departure from home, this year’s release features the Mitch Brothers and their friends as they relive the dreams and determination of those who dared to leave the familiar for the unknown.

Set in the 90s, the montage showcases the Mitch Brothers and their mother, Paulina Gyabeng, alongside friends like Naa Amerley, St. Olivia, Dulcie Boateng, Angie Safo, Abena Bambi, Johnny Porium, Samuel Nkrumah, dressed in vintage outfits as they board a train bound for Accra.

The scene pays tribute to the timeless pursuit of dreams and the resilience required to embark on life’s transformative journeys.

“This goes beyond a story about leaving,” says director Padmond Annor. “It’s about hope–about envisioning a bigger future beyond where we are and finding the courage to go after it.”


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The film vividly contrasts the quiet embrace of Sefwi with the restless energy of Accra. Each friend represents a piece of the journey: shared dreams, individual struggles and collective hope.

MB27, an annual tradition where the Mitch Brothers release a creative project to celebrate their birthdays, brings “From Sefwi to Accra” as a heartfelt reminder that every departure is the first step toward a dream fulfilled.

Relive the nostalgia, feel the hope and celebrate the journey.

About the Mitch Brothers

Padmond Annor and Padmond Annor Jr, also known as Nana Mitch and Schardo Mitch, are Ghanaian Snapchat lens creators, creative directors, editors, content creators, and social media influencers. Nana Mitch is Ghana’s first Snapchat lens creator and the first to hit over 200,000 followers on the app with creations that have over a billion views.

In 2022, Nana Mitch made his international debut on Johnny Walker and Trace Africa’s Keep Walking: Africa Top 30 list as the continent’s Next-Gen Cultural Shapeshifters. The two have been featured on notable platforms like GQ South Africa Mag, Okay Africa, and Glitz Africa Mag.

Since breaking out in 2022, the Mitch Brothers (as they are collectively known) have evolved into one of social media’s buzziest personalities. They have secured brand ambassadorial deals with brands such as Duffy’s Health & Beauty, Pizzaman-Chickenman, Ridge Condos, Jays Finder, Clozer Africa, CompuGhana, and more.

The twin brothers have also picked several nominations at multiple awards shows, including GhanaWeb Youth Excellence Awards (2022), Visa King RTP Awards (2023), and Ghana Entertainment Awards USA (2024), with their latest being at the Pulse Influencer Awards (2024).

He cheated on our wedding day but when I cheated back he got paralyzed Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:58:49 +0000 On our wedding day, I received a weird gift. It was a video. It was sent to my number during the wedding, but I didn’t see it until much later. My maid of honour whose number was on the invitation also received the same video but didn’t mention it until I found out myself. It was a sex tape. The man in the tape was my husband. This incident, according to the one who sent the video, happened the night before our wedding.

I cried all day. I didn’t have the heart to continue with the honeymoon, so I went home to my parents. When they asked why, I told them what had happened. I was broken, shattered actually.

He came home with his family to beg. He crawled on the floor like the snake does when eating dust. He held my feet and asked me not to leave the marriage. “I married you because you’re the one I love. What happened in the video happened because I was drunk. She took advantage of me.”

When men apologize the way he did, they gain favour with society. When you don’t forgive them, you become the devil—the woman with the heart of a stone. My mum said, “Look at him, he’s sorry. Forgive him and it won’t happen again.” My dad told everyone that the decision was in my hands, but when we were left alone, he told me, “Go for your husband. He won’t do it again. Don’t let the other woman win.”

I went back with the hope to begin again. I didn’t trust him, but I gave myself permission to trust again if only he would work for my trust. He was loving and caring at first. He won’t let me do basic stuff. He would be in the kitchen with me, do half of the cooking while I do the half. He had something to say at every given moment—a story or a gist or both.

I found myself loving again like a wilted flower that had found itself next to a babbling brook. We could stay up all night talking about nothing and more. Honestly, I forgot he was the man who cheated on our wedding night. All was well. He brought gifts when coming home at night. He would take me to fancy dinners and treat me like I was all he had. All that lasted for a year until the next incident happened.

He cheated again with a lady who came to his office to transact business. I can’t go into details about how I found out, but when I presented the evidence, he screamed, “Shit!” He threw himself on the sofa and remained there for several minutes without saying a word. When he talked, he apologized.

One thing about heartbreak is that the second one doesn’t hurt like the first. And one thing about the people who break your heart is that even when you grow to trust them, something inside you tells you that they can do it again, so it doesn’t shock you when they do it again.

I forgave him easily than I did the first time, but my heart and soul never rested. I was always on the lookout for things that looked like infidelity. We fought a lot about nothing and everything. We fought when I saw his shadow following him because it looked like he could cheat with his shadow.

In September, his office sent him to Uganda to work. When he was going, he went with the lady who came to his office to transact business. I saw it from the lady’s Facebook profile. She posted a photo with Uganda tagged as the location. Immediately she landed at the airport, she posted it, and it coincided with the time and date my husband landed in Uganda. I missed my calling. I should have been a CID.

I called my husband and accused him of going with the lady. “She’s with you, I know. Don’t deny it because you’ll make things worse.”

He denied everything and even swore to God that he was alone. I didn’t tell him I saw it from the lady’s Facebook profile, but when I checked again, the lady had deleted all the photos she posted while in Uganda. I told him, “I know you won’t tell the truth, but when you reach here, I will show you evidence of what I’m talking about.”

My mental health broke down into pieces. Knowing my husband was in another country with another woman drove me to the edge of my grave. I thought of suicide because the pain was excruciating. I left home and went to stay with my friend, the one who was my maid of honour. I told her everything while in tears. She did her best to calm me down, but the man I ended up sleeping with was someone I met while out with my friend.

My husband spent a month in Uganda. I spent that month in my friend’s house, and it was during that time I had an affair with the man because my husband was also busy having an affair somewhere else.

When he returned from his trip, I kept mute. I didn’t ask him about the issue again, though he was dying to answer for his sins. That man I had an affair with called in the night and I picked up in front of my husband. I acted suspiciously. I spoke under my breath. I was pushing him to suspect me, and he did. When I went to bed, he went through my phone and found the cheating chat.

This guy broke into a fit of anger and screamed around as if he was ready to beat me. “You were busy accusing me of cheating because you knew what you were doing. Who is he? How long have you been seeing him?”

I chuckled and ignored his threat. He dashed into the kitchen and I also dashed out of the room. He came out with a knife, but I was long gone. When he called the next day, he was crying. “How could you do that? I trusted you. How could you?”

This guy was wailing on the phone like his mother just died. I told him, “I needed an escape from the torture, and he came with an escape plan, so I followed him.”

That made the issue worse. He cried and cried and threatened to harm me if he ever got me. He told my parents about it, and they called me home. He told his parents, and they advised him to leave the marriage. I didn’t care because I was already gone.

A few weeks later, he got sick. It started as a minor tremor and graduated into a full-fledged stroke. He drools. It affected his left side, so his left arm is a vegetable now.

Everyone is blaming me because when he narrated his story, he told them what I’d done to him and not what he did. He took to drinking and eating concoctions to get high when he found out about the cheating. His mum would call me a witch on the phone and blame me for bringing curses into her son’s life. Currently, they move him from one church to another seeking healing. I want a divorce, but they say they’ll never grant me one until he’s well.

I’m not rushing to get married or start a new relationship. They can take forever to grant the divorce. I’m not even fighting them. My only prayer is for him to get well. I’ve learned my lessons. I want him to live to also learn his lessons. We owe it to the next people we’ll meet after our divorce.  

— Felicia

Agenda 111 will not solve Ghana’s healthcare crisis – CDD fellow Thu, 19 Dec 2024 13:07:22 +0000 Democracy and Development Fellow (Health) at Ghana Center For Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana)Kwame Sarpong Asiedu, has raised serious concerns about the potential impact of Agenda 111 on Ghana’s healthcare challenges.

Speaking on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show, Dr Asiedu expressed doubt, arguing that the initiative by the outgoing government, which President-elect John Mahama intends to incorporate into his broader development agenda, will not resolve the fundamental issues within the country’s healthcare system.

“Agenda 111 does not address the core problems highlighted in our healthcare reports,” Mr Asiedu said, emphasising that while the initiative focuses on the construction of new hospitals, it fails to address the systemic issues already deeply embedded in the current healthcare framework.

One of the most pressing health problems, according to Asiedu, is the severe lack of basic medical equipment in many healthcare facilities across the country.

“Reports indicate that 95% of consultation rooms in our hospitals lack essential equipment for diagnosis and treatment,” he explained. “Only 5% are properly equipped.”

This stark statistic highlights the critical gaps in Ghana’s healthcare infrastructure, particularly in district hospitals, where the absence of basic tools is most pronounced.

Dr Asiedu further argued that simply building new hospitals is not the solution to these widespread issues. “We need to retool and revitalise our existing healthcare system,” he stated. “Retooling cannot be achieved overnight, and it certainly cannot be fixed by just erecting new buildings.”

Moreover, Dr Asiedu highlighted the lack of fundamental resources such as oxygen, in many district hospitals.

“A large number of our district hospitals don’t even have oxygen, let alone basic diagnostic tools like scanners,” he pointed out. “This directly affects our antenatal care and delivery systems, which in turn contributes to poor health outcomes for both mothers and babies.”

He then posed a series of critical questions regarding the efficacy of Agenda 111: “How is Agenda 111 going to resolve these underlying issues? How much has been invested in addressing the root causes? And how will the mis-investment of funds solve the pressing problems we face in our healthcare sector?”

Mr Asiedu also questioned whether the focus should be on completing new hospitals or whether there should be a more fundamental overhaul of the healthcare system.

“We seem to be limiting ourselves to the question of whether the next government can finish these hospitals,” he remarked.

“But should we have even embarked on this mass hospital-building initiative in the first place? What are the implications for the physical infrastructure of our healthcare system, and will future governments even be able to deliver the improvements we so desperately need?”

Asiedu also warned that without addressing the root causes of the healthcare challenges, Agenda 111 is unlikely to achieve its intended goals.

He called for a broader discussion on how to truly reform Ghana’s healthcare system, urging policymakers to focus on the areas that will have the most significant impact. “We must ensure that we are investing wisely,” he counselled, “to build a healthcare system that serves the needs of all Ghanaians effectively.”


Conflict in Bawku worsens malnutrition crisis, claims two lives Wed, 18 Dec 2024 13:18:48 +0000 At least two children have died from malnutrition in the Bawku Municipal area this year, with 65 cases reported, according to health officials.

The ongoing conflict in the region has significantly disrupted livelihoods, leading to increased food insecurity and a surge in malnutrition cases.

Pregnant women in the municipality have also reported high rates of anaemia, further highlighting the region’s health challenges.

According to the Bawku Municipal Health Nutrition Officer, Bathomio Asigri, malnutrition cases spiked in 2023, with 297 cases recorded.

He attributed the rise partly to the ongoing conflict, which has hampered trading activities in the area.

“Bawku municipality is regarded as a business hub within the country. Unfortunately, within the past three years, trading activities have dwindled, and families are struggling with food security and nutrition,” he told Citi News.

Surveys conducted by the Municipal health authorities revealed that the frequency of daily meals has dropped significantly due to the economic downturn caused by the conflict.

“We’ve observed that the number of meals people take in a day has reduced since the conflict began, and this correlates with the increase in malnutrition cases,” Mr Asigri explained.


Showmax relaunches in Ghana with MTN MOMO payment Wed, 18 Dec 2024 06:00:24 +0000 MultiChoice Ghana has re-introduced Showmax Africa’s popular video-on-demand (VOD) platform at a pulsating event in Accra.

Speaking during the launch event, Alex Okyere, Managing Director, MultiChoice Ghana, noted: “Today is a significant milestone for the entertainment sector. We are leveraging our experience in Film and Television to re-introduce our revamped Video-On-Demand (VOD) service Showmax to Ghanaians.”

With the additional functionality of real-time payment with MTN MOMO and the backbone of the Peacock platform, Showmax users are in for an enhanced user experience. We are excited we have been able to restore payment via MOMO and this marks a new era of accessible, high-quality VOD entertainment, thus supporting the nation’s digital transformation and spotlighting local creative talent through world-class content at rock bottom prices.”

Mr. Okyere added, “Our Showmax customers’ ability to activate their Showmax accounts with MOMO will allow customers to access an exclusive selection of TV shows, movies, sports, and documentaries via Showmax, making premium entertainment more accessible than ever before across multiple devices. Showmax offers a rich content library that includes both local productions and global hits, as well as the English Premier League.”

The MOMO enablement perfectly aligns with our commitment to bridging the digital gap while transforming lives through technology. As smartphone adoption continues to soar in the country, we are dedicated to enhancing the convenience of paying for all our services.

The launch of Showmax also emphasises the importance of supporting local talent and productions. By featuring a variety of local content, the platform aims to elevate the voices of Ghanaian artists and storytellers, ensuring that their work reaches a broader audience. This initiative not only enriches the entertainment landscape but also contributes to the growth of the local creative economy.

Users can simply download the Showmax app, select their preferred package and pay with MTN Momo while on the go.

How to make him want to grab you and never let you go Wed, 18 Dec 2024 05:29:38 +0000 SO you’ve finally met a man you like and can see yourself having a relationship with him. You should make an effort to show him you’re a real find and an amazing partner, right?

Actually, no. The fantastic thing about being a woman is that getting a man to see how wonderful you are doesn’t involve any effort at all. It’s all about simply being, not doing. To do that, you must first be open to receive.

Here are the three ‘it factors’ of women who make amazing partners:

1. They let a man chase them, not the other way around

When you shower him with affection, attention, dinners, and gifts, and always go out of your way to drive to his place, it makes him think of you as a mother or a friend instead of inspiring his emotional desire for you.

When you are open to receiving from a man, you are sending a message that you value yourself and that you believe you are worthy of his time, attention, gestures, and ultimately his love.

Valuing yourself can also do you some good. People with high self-esteem generally have more success at school and work, better social relationships, and improved mental and physical health. So resist the temptation to prove your worth by giving, and instead create the space for him to give to you.

2. They enforce boundaries that a man must respect

Men are competitive creatures who value what they must work hard to get. If he gets a sense that you’re completely devoted to him with very little investment on his part, he’ll question your value. Research from 2018 found that couples who effectively set and maintain boundaries experience higher relationship satisfaction.

This means you do not give away exclusivity to a man until you have the commitment you want from him. Instead, you keep dating and meeting lots of different men, so you give yourself a chance to find out what you want and need from a relationship. At the same time, you aren’t prematurely cutting yourself off from your Mr. Right in case you haven’t met him yet.

When you keep the focus on yourself and keep yourself open to other men, you send the message that you’re a woman who puts herself first and that you are a prize. This elevates your “degree of difficulty,” so he has to step up his game to get you all to himself… or risk another guy beating him to it.


3. They always, no matter what, put themselves first


The most important thing to remember when you are dating a man and want him to realise how wonderful you are is to put your happiness first. What’s the easiest way to be happy? Research from Harvard University found that the easiest ways to be happy are exercising and practicing gratitude.

If you love taking a dance classed, don’t give it up just because he’s in the picture and you don’t want him to think you’re not interested.

Letting him know you have a life before him makes him more attracted to you — not just because you’re not about to drop everything for him, but because people who are passionate about their interests are interesting.

It might feel a little scary to do this with a guy you like, but the right guy will gladly re-arrange his plans to see you. Why? Because you’ve just proven you’re a great catch he has to woo and win

GHS administers 290,000 cholera vaccines in first two days in W/R Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:30:55 +0000 The Western Regional Directorate of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), has so far administered about 290,000 doses of cholera vaccines out of a targeted 641,851 to persons aged one year and above within the first two days of its Cholera Vaccination campaign.

The campaign is being carried out within four identified hotspot areas in the region.

The campaign, which commenced on Sunday, December 15, and would end on Thursday, December 29, 2024, is aimed at offering immunity and protection against cholera infections for residents within Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Effia-Kwesimintsim, Shama and Ahanta West municipalities.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), the Western Regional Director of the GHS, Dr Nana Yaw Ofori Yeboah, said all persons from one year and above were eligible to take the vaccines, except pregnant women.

He stated that vaccines were safe with no health complications, and appealed to the targeted individuals to participate in the exercise to help stem the spread of cholera in the region.

He said as part of strategies to ensure they met their target, the vaccination team would visit homes, schools, churches, mosques, workplaces, markets and other vantage points including healthcare facilities.

The cholera outbreak has been on the rise in the Western region with recent updates showing that 1,633 cases have been recorded since the outbreak, with about 15 deaths.

Aside from the vaccination campaign, health authorities have instituted various measures to contain the spread of the disease, including a ban on the sale of vegetables by food vendors.

This was after the Environmental Surveillance investigations revealed that about 96 per cent of cholera infections were linked to food vendors, particularly through the sale of contaminated vegetables.


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Western Region records 15 cholera deaths Mon, 16 Dec 2024 09:40:49 +0000 The Western Region has so far recorded 15 deaths from the cholera outbreak with Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis and Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipality as the epicentres.

The Deputy Regional Director in charge of Public Health, Dr Gifty Amugi disclosed this on Adom FM’s morning show Dwaso Nsem Monday.

According to her, over 1,000 people have reported to various health facilities with symptoms, including diarrhoea and vomiting.

However, 90 of these reported cases have been confirmed as cholera.

“The outbreak started in the 4th of November and we were committed to curb it but it heightened from the beginning of December. We so far have over 1,000 reported cases but 90 have been confirmed with 15 deaths reported,” she detailed.

Expressing concerns over the rising cases, Dr Amugi bemoaned people have disregarded safety measures.

“We’re appealing to everybody to take the basic precautions. It’s so important if we don’t do that we’re going to lose more people, so please personal hygiene is very important, we must wash our hands, and the food we eat must be warm. As soon as anybody gets these symptoms, he/she must report to the nearest health facility,” she advised.

Dr Amugi further said that cholera treatment is free and has all the needed logistics to care for affected ones.

She therefore urged all residents to report suspected cases immediately to health facilities, adding vaccination exercise has also began in the region.

“We started on Sunday and will run till Thursday, so we will urge all to take advantage of the exercise,” she noted.

Alongside the Western Regional Coordinating Council’s (WRCC) the ban on the sale of vegetables by food vendors to curb the spread, Dr Amugi said the Health Directorate has intensified its awareness campaign and preventive measures.


MMDAs directed to institute measures to curb Cholera outbreak in Western Region Mon, 16 Dec 2024 08:46:05 +0000 The Western Regional Co-ordinating Council (WRCC) has directed Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to institute stringent measures to curb the surge in cholera cases in the Region.

A statement signed by Mr Stephen Quarshie, Acting Regional Co-ordinating Director, and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said the cholera outbreak in the Region had affected eight MMDAs, with 908 cases and 10 deaths recorded.

It said the situation required that the Public Health Emergency Response Teams in all MMDAs be constituted and resourced to enable them to execute their mandates within the guidelines provided by the Ghana Health Service (GHS).

The statement noted that as part of measures to curb the surge in reported cases, MMDAs were directed to undertake mass evacuation of refuse in all communities, identify appropriate treatment centres, strictly enforce sanitation bylaws, and conduct intensive public education, among others.

Meanwhile, the Western Regional Directorate of the GHS is set to undertake a mass vaccination campaign against the spread of cholera from Sunday, December 15 to Thursday, December 19, 2024, within four MMDAs.

They include; the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Effia-Kwesimintsim, Ahanta West and Shama Municipalities.

The vaccination teams would visit homes, schools, churches, mosques, markets, and other vantage points to administer the doses to persons aged one year and above.


Cholera outbreak in Western region claims 10 lives Fri, 13 Dec 2024 14:51:25 +0000 A cholera outbreak in the Western Region has claimed ten lives, with numerous others hospitalized in various healthcare facilities.

As of December 7, 789 suspected cases have been recorded, with daily new infections exceeding 60.

In response to the escalating situation, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) has dispatched a team from its Institutional Care Division to the region. Their mission includes monitoring the outbreak, reassessing emergency healthcare plans, and providing additional staff to ensure timely treatment for patients.

According to JoyNews’ Western Regional correspondent, Ina-Thalia Quansah, both public and private hospitals are admitting between 15 and 20 cholera patients daily.

Despite their efforts, hospital officials have highlighted the urgent need for more resources and medical supplies. Overcrowding has compelled many hospitals to convert waiting areas into makeshift treatment spaces for cholera patients.

To address the outbreak, the Western Regional Directorate has announced a vaccination campaign targeting the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly and Ahanta West. The campaign is scheduled to commence on Friday, December 13, and will run until the following Thursday.

Authorities have also directed food vendors, particularly those selling vegetables, to suspend operations. Vendors who defy this order will face penalties. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has intensified inspections to assess sanitation conditions in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis.

Environmental investigations reveal that 96% of infections are linked to contaminated food, with vegetable vendors identified as the primary source.

The cholera outbreak has affected four regions, including Greater Accra, Eastern, Central, and Western, heightening national concern.

All set for mortuary workers’ first licensure exams Thu, 12 Dec 2024 10:23:07 +0000

The Mortuaries and Funeral Facility Agency (MOFFA), the regulatory body for Ghana’s “death care industry,” is set to conduct its first-ever practical licensure examination by the end of the year.

The exams will determine which operators qualify for an “operational licence” to commence business in the industry legally.

Currently, no funeral home—whether private or government-owned—in Ghana holds a license to operate in the death care industry.

This concerning situation has prompted MOFFA to establish a training school at Pentecost University in Accra to equip operators with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Discussions are also ongoing with other universities to expand the scope of training. Graduates from the programme will be required to demonstrate practical knowledge of industry operations, complemented by a minimal academic presentation.

A law to regulate the industry was enacted in 2011 but only became operational in 2019.

The agency, established under the Health Institutions and Facilities Act (Act 829) on December 31, 2011, is responsible for licensing, controlling and regulating facilities connected with the storage, transportation and disposal of human remains.

This includes the bodies of deceased persons, stillborn children, and parts of bodies removed during surgical operations.

MOFFA is empowered by law to issue licences exclusively to qualified members.

However, the enforcement of these regulations has been weak, leading to the introduction of reforms such as the upcoming licensure exams to streamline activities within the industry.

Speaking at a dissemination event for inspection tools for death care operators in Accra. The Registrar of MOFFA, Dr Yaw Twerefour, revealed that as of 2022, only 17 facilities had been captured in MOFFA’s records.

This number increased to 125 in 2023, but Dr Twerefour noted that that figure did not reflect the actual number of existing facilities.

In response, a team of experts, including pathologists, doctors and industry stakeholders, have developed globally accepted tools to standardise operations in the death care industry.

About 40 certified MOFFA officers have visited several funeral homes to share these tools, which are now mandatory for operation.

Dr Twerefour explained the inspection process, saying, “The inspection is where a facility, having successfully gone through the registration process, submits itself for assessors from the Agency or its representatives to visit and check if the facility can be judged as ready to operate or can continue to operate if it is a pre-existing facility.”

Facilities that fail to meet the requirements will be given two months to address deficiencies or agree on a timeline with the regulator. Failure to comply may result in a shutdown.

Dr Twerefour emphasised, “Because of the long period of compliance absence, we are prepared to give adequate time for all to come on board, after which we will begin to bite.”

The policy is part of a broader initiative to train specialists—mainly pathologists—and eliminate charlatans from the industry.

MOFFA is also in talks with the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to construct a 1,000-capacity mortuary under a build-operate-transfer agreement with a private entity.

During the event, MOFFA’s Lead Investigator, Emmanuel Okyere, outlined the basic requirements for facilities to be sanctioned.

These include establishing advisory boards, strategic and annual plans, and performance audit reports.

Facilities must implement policies for training and appraisal systems, demonstrate waste disposal programmes, ensure workers are vaccinated against diseases such as COVID-19, and adopt protocols for managing the spread of diseases.

MOFFA’s efforts signal a major step forward in regulating Ghana’s death care industry and ensuring professionalism and safety for operators and the public alike.

Food vendors banned from selling vegetables to curb cholera outbreak in Western Region Wed, 11 Dec 2024 12:24:51 +0000 The Western Regional Coordinating Council (WRCC) has announced immediate measures to combat a severe cholera outbreak that has gripped the region, with alarming infection rates and fatalities.

As of December 7, 2024, the outbreak has resulted in 789 suspected cases and eight deaths, with over 60 new cases reported daily.

The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan and Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal areas are the epicenters of the outbreak, accounting for 95% of the reported infections.

Environmental surveillance has identified contaminated vegetables—particularly salads, leaves, and green peppers sold by food vendors—as the primary source of the infections, linking them to 96% of cases.

In response, the WRCC has imposed an immediate ban on the sale of vegetables by food vendors throughout the region. Violators will face prosecution under the Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851). The ban will remain in effect until health authorities deem it safe to resume such sales.

The WRCC has also issued a stern warning to the general public, urging residents to avoid purchasing or consuming vegetables from food vendors. Those using vegetables for domestic purposes are advised to ensure they are properly cleaned and treated before consumption.

Oliver Cromwell, the Regional Environmental Health Analyst, emphasised the urgency of these measures, stating, “Protecting public health is our top priority. We cannot afford to lose more lives to preventable infections. We are counting on the public’s cooperation to curb this outbreak.”

The WRCC said it remained committed to ensuring the health and safety of residents and will continue to monitor the situation closely.


Four Ghanaian filmmakers graduate from The Multichoice Talent Factory Mon, 09 Dec 2024 09:45:21 +0000 Another cohort of 4 young Ghanaian film and television professionals has graduated from the West Africa MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Academy in Lagos the region’s premier film-training institution.

The multi-disciplinary training programme has already produced hundreds of skilled African storytellers. Every year, sixty (60) of students graduate from MTF academies in Lagos, Lusaka and Nairobi hot young creatives to bolster the ranks of the continent’s film industry.

The graduation ceremony for the West Africa MTF Academy was held at the weekend in Lagos. The West Africa academy hosted 20 West African filmmakers comprising four (4) young Ghanaian for the 12 month all expenses paid hands-on training. The event celebrated the talent and hard work of this year’s cohort, as well as recognising the achievements of earlier classes who have gone on to find success in the industry.

“Go out and show us what you can do,” said MTF West Africa Academy Director, Atinuke Babatunde to the graduating class at the ceremony. “You stand on the shoulders of generations of West African filmmakers, and the fellow alumni who come before you at MTF West Africa. We know you will enrich the industry with your newly acquired skills and your fresh approach to storytelling.”

This year’s MTF West Africa Academy students completed a 12-month programme of workshops, lectures, practical film productions and masterclasses, where they gained skills in everything from screenwriting, editing, sound design, producing and directing.

The top three performers of this year’s cohort were honored for their remarkable achievements. Winner Achimugu took first place, winning a 6-week internship at NYFA. Anjolaoluwa Aluko, who secured second place, was awarded a 2-week internship with Zee World, while Adejo Edebo Emmanuel, in third place, earned a 2-week internship with MultiChoice in SA. These opportunities will provide valuable support in advancing their careers in the film and television industry.

The MTF course is created in collaboration with international partners, the New York Film Academy (NYFA), and Indian satellite TV channel, ZeeWorld. These partners provide internship opportunities that allow MTF students to continue their career growth.

At the graduation, Atinuke proudly shared some of the achievements of MTF graduates of recent years and encouraged this year’s cohort to take inspiration from their successes. Accomplishments by MTF alumni this year include…

  • Poached, directed by alumnus Adeola Andrea Peregrino, won first prize at the LEAP Africa USAID Film contest, and second prize at the IOM Film Contest, as well as being an official selection at the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF), and a finalist at the Edo State Festival.
  • The movie Rekiya, about cultural practices that hold back the advancement of young girls, and produced for ZeeWorld by the class of 2023, was officially selected for AFRIFF.
  • The short film With Love from Bayelsa, written by MTF alumnus Gabriel Odigiri, won Best Short Film of the Year at the Imo International Film Festival. Gabriel also joined the series Omera on Africa Magic Showcase as a writer.
  • Two alumni Allen Onyige and Adeniyi Joseph Omobulejo created the sensational series Irora Iya, which won Best Indigenous M-Net Series in the 10th AMVCAs.
  • MTF Alumnus Desmond Ekunwe made the final cut for a seven-week film residency programme with the German government.

Another notable achievement this year is that the class of 2024 produced three documentaries; Revive the OceanRace Against Time, and 2070 to highlight the impact of climate change in Nigeria and showcase how communities are working to tackle it. These documentaries were created in support of The Earthshot Prize.

The Academy has continued to build upon its institutional partnerships. It has a long-standing relationship with the School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University in Lagos as its regional education partner.

“The mission of Pan-Atlantic University is to help produce competent, committed professionals and encourage them to serve their community, said the dean, School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University, Dr Ikechukwu Obiaya. “This aligns perfectly with the purpose of MTF, which performs a similar function in the film and television sector.”

The US consulate in Nigeria is another partner. Under the direction of PR team lead Julie McKay, the consulate has lined up three Hollywood filmmakers to upskill the students on producing, cinematography and directing, with plans to expand to industry masterclasses.

MultiChoice West Africa CEO, John Ugbe said the Academy had proved itself as an asset to Africa’s TV and broadcast industry.

“A growing film and TV sector, like that in West Africa, needs a steady pipeline of fresh, creative talent with the necessary skills to keep creating quality, relevant content,” said Ugbe. “MTF alumni go to join established broadcast companies, or to form their own production companies. This is proof that MTF is fulfilling its purpose extremely effectively. It is developing film and TV talent for Africa.”

50 people get infected with HIV each day in Ghana – AIDS Commission Sat, 07 Dec 2024 06:34:25 +0000 Fifty people get infected with HIV each day, while 34 people die of AIDS-related causes, the Ghana AIDS Commission has said.

According to Dr Kyeremeh Atuahene, the Director-General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, these needless new infections and AIDS deaths could have been prevented if persons living with HIV (PLHIV) were diagnosed and adhered to treatment.

The Director-General revealed this at a durbar to commemorate the 2024 World AIDS Day celebration in Accra.

The global theme for this year’s celebration is “Take the Right Path” but the local theme for the event was “Ending AIDS Together: Stepping Up HIV Prevention Efforts.”

The day is celebrated annually to reflect on the impact HIV has had on the lives of millions of people around the world.

It also serves as an opportunity to assess progress made at managing and controlling the epidemic, acknowledge successes, identify bottlenecks and barriers to service delivery and rekindle commitment to ending AIDS by 2030.

Dr Atuahene said having a suitable number of PLHIV either not being diagnosed or receiving Antiretroviral treatment (ART) was costing the country in many ways less of the cost of relating to new infections and loss of lives due to AIDS-related causes.

The cost of PLHIV either not knowing their HIV status or receiving Antiretroviral treatment (ART) manifests in the loss of productivity as well, adding that the estimated average productivity lost to HIV-related ill-health was about five days per month.

“This loss to Ghana’s economy is better appreciated when we aggregate the average productivity lost to HIV related illnesses with the estimated 183,000 people living with HIV and are not on ART.

“Indeed, it makes economic sense to now more than ever invest in HIV, saying the business-as-usual attitude is not the best.

We must see HIV prevention, treatment and care services as an investment and work towards a country in which a healthy population is recognised as propellers for economic growth and sustainable development and everyone enjoys the health they deserve,” Dr Atuahene stated.

Ms. Elsie Ayeh, the President of Nap+ Ghana, in remarks made on her behalf at the event, said ending AIDS required collective efforts and urged all to work together to strengthen the advocacy.

Let us have the conviction that ending AIDS is possible, she added.

Mr Hector Sucilla Perez, UNAIDS Country Director, said 1.3 million people worldwide acquired HIV, a figure three times higher than the global target of 370,000 new infections by 2025.

Despite advances in treatment, 9.3 million people living with HIV still lack access to life-saving ART, and continue to face barriers such as stigma, discrimination, and punitive laws, he stated.

Mr Perez said to change the course, there was a need to focus on protecting human rights for all, adding that ending AIDS required removing barriers that prevent people from accessing care, including harmful laws and practices while fostering inclusive community-led responses.

He called for the need to invest in girls’ education and link it to public health and human rights to all, which was a critical component of HIV prevention.

In attendance were the World Health Organisation Country Representative, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy, traditional leaders, and the Trade Union Congress Secretary General, among others.

The event also featured an exhibition, community engagement, distribution of HIV materials, condoms, medical screening, HIV testing, and BP screening, among others.


Renal patients laud free dialysis treatment; say it’s a life saver policy Fri, 06 Dec 2024 13:33:52 +0000 Kidney patients have praised government for implementing free dialysis policy for all ages across the country.

Some of the patients have said they were struggling to raise money for at least two dialysis sessions per week but for the intervention of the National Health Insurance Scheme(NHIS).

24-year-old Maxwell told Adom News he used to go to the 37 Military Hospital but due to the free treatment which commenced on December 1, 2024, he is now able to undergo dialysis at the Islamic Hospital, Newtown.

Also, a 46-year-old patient explained that but for the free policy, he would have been able to pay for only one session a week instead of two.

The patients showed their appreciation when journalists visited the Islamic Hospital, which is the only private facility out of the 20 hospitals rolling out the free policy. the Islamic Hospital.

Another patient thanked the government/NHIS for rolling out such a life saving policy stressing that this free dialysis policy should be sustained.

The General Manager of the Islamic Dialysis Hospital, Ramatu Issah told the media, the free dialysis has really brought a lot of relief to both patients and facilities.

Renal patients undergoing dialysis session

Madam Issah explained that the facility was charging GHS500 per session and patients have to undergo dialysis for at least two times in a week and therefore the burden on the patients as well as their families were enormous.

She noted that sometimes some of the kidney patients had to sell their properties or depend on family and friends before raising funds for dialysis but the story is now a different one.

The Islamic Hospital currently has 10 dialysis machines with an isolation center and takes care of 30 patients daily.

She added that the hospital plans to add more dialysis machines to take care of patients within its catchment area.


Prof. Opoku-Agyemang pays for surgery of 3-year-old boy with hole in heart Fri, 06 Dec 2024 09:13:49 +0000
The Vice Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang, on Thursday donated $7,500 to cover the cost of the surgery of a three-year-old boy, Patnam Kantam, who is suffering from a hole in the heart.
Prof. Opoku Agyemang also donated Ghc5,000 cash to the parents of Kantam to support his upkeep after the surgery.
The three-year-old boy has been admitted at the National Cardiothoracic Centre of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital after being diagnosed with a hole in his heart.
With the family struggling to raise the money for his surgery, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang came to the rescue of the little boy’s family by footing the bill required for the surgical procedure.
Presenting the dummy cheque and the cash to the family at the National Cardiothoracic Centre of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, the vice presidential candidate of the NDC was hopeful that the boy would successfully go through the surgery to correct the hole in heart.
She also expressed her gratitude to the members of staff of the Centre for their professionalism and dedication to duty.
She said “I just want to express my appreciation for the care you have given him and you give to so many others in different circumstances. I feel rather privileged that it has been possible for us to come and give the support that is necessary.”
For his part, the Director of the National Cardiothoracic Centre of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Dr. Kow Entsua-Mensah, praised Prof. Opoku-Agyemang for not just paying for the cost of the surgery but also for showing up in person at the Centre.
“A lot of people will just send a dispatch with a cheque, but you have found time to personally see the child, the parents, and us. This is a very big gesture born out of the love you have for children in our country”, he said.
Dr. Entsua-Mensah gave the assurance that the little boy would be scheduled for the surgical procedure soon to correct the hole in his heart.
For his part, the father of the patient, Mr Abdul Majeed Kantam, expressed his profound gratitude to Prof. Opoku-Agyemang for the support she has given his son and prayed for God’s blessings upon her life.
19 GHS staff graduate as SafeCare assessors to promote health care quality improvement in Ghana Thu, 05 Dec 2024 17:27:45 +0000 Nineteen staff of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) have received SafeCare certification after rigorous training under the auspices of PharmAccess.

This development represents a significant milestone in institutionalising quality healthcare delivery across Ghana’s public health system.

It also signals the GHS’s commitment to addressing the systemic gaps that have resulted in a growing number of lawsuits for negligence and substandard care.

The training programme forms part of the SafeCare initiative, a global effort aimed at improving the quality and safety of healthcare services.

The assessors underwent an intensive selection and training process that involved regional nominations, classroom instruction, supervised assessments, and virtual sessions.

These professionals are now equipped to support healthcare facilities across the country in assessing performance, identifying gaps, and implementing targeted improvements.

Speaking at the graduation event in Accra, Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, did not mince words about the stakes involved.

“Nowadays, as you’re aware, you get sued. Ghanaians are smarter now, and all the suits are because we did not take our quality processes seriously. Judges are giving huge fines, and now they’re garnishing our accounts. It’s about the right time we address this,” he indicated.

Dr. Kuma-Aboagye emphasised that the Service aims to institutionalise the SafeCare system as a core aspect of its operations.

“The vision of the Ghana Health Service and all of us here is to institutionalize the SafeCare system to make it a culture for the entire service. This way, service delivery will be linked to quality and safety, and every health worker will be empowered with quality improvement, working in improvement teams to continuously improve quality of care using data and evidence-based methods,” he explained.

The assessors underwent a rigorous selection and training process.

According to the event’s facilitators, “Each of the ten regions selected and submitted three districts with one network per district. Four eligible assessors were submitted by the ten regions, and two were shortlisted to represent the regions.”

The process included a one-week classroom session, a supervised in-person assessment, and virtual meetings.

“The trained assessors will train implementing facilities in their regions and conduct quality improvement trainings. They are now properly baked and ready to support their respective regions to measure their outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and institute measures to address the gaps,” the Director-General revealed.

CEO of PharmAccess and Founder of SafeCare, Dr. Nicole Spieker, commended the Ghana Health Service for prioritising quality healthcare delivery, highlighting the global implications of poor healthcare standards.

“Globally, five million people die annually due to poor-quality healthcare, and three million die because of lack of access. Quality improvement is key. It’s not just about infrastructure but about leadership, attitude, and investment,” she said.

Dr. Spieker urged the Ghana Health Service to continue the journey of institutionalising quality improvement in healthcare delivery adding that, “Ghana is paving the way for other African countries in the journey towards universal health coverage.”

The Country Director for PharmAccess, Dr. Maxwell Antwi, shared a special moment in honour of the Director-General. He recounted how a powerful quote from Dr. Kuma-Aboagye, first shared during a regional engagement in the Savannah Region, became a cornerstone of their advocacy efforts.

“We are springing a surprise on the Director-General, and this comes from when we were doing the regional engagements. We got to Savannah Region, and when the Director-General was speaking to the Savannah Regional Directorate, he made a very powerful quote, which we picked up and used in all our regional engagements.”

“I’m sure most of you are familiar with that quote because we always use it in all our regional engagements. We hadn’t gotten copyright from D-G, so we deemed it right that on a day such as this when we are celebrating our assessors, it is good to recognise who gave us the copyright to use that quote,” he said.

The newly certified assessors pledged to apply their skills to elevate healthcare standards in their regions.

“We acknowledge the rigour and intensity of the training we have undergone. It’s with immense pride and joy we stand here, ready to contribute as certified assessors, facilitators, and mentors. We pledge to serve diligently in our respective roles, striving to enhance the quality of healthcare within Ghana Health Service as envisioned by our Director-General,” she said.

PharmAccess recognised the efforts of the Director-general of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye with a citation that read, “Quality in healthcare means leadership, attitude, and investment.”

The SafeCare initiative is set to expand nationwide, with the ten participating regions leading the way and plans to bring the remaining six regions on board.

This milestone reflects a renewed commitment by the Ghana Health Service to prioritise quality, safety, and accountability in healthcare delivery, setting a benchmark for transformative healthcare practices in the country.

Lordina Mahama inaugurates health center in Hohoe Wed, 04 Dec 2024 22:10:30 +0000 Mrs. Lordina Mahama, through the Lordina Foundation, has inaugurated a new health center in Hohoe, Volta Region.

This marks the fifth health facility established by the foundation in under two years, following centers in Bole, Atebubu, Nkoranza South, and Nkoranza North.

The foundation continues to deliver on its mission to improve healthcare accessibility across Ghana.

Plans are already in motion to expand its projects to other parts of the country, ensuring more communities benefit from modern health facilities.

Addressing the beneficiaries, Mrs. Mahama’s said her vision is to enhance infrastructure or a healthier and more equitable Ghana.

This inauguration follows the recent opening of a maternity and children’s ward in Bodom, Nkoranza North District, Bono Region.

The facility is well-equipped with essential amenities, including a medical officers’ room to accommodate healthcare professionals.

Also, she commissioned a 2,000-square-meter maternity and children’s ward at the Nkoranza Health Centre.

Coalition of Hygiene students threaten to boycott 2024 election Wed, 04 Dec 2024 18:08:57 +0000 The Coalition of Hygiene Students Ghana has threatened to boycott the December 7 general elections over unresolved demands.

The group has said all attempts to get the appropriate quarters to address their challenges have proven futile.

In an interview with Accra-based Citi News, the Organiser, Edmund Asare said a petition has been presented to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

“So far, we have not heard from any of the executives over there, maybe the director or any other person.

“But they are saying that the minister is not around. So she has gone to her constituency to do her campaign, neglecting our petition for now. So we don’t know what to do,” he lamented.

Calling for a swift action, Mr Asare stated the members are not happy about the government’s inaction.

“We are stranded, and come this Saturday, there will be an election. So we have decided that we, the environmental health graduates and the continuing students, are not going to vote. Even if we are going to vote, we will vote against the ruling party as of now,” he added.

The Coalition in August 2024 threatened a demonstration, demanding payment of their trainee allowances.

The aggrieved members revealed they had been unpaid for two years since January 2023, including a full year’s allowance for the 2021 certificate batch from the Ho School of Hygiene.

The students, concerned about potential long-term unemployment, reported that engagements with the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources revealed delays due to a lack of financial clearance from the Ministry of Finance.


Check out country with worst Malaria cases worldwide Tue, 03 Dec 2024 22:15:34 +0000 Nigeria, which has more malaria deaths than any other country in the world, has begun rolling out a vaccine against the disease for the first time.

The West African nation accounts for almost a third of those who die from malaria each year.

The vaccine being introduced – called R21/Matrix-M – is the second to be approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is being given to children between five and 15 months old.

Researchers say it is 75% effective but health experts recommend using it alongside other malaria prevention tools, such as mosquito nets and insecticides.

The roll-out started in two of the worst-affected states – Bayelsa and Kebbi – and the plan is to expand it to the rest of the country by next year.

Happiness Idia-Wilson’s 11-month-old son was the first to receive the vaccine at a ceremony in Bayelsa.

She said she was doing it “for the safety of the child, for him to be protected”.

“I will tell mothers, and I will invite people [to be vaccinated],” the mother added.

Bayelsa’s commissioner for health, Prof Seiyefa Brisibe, said the state would be carrying out health campaigns to promote the use of the vaccine in all the local languages.

In 2022, Nigeria accounted for 27% of global malaria cases and 31% of malaria deaths, according to the WHO, with children under five and pregnant women being the most vulnerable.

Africa overall saw 95% of those deaths, amounting to some 580,000 people.

“We are confident that this vaccine, in combination with other preventive measures, will drastically reduce the burden of malaria in Nigeria and help us move closer to achieving the goal of a malaria-free Africa,” said Dr Walter Mulombo, WHO representative in Nigeria.

The government estimates that Nigeria loses $1.1bn (£870m) each year due to lost productivity and health expenditure linked to malaria.

R21/Matrix-M, developed by the Jenner Institute at Oxford University, uses three doses administered four weeks apart and a booster dose given after one year.

Earlier this year, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo also began using the vaccine.

Ghana, Kenya and Malawi have trialled another malaria vaccine – RTS,S.

Nigeria was not included in the subsequent roll-out of the jab by the WHO to 12 African countries.

Hold my bissap: On marriage, dating, and the single sage Tue, 03 Dec 2024 19:29:02 +0000 “Are you married? Have you been married before? You don’t even have a girlfriend, so why are you talking about marriage and dating? Get a girlfriend first before tackling this topic!”

Hold my bissap! This line of argument always baffles me. Are we saying that unless someone has a ring on their finger, a complicated history of exes, or even a current situationship, they have no business weighing in on marriage and relationships? Have we now relegated the art of advice-giving to a secret club, exclusive to the romantically experienced? If so, let me introduce an intriguing outlier: the Catholic priest.

Yes, the man sworn to celibacy, often with no dating history to his name, is somehow the go-to for officiating marriages, counseling couples, and doling out sage advice about lifelong commitment. Now tell me—how does this add up?

Let’s first breakdown this idea that marriage and dating require some advanced level of expertise that only those “in the trenches” can understand. It’s not rocket science. It’s not a complex surgical procedure requiring years of residency to master. Anyone with a functioning mind, the ability to observe, and a bit of empathy can analyze relationships, spot patterns, and offer insights.

Take the Catholic priest. These men live lives of service, constantly immersed in the joys, struggles, and heartbreaks of their parishioners. They hear confessions, witness families fall apart, and help people rebuild. No, they haven’t dated, but they have a front-row seat to what works—and more importantly, what doesn’t. Their advice doesn’t come from personal experience but from collected experience.

Here’s the thing: experience is not the sole pathway to insight. If that were true, only former addicts could be drug counselors, and only retired athletes could coach. Yet we know this isn’t the case. Catholic priests, for instance, undergo extensive training, studying theology, psychology, and counseling techniques. They are groomed to listen, guide, and provide frameworks for healthy decision-making.

Think about it: most people don’t want advice that sounds like, “When I was dating, I did this, so you should too.” No, they want someone who can step back, see the big picture, and guide them without the baggage of their personal biases. The priest, untouched by romantic entanglements, provides exactly that—clear, impartial wisdom.

Now, let’s not pretend that everyone who gives advice—whether experienced or not—knows what they’re talking about. The onus is on you, the recipient, to sift through the chaff and extract the valuable grains. Whether advice comes from your single friend, your married boss, or your celibate priest, the trick is to pick what resonates and discard the rest.

If priests can guide couples and officiate their marriages without ever having a girlfriend, then surely anyone with a well-reasoned perspective can offer their two cents on relationships. To dismiss someone’s advice based on their relationship status is, frankly, lazy. The real question should be, “Is this advice sound? Does it align with my values and circumstances?”

So the next time someone says, “You don’t even have a girlfriend, so why are you talking about marriage?”—ask them this: Does a chef need to eat at every restaurant to know how to cook well? Do astronauts need to live on Mars to teach about space travel? Expertise is not always rooted in direct experience. Sometimes, it’s rooted in careful study, observation, and a willingness to engage deeply with the subject.

Marriage and dating are universal topics. They are not the exclusive preserve of the romantically involved. So, while I may not have a partner to flaunt, I will continue to share my observations, analyze trends, and offer thoughts on love and commitment.

As for those who dismiss me? Well, I’ll just keep sipping my bissap. Cheers!

Free Dialysis: NHIS coverage hits new heights under Akufo-Addo [Listen] Tue, 03 Dec 2024 19:24:25 +0000 The Chief Executive of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Dr. Da-Costa Aboagye, has commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his exceptional contributions to healthcare in Ghana.

Dr. Aboagye described the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) as being at its most effective stage in the nation’s history, citing recent initiatives and investments that have improved healthcare delivery.

Dr. Aboagye made these remarks following the government’s official launch of the Free Dialysis Treatment Program for renal disease patients, effective December 1, 2024.

“This initiative demonstrates the government’s focus on improving healthcare outcomes for vulnerable populations.”

Ahead of the program’s rollout, Dr. Aboagye said engaged leaders of 40 health facilities designated for the implementation process.

He urged them to avoid illegal charges, stressing the government’s commitment to transparency and accessibility.

During the pilot stage, the NHIA paid over GHS 1.5 million to several teaching hospitals, including:

Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH)

Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH)

Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital (ENRH)

Ho Teaching Hospital (HTH)

Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH)

Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH)

Dr. Aboagye revealed on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Tuesday that to avoid overburdening staff, NHIA will deploy two additional personnel to each of the hospitals involved in the program.

Additionally, the NHIA plans to intensify public education and monitor hospital activities to ensure the program’s success.

In just two months, he noted President Akufo-Addo’s administration has paid GHS 1 billion in claims to hospitals.

Dr. Aboagye expressed optimism about the impact of these payments on staff morale and service delivery.

“NHIS now funds 95 percent of primary skin disease treatments and has become more attractive than ever” he said.

Dr. Aboagye therefore encouraged Ghanaians to appreciate the strides made under President Akufo-Addo’s leadership.

“The President has done so well for our healthcare system. Let’s not spoil his name” he appealed.



I could’ve transformed Ghana to Dubai with the borrowed $11.5bn –…

NDC campaign not about funfair, but serious issues – Otokunor [Listen]

We don’t take a single pesewa from gov’t – Ghana Publishing…

CHAG commissions SafeCare Hub to transform healthcare delivery in Ghana Tue, 03 Dec 2024 17:19:44 +0000 The Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) has inaugurated its state-of-the-art SafeCare Hub in Accra, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at improving the quality of healthcare for millions of Ghanaians.

This facility symbolises CHAG’s dedication to delivering patient-centred care while addressing critical gaps in healthcare safety and quality.

Serving over eight million Ghanaians annually through its network of health facilities, CHAG’s SafeCare Hub will function as a center for training, research, and promoting safe healthcare practices. The Hub aims to consolidate the organisation’s achievements under the SafeCare initiative and sustain improvements in healthcare delivery.

Speaking at the commissioning, the Executive Director of CHAG, Dr. Peter Yeboah, described the facility as a beacon of hope for healthcare improvement in Ghana.

“For many Ghanaians, healthcare is not just about access but safety and dignity. This hub is a bold step toward ensuring that every individual receives the care they deserve,” he said.

Dr. Yeboah reflected on the milestones achieved through the SafeCare initiative over the past five years.

“We have recorded a 91% improvement in the overall quality of care in all CHAG facilities. Gladly, 70% of CHAG facilities have transitioned from one level to another – from Level 1 to Level 4.

The Director of Policy, Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (PPME) at the Ministry of Health, Emma Ofori Agyemang, commended CHAG for its exceptional leadership in healthcare and assured government support for its operations. She revealed a substantial financial commitment to CHAG’s operations in 2025.

“CHAG has become a beacon of hope in our healthcare system. The government is proud to support this vision and ensure that no Ghanaian is left behind in accessing quality healthcare,” she stated.

She added, “It is refreshing to know that all CHAG facilities in Ghana have gone through the quality assurance assessment. I think that is very impressive, and 39 of them are at Level 4. This is very commendable.”

The CEO of PharmAccess, Dr. Nicole Spieker, highlighted the global importance of initiatives like SafeCare in addressing healthcare deficiencies.

“Globally, three million people die annually due to lack of access to care, while five million die because of poor-quality care. Ghana, through CHAG, is emerging as a leader on the continent in achieving universal health coverage,” she said.

On his part, the Auxiliary Bishop of Accra, Most Rev. John Kobina Louis, reaffirmed the Ghana Catholic Bishop Conference’s commitment to the SafeCare programme and the enduring partnership between the church and the state in healthcare delivery. Speaking at the commissioning of the CHAG-SafeCare Hub in Accra, Bishop Louis commended the initiative for its transformative impact on healthcare in underserved communities.

“As a founding member of CHAG, the Ghana Catholic Bishop Conference is proud to be part of the SafeCare journey and commend all efforts at bringing health and healing to the greatest number of people in our country, especially the unreached, the underserved, and the poorly served segment of the population,” he stated.

He also acknowledged the critical role of development partners, such as PharmAccess, in enhancing healthcare delivery.

“For our development partners such as PharmAccess, this joint SafeCare programme shows the value of collaboration and cooperation in promoting national and global health security. We remain grateful for demonstrating trust and confidence in CHAG,” Bishop Louis added.

In his concluding remarks, Bishop Louis urged CHAG leadership to prioritise professional excellence and innovation to strengthen the health sector.

“Finally, to the entire CHAG leadership, it’s our fervent hope that you’ll continue to uphold your stewardship role in maintaining this edifice and safeguard standards of professional excellence by conceptualizing innovative projects and programmes towards strengthening the CHAG network and the health sector as a whole,” he said.

The commissioning of the CHAG-SafeCare Hub marks a significant milestone in Ghana’s healthcare journey, reinforcing the commitment to quality care and collaboration in addressing the nation’s healthcare needs.

The Chairman of the Christian Council, Rt. Rev. Dr. Hilliard Dela Dogbe, emphasized the Christian community’s resolve to support sustainable healthcare delivery and praised CHAG’s achievements.

“The Church in Ghana has long been perceived as a leader in the provision of excellent healthcare. With the introduction of SafeCare, we now have a quality assurance program that elevates this perception by providing objective assessments, ratings, and benchmarks for our services.

“We cannot go back in providing quality assurance. The assessments and ratings are tools to ensure that we continue to give off our best. I trust and believe that none of the facilities that have reached Level 4 will want to drop to Level 3. Instead, all of us must aim to reach the pinnacle of Level 5 – or perhaps beyond that.”

He added, “This remarkable success reflects the unwavering support from church leadership and the Christian community. We are grateful to PharmAccess and other partners for their incredible support to CHAG.”

The Chairman of the occasion and the Board Chairman of the University of Ghana Medical Centre, Dr. Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, , described the commissioning of the SafeCare Hub as a landmark moment in Ghana’s healthcare journey and called on all stakeholders to support its vision.

For millions of Ghanaians, the SafeCare Hub represents more than a building – it is a symbol of hope, innovation, and a commitment to delivering healthcare that prioritises quality, safety, and dignity.

NHIA releases ¢200m claims payment to health facilities as free dialysis begins Mon, 02 Dec 2024 08:34:15 +0000 The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has released GH₵200 million as claims payment to health facilities nationwide while rolling out the free dialysis treatment programme, effective December 1, 2024.

The NHIA’s prompt payments regime, introduced earlier this year, has been instrumental in maintaining a debt-free status for 2024, ensuring timely reimbursement to healthcare providers across the country.

This latest payment brings the total amount released by the NHIA over the last two months to GH¢1 billion, underscoring the Authority’s ongoing commitment to supporting healthcare providers and ensuring the sustainability of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

Dr. DaCosta Aboagye, Chief Executive Officer of the NHIA, confirmed the disbursement in an interview with the Ghana News Agency to cover claims submitted and vetted for the months of September and October 2024

He assured Ghanaians that the NHIA had no outstanding claims to settle, emphasizing the Authority’s readiness to ensure the successful implementation of the free dialysis programme.

“We don’t have any outstanding claims to pay. Normally, our payments range between GH₵150 million and GH₵200 million. I have told the facilities to bring their claims because we have the money to pay them. NHIS is at its best and back on its feet,” Dr DaCosta Aboagye said.

Dr. Aboagye highlighted the scheme’s financial growth, noting that its budget had increased by GH₵2 million annually since 2017.

He disclosed that the NHIA 2024 budget stood at GH₵6.8 billion, with half allocated for claims.

“As we speak, the claims budget is still underutilized. We have paid over GH₵2 billion in claims this year and still have funds available. We are literally begging facilities to bring their claims,” he reiterated.


About 6,000 people die through antimicrobial resistance annually in Ghana – KCCR Sat, 30 Nov 2024 15:57:53 +0000 About six thousand people die annually in Ghana through antimicrobial resistance, according to the Kumasi Center for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR).

This health threat occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness, and death.

According to Dr. John Amuasi, lead of the Global Health and Infectious Diseases Research Group at the KCCR, addressing the issues of resistance particles will save more people from dying from diseases.

“This is simply because the medicine that is used to cure microbes are not working, which happens when people abuse these microbials because they no longer become effective,” he said.

Speaking to Joy News during the World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week celebration, he said this is to help create awareness to reduce the negative impact.

Dr. Amuasi suggested the only way to limit the use of antimicrobials is to make them available to the right people who need them and prevent them from being used by those who don’t need them.

The World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 2024 was commemorated with the global theme “Educate. Advocate. Act now.” It reminds the public of the critical need to combat this silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The AMR challenge poses a serious risk to global health, food security, and sustainable development, which undermines the effectiveness of antimicrobials, particularly antibiotics, and the treatments depend on daily.

During an engagement with commercial drivers at Tech on self-medication and its impact, Dr. Charity Wiafe Akenten, Research Fellow with the One Health Bacteriology Research Group at the KCCR, said to mitigate the impact of antimicrobial resistance, Ghana, through the Ministries of Health, Food and Agriculture, and the Veterinary Department, has formulated and implemented a national action plan.

This includes public awareness creation, strengthening of labs, and educating farmers.

First new asthma attack treatment in 50 years Thu, 28 Nov 2024 23:38:57 +0000

Researchers say they have found the first new treatment for asthma attacks in 50 years.

The injection dampens part of the immune system that can go into overdrive in flare-ups of both asthma and a lung condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Benralizumab is already used in the most severe cases, but the latest research suggests it could be used routinely for around two million attacks in the UK each year.

The research team at King’s College London said the drug was a “game-changer” that could “revolutionise” care.

The findings stem from the realisation that not all asthma or COPD attacks are the same. Instead, different parts of the immune system are over-reacting in different patients.

“Now we can see there are different patterns of inflammation, we can be smarter and get the right treatment, to the right patient, at the right time,” said Prof Mona Bafadhel, from King’s.

Benralizumab targets a type of white blood cell – called an eosinophil – that can cause inflammation and damage in the lungs.

Eosinophils are implicated in about half of asthma attacks and a third of COPD flare-ups.

If such an attack – involving difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing and chest tightness – cannot be controlled with regular inhalers then doctors currently prescribe a course of steroids.

The study, on 158 people, monitored patients for three months after treatment for a flare-up.

The results in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine found a treatment failure rate of:

  • 74% when taking steroids
  • and 45% with the new therapy

People treated with the new therapy were less likely to be admitted to hospital, need another round of treatment or die.

Prof Bafadhel said this could benefit a huge number of people as two million attacks a year “is not a small number”.

“This is a game-changer, we’ve not had a change in treatment for 50 years – it will revolutionise how we treat people when they’re really unwell,” Prof Bafadhel said.

Volunteers also reported improved symptoms and a better quality of life on the new drug.

Alison Spooner Portrait of Alison smiling straight to camera with blond hair and blue eyes.
Alison Spooner has had asthma since childhood

Alison Spooner, who is 55 and from Oxfordshire, was one of those taking part in the trial. She has had asthma since childhood, but it became worse over the past five years and she’s had three major attacks.

“They seemed to be getting worse, the severe lack of breath was quite frightening when you’re gasping and there’s nothing to gasp at,” she told me.

Alison says she felt “drastically different” after having the injection and still uses her inhalers but “only because I’ve been told to”.

“Unfortunately, no drug gets rid of asthma completely, but this is the nearest thing. It’s a bit of a miracle actually,” she adds.

‘Massive promise’

Benralizumab is not ready for widescale use.

It will still take a larger trial, due to start in 2025 and which will last two years, to be certain of any benefit. Anybody who is already given these drugs should continue to follow their prescription.

That study will also have to assess cost-effectiveness since monoclonal antibodies, like this therapy, are expensive drugs.

But Dr Sanjay Ramakrishnan, from the University of Oxford, said the work so far “shows massive promise” and that treatment for COPD was “stuck in the 20th Century” despite being one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

Geoffrey Pointing Geoffrey wearing a green, white and yellow checked shirt, glasses balanced on top of his head, sporting a closely cropped goatee and standing in front of a picture of a stag in a forest.
Geoffrey Pointing said the new therapy did not have the side-effects that came with steroids

Long-term use of steroids is linked with side-effects including weight gain, diabetes and weak bones.

Geoffrey Pointing, 77, from Oxfordshire, who also took part in the trial, said: “I didn’t get any side effects like I used to with the steroid tablets.

“I used to never sleep well the first night of taking steroids, but the first day on the study, I could sleep that first night, and I was able to carry on with my life without problems.”

It is estimated that four people with asthma and 85 people with COPD die in the UK every day.

Dr Samantha Walker, from the charity Asthma + Lung UK, said the results were “great news”.

“But it’s appalling that this is the first new treatment for those suffering from asthma and COPD attacks in 50 years,” she said.

Legal tips: Did you know that you can be sued for failing to keep a promise to marry? Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:09:56 +0000 In Ghana, if one party makes a serious promise to marry and the other party relies on that promise, a breach of promise to marry can occur if the agreement is not fulfilled.

In such cases, the party in breach may be sued in a competent court of jurisdiction.

A breach of promise to marry can be classified into two types: non-performance breach and anticipatory breach.

Non-performance breach occurs when one party fails to fulfill their promise, such as when Party A promises to marry Party B after she becomes pregnant and gives birth, but does not proceed with the marriage rites once she has the child.

Anticipatory breach happens when one party abandons the other before the promised event, such as Party A leaving Party B before she gives birth, even though a promise to marry was made.

In both situations, legal action can be taken for the breach of promise to marry.

The legal tips are supplied by Trudy Gbogbo, Esq., a Ghanaian lawyer, journalist, and public relations expert. She has gained recognition for her expertise in various areas of law, including family law, corporate law, and general legal practice.

Follow us for more tips.

Free dialysis initiative is not for votes – Dr. Kwabena Nuamah to critics Thu, 28 Nov 2024 12:18:40 +0000 Former Chairman of the Health Committee in Parliament, Dr. Kwabena Twum Nuamah, has clarified that the government’s free dialysis initiative is not a political maneuver aimed at securing votes in the upcoming 2024 elections.

The government recently announced that free dialysis services will be available in 40 health facilities across the country starting December 1, 2024.

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has added dialysis services to its benefit package to provide relief to Ghanaians who cannot afford the high cost of dialysis.

However, some critics have suggested that the initiative has been introduced as a strategy to garner votes for the incumbent government as the election approaches.

In an interview on Adom FM’s Burning Issues, hosted by Akua Boakyewaa Yiadom, Dr. Kwabena Twum Nuamah addressed these concerns, emphasizing that the initiative is not politically motivated.

“Some people might think the initiative is tied to the 2024 elections, but that is not the motive. It is to protect and save lives. The free dialysis should have been introduced a long time ago. Imagine having a sister who needs dialysis to survive but cannot afford it—it’s a sad situation,” Dr. Twum Nuamah said.

He further clarified that while the initiative was not heavily publicized during its pilot phase, it is not intended to trick Ghanaians into voting for the government.

Regarding the government’s progress in building more hospitals, Dr. Twum Nuamah explained the delay in the reconstruction of the La General Hospital. He attributed the delay to the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme, the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war, and the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the government had to re-engage investors.

He stated that construction has now resumed, with the project currently 28% complete.


2024 Elections: I will burn myself alive if Mahama wins –…

Resident Engineer outlines plans to safeguard Obetsebi Lamptey interchange from misuse

3 quick ways to stop sugar cravings Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:18:19 +0000 Sugar cravings can strike when you least expect them, often sabotaging your efforts to eat healthily.
In Nigeria, where sugary treats like snacks and soft drinks are everyday indulgences, controlling these cravings is a challenge.

But with the right strategies, you can break free from sugar dependency and maintain a balanced diet.

Here are three quick and effective ways to curb sugar cravings.

Hydrate with water or herbal teas

Sometimes, sugar cravings are a sign of dehydration, not hunger. Drinking water can help suppress the urge to snack on sugary foods. Herbal teas like green tea or zobo (without added sugar) are excellent alternatives that provide a soothing effect while also keeping you hydrated.

Why It works: Staying hydrated helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces false hunger signals.

Pro tip: Add a slice of lemon or cucumber to your water for a refreshing twist and added flavour without sugar.

Opt for natural sweet alternatives 

When the craving hits, reach for fruits like bananas, apples, or mangoes instead of processed snacks. These natural options not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also provide essential nutrients and fibre that help you stay full longer.

Why It works: Fruits release natural sugars slowly, preventing the sudden spike and crash associated with processed sweets.

Local tip: Try dried fruits like dates, which are readily available and are a healthy, naturally sweet treat.

3. Distract Yourself with Physical Activity

Engaging in a quick workout or even a brisk walk can reduce sugar cravings.

Physical activity boosts endorphins your body’s natural feel-good hormones helping you overcome the desire for sugary comfort foods.

Why It works: Exercise reduces stress, a common trigger for sugar cravings, while also improving your overall mood and energy levels.

Pro tip: Incorporate activities like dancing to Afrobeat tracks or light jogging around your compound to make exercise enjoyable.

Overcoming sugar cravings is not about complete deprivation but finding healthier alternatives and distractions that work for you. Staying hydrated, choosing natural sweets, and engaging in physical activity are simple but powerful steps you can take today.

5 things women who smell good never do Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:14:31 +0000 Scent is a powerful yet often overlooked aspect of self-presentation.
For many women, maintaining a pleasant and lasting fragrance is not just about spraying perfume but about adopting a lifestyle that supports freshness. While smelling good might seem effortless for some, there are specific habits that women who always smell great avoid.

Here are five things women who smell good never do, and how you can incorporate these practices into your daily routine for long-lasting freshness.

1. They don’t skip proper hygiene practices 

Women who consistently smell good prioritise their hygiene routine and never rely on perfumes to mask unpleasant odours.

\They ensure daily showers, especially in Nigeria’s humid climate, using antibacterial soaps to tackle sweat and odour-causing bacteria.

Tip: Focus on areas prone to sweating, like underarms and feet, and exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells that can trap odours.

2. They never ignore their clothes  

It’s not just about personal hygiene; your clothes play a huge role in how you smell. Women who smell good avoid wearing clothes that have absorbed odours from cooking, sweat, or dampness.

Tip: Always air out your clothes and use fabric softeners or laundry detergents with fresh scents. For an added touch, spritz your wardrobe with a fabric-safe spray.

3. They don’t skip moisturising before applying fragrance 

A key secret to long-lasting perfume is a moisturised body. Women who smell good never apply fragrance directly to dry skin, as it evaporates quickly.

Instead, they use unscented or lightly scented lotions to lock in the scent.

Tip: Apply perfume to pulse points like the wrists, neck, and behind the ears for optimal diffusion.

4. They never overdo fragrance layering

While layering products like body washes, lotions, and perfumes can enhance a scent, overdoing it can create clashing fragrances or overwhelming smells. Women who smell good stick to complementary scents or a single signature fragrance.

Tip: If you’re layering, choose products from the same fragrance line or opt for neutral scents that blend well together.

5. They don’t ignore their diet

What you eat significantly impacts how you smell. Women who consistently smell fresh avoid foods that cause strong body odours, like garlic, onions, or excessively spicy dishes, without proper balance.

Tip: Incorporate fruits like pineapples and oranges, as well as plenty of water, to naturally enhance your body’s scent from within.

Smelling good is about more than just spraying a bottle of perfume, it’s a combination of good hygiene, thoughtful habits, and smart product choices.

Avoiding these five mistakes will ensure you smell fresh, confident, and unforgettable.

Why people shy away from HIV treatment – AIDS Commission [Listen] Wed, 27 Nov 2024 16:51:40 +0000 The Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene, has revealed that some persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) shy away from treatment due to societal stigma.

According to the National HIV and AIDS Control Programme of the Ghana Health Service, over 34,000 new HIV infections were detected between January and the third quarter of 2024.

In an interview on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen, Dr. Atuahene explained that this reluctance to seek treatment is largely due to the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.

The phenomenon, he said, is concerning because it jeopardizes the health and lives of those living with the virus (PLWAs).

He emphasized that HIV treatment, including anti-retroviral drugs, is free and readily available at various health facilities.

“The drugs are free, but because of stigmatization, a lot of people shy away. I know someone in Tamale who called me for a location in Accra to get the drugs. So, every now and then, the person travels to Tema to collect them,” he said.

He also mentioned that many people are hiding their HIV status from their spouses and families. Some children who are on HIV treatment do not even understand the reason for their medication.

According to Dr. Atuahene, all that is required to access these services is a valid National Health Insurance card.

He urged HIV patients to embrace treatment to maintain viral suppression and advised the public to avoid stigmatizing individuals living with HIV.

“We are engaging the patients to help them not shy away or be afraid, because if they focus on the stigma, they will not experience the joy of living a peaceful life,” he added.




Free dialysis treatment to be available in 40 facilities from December 1 – NHIA CEO Mon, 25 Nov 2024 11:53:44 +0000 The Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Dr. Dacosta Aboagye, has announced that the government’s free dialysis services will be available in 40 health facilities across the country starting December 1, 2024.

The NHIA recently added dialysis services to its benefit package, with the policy set to commence on December 1. This initiative aims to provide relief to many Ghanaians who cannot afford the high cost of dialysis.

Currently, the cost of dialysis in Ghana ranges between GHC 300 and GHC 1,000. Data indicates that between 4 million and 5.2 million citizens suffer from some form of renal function impairment.

Dr. Aboagye disclosed that patients will be able to access the service in 40 pilot health facilities, including private hospitals.

“We have currently listed about 40 of these centres that our patients would have to go to,” he stated.

He also noted that on Tuesday, November 26, the NHIA will meet with the heads of these facilities to discuss the implementation process.

Speaking on Joy News’ AM Show on Monday, November 25, Dr. Aboagye assured the public of the programme’s sustainability, stating that the Authority has the necessary funds to support it.

He further emphasized that a change in government would not affect the free dialysis initiative, as it has already been incorporated into the NHIA’s benefits package and is backed by constitutional provisions.

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, who is contesting to become Ghana’s next president, has reiterated his administration’s commitment to providing free dialysis treatment.

Dr. Bawumia announced that the NHIA would launch the programme on December 1, highlighting his government’s dedication to improving the lives of citizens suffering from renal diseases.

The pilot programme, launched earlier this year, currently caters to patients over 60 and under 18 years old.

Meanwhile, former President John Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), who is seeking re-election, has pledged to establish modern dialysis centres in regions that currently lack such facilities. He stated that decentralizing these centres would improve access to treatment.

Available data shows that approximately 2,000 people are currently undergoing dialysis in Ghana. Many patients resort to alternative treatments, accessing renal care only when their condition becomes critical, which negatively affects their quality of life and life expectancy.



MELPWU signs first-ever Collective Agreement with government Mon, 25 Nov 2024 11:21:32 +0000 After months of negotiations characterized by delays and industrial actions, the Medical Laboratory Professionals Workers Union (MELPWU) has signed its first-ever Collective Agreement with the government, paving the way to enhance the service and welfare conditions of medical laboratory professionals across the country.

Signed at the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) in Accra on Wednesday evening by the executives of MELPWU and Directors of the FWSC, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, the agreement covers financial and non-financial conditions and benefits aimed at promoting enhanced laboratory service delivery and improved welfare conditions for medical laboratory professionals.

Key provisions in the agreement, which take effect from August 2024 for a two-year period, include workman’s compensation, rural incentive packages, tools allowance, professional development support, market premium, medical subsidies, and other allowances.

Dr. Cephas Kofi Akortor, General Secretary of MELPWU, signed for the union, while Ing. Benjamin Arthur, Chief Executive of the FWSC, signed for the Commission, which led the government’s negotiation team consisting of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, and the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The Collective Agreement, which is the first to be signed with the government after the union gained its collective bargaining certificate in July 2022, has been one of two key demands of MELPWU over the past two years.

The outstanding demand is for the posting of over 2,000 qualified medical laboratory professionals, especially Doctor of Medical Laboratory Science graduates who are currently not working due to the lack of financial clearance for their recruitment.

In his remarks after the signing, Dr. Akortor expressed delight about the achievement but wished that they had more of their items granted, indicating that “although we didn’t get all we expected, it’s a good beginning.”

He explained that some of their items, including special demands for insurance and transportation for junior workers, were not granted by the government due to its inability to accommodate such costs because of IMF conditionalities.

“We made some compromises in the interest of the nation,” he said, but assured the members that with the Collective Agreement, “we will no longer be treated with discretion.”

While the signing is a milestone for the union, Dr. Akortor reiterated the union’s call for the immediate posting of over 2,000 qualified medical laboratory graduates waiting to contribute to the healthcare system to enhance the staff strength and reduce the workload in the labs.

“We also urge the Ministry of Finance to expedite action on the financial clearance for over 19,000 qualified but unemployed allied health professionals who are currently jobless.”

Professor Charles Oppong, Director of Grievances and Negotiations at the FWSC, who presented the signed document to the executives of the union, commended the teams from both sides for the cooperation and sacrifices that resulted in the agreement.

He urged the implementing agencies, particularly the MoH, to ensure an effective implementation of the agreement to promote industrial peace.

Lawrence Odartey Lawson, a Deputy Director at MoH, who chaired the signing ceremony, also lauded the efforts invested in the negotiations and expressed optimism that the new agreement would help “to promote harmony and a fruitful industrial front.”

For her part, Mrs. Lizzy-Ann Kwagbedzi, Deputy CEO of Gamey and Gamey Group, the consultants for MELPWU, also thanked the FWSC team for their cooperation and collaboration that enabled the negotiations to overcome the numerous challenges in the over one-year journey.



The Zongo Fair: A celebration of culture and community [Photos] Mon, 25 Nov 2024 11:02:15 +0000 The Zongo Community Came Together to Celebrate Their Rich Culture and Promote Peace and Togetherness Ahead of the December 7th General Election

Dubbed the Zongo Fair, it was a maiden two-day event that took place on Saturday, November 23rd, and Sunday, November 24th, at Accra New Town.

Saturday’s Event

The event kicked off with a launch, during which various chiefs from the Zongo community preached peace before, during, and after the elections. The ceremony also included an awards presentation, where key members of the Zongo community received citations for their outstanding contributions.

The evening was capped off with an exciting boxing match/show.

Sunday’s Event

Sunday’s activities began with a vibrant street art exhibition that showcased the community’s creative talent. The event culminated in an entertaining concert featuring performances by Wendy Shay and Ras Kuuku.

The Zongo Fair was a resounding success, promoting unity and peace within the community. It served as a powerful reminder of the importance of togetherness, particularly during significant events like the upcoming general election.

Below are some photos 

Gospel musician Adeline Baidoo shares inspiring story of triumph over adversity Mon, 25 Nov 2024 03:31:51 +0000 Gospel act Adeline Baidoo, a Fante from Ghana’s Central Region, is a gospel musician and lecturer at Accra Technical University.

Her journey from hardship to empowerment has inspired many, as she continues to uplift women and youth through her music, advocacy, and teaching.

Born in the village of Asuoabena-Nkwarteng in the Birim-North District in the Eastern Region, Adeline faced a difficult childhood marked by parental absence and maltreatment.

She moved between relatives and experienced rejection when her estranged mother returned briefly but refused to acknowledge her publicly.

“During tough times, I survived on a single meal every three days and endured maltreatment, yet I held on to my faith,” she recounted.

Despite these challenges, Adeline excelled academically. After completing junior high in Somanya and senior high at Koforidua Secondary-Technical School, she trained as a teacher and went on to earn a Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’, Diploma in Basic Education, and higher degrees, including a Master’s Degree from the University of Education, Winneba. She is now a final-year PhD candidate in Arts and Culture at UEW.

Her teaching career spans all levels, from primary school to tertiary education, showcasing her dedication as an educator and her passion for shaping lives.

Gospel music journey

Adeline’s music career began in 2008 with her debut album, Awuradze Agye Me, followed by Oye Odo and Oye Awuradze.

In 2018, she remixed Oye Awuradze, and her hit song M’abre Pen was released on January 26, 2024. Her recent singles include Oye Awurade Refix, Hallelujah Praise, and Yehowa Aseda.

Her music reflects her life experiences and deep faith, resonating with audiences across Ghana and beyond.

Overcoming personal struggles

Adeline’s personal life has not been without challenges. She endured domestic abuse in her first marriage and faced financial exploitation in her second.

Despite these hardships, she found joy in motherhood, giving birth to her daughter, Adeodata Yehowa Ani Quansah, while pursuing her Master’s degree.

“I lived alone during my pregnancy, but God and my determination saw me through,” she shared.

Advocating for women’s empowerment

In addition to her music and academic career, Adeline founded the Ghana Women Forum, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women.

Within 11 months, the forum has grown to include about 2,000 members and boasts supporters like Deputy Minister of Gender and Social Protection, Madam Francisca Oteng Mensah; Laweh University College’s Professor Goski Alabi; National Science and Maths Quiz Mistress, Professor Elsie Effah Kaufman; musician Okyeame Kwame; and Nana Ama Amissah III, Chief of Mankessim.

“We aim to inspire women to overcome challenges and achieve their potential,” Adeline explained.

A story of hope and resilience

Adeline Baidoo’s journey is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. From her humble beginnings to her accomplishments as a lecturer, gospel musician, and advocate, she continues to inspire others with her story of hope.

“God has turned my trials into testimonies. I use my story to counsel women and encourage them that no matter what they face, they can overcome,” she said.

Her life is a shining example of how faith, resilience, and determination can transform adversity into a source of inspiration.


‘99% of people don’t know deodorant can kill’ Mon, 25 Nov 2024 02:30:37 +0000

The family of a girl who died from inhaling aerosol deodorant say events held in her memory have spread awareness to thousands of people.

Giorgia Green, who was 14 and from Derby, had a cardiac arrest after spraying the deodorant in her bedroom in May 2022.

Since then her family and friends have campaigned through a group called Bee Angels.

They have already held two roller skating events and are about to hold their second Christmas crafting event.

Family photo Giorgia Green surrounded by Christmas presents
Family photo | Giorgia Green was autistic and found the smell of deodorant comforting

Paul Green, Giorgia’s dad, said: “We called the awareness campaign Bee Angels because my daughter loved bees and she’s now an angel, along with the other angels that have passed in the same way.”

He said the Christmas crafting event would be fitting as his daughter was “extremely creative”.

“We did the event last year and it went extremely well and everybody that came said how wonderful it was to sit together and make things,” he said.

“Anybody is welcome, it’s an open door.

“In fact, we would love it if people that don’t know us turn up, because we’re trying to get the word out not only to people we know, but people we don’t know.”

The event will be held at Spondon Old School, between 13:00 and 17:00 GMT on 30 November.

Roller skating event in Derby raises awareness of deodorant dangers

Mr Green said most people were shocked when they found out aerosol deodorant could kill.

“I would say that 99% of people that find out about it have wondered how they never knew this, how have they lived so long and not once heard or knew that this potential danger existed, and they are very shocked,” he said.

He added they were keen for more people to help them spread awareness.

“We try as many avenues as we can to get the word across to people, so if there’s anybody out there that feels they could help in getting the word out, we would love them to contact us on Facebook or Instagram,” he said.

“If we can let as many people know the dangers then they’re in a better position to protect themselves and their families.”

Kujori Esther Cachana crowned Miss Health Ghana 2024 Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:19:02 +0000 Ms. Kujori Esther Cachana, a passionate advocate for addressing mercury poisoning, has been crowned Miss Health Ghana 2024.

The radiographer and model outshone five other finalists at the glamorous pageant held at the Marriott Hotel.

Launched in 2019, Miss Health Ghana is a platform designed to empower young women to champion health initiatives that positively impact their communities.

This year’s competition, themed “Health Technology: Innovating for Wellness,” highlighted cutting-edge solutions in healthcare delivery and sponsored by Marriott hotel, PMMC jewellery Ltd, SONOTECH Medical Diagnostic Center and Doctors in Business.

After a rigorous selection process, nine contestants were chosen to present their health projects. Ms. Cachana’s compelling proposal focused on empowering mining communities to combat mercury poisoning and prevent the debilitating neurological disease, “Minamata disease”.

The final five contestants further faced a series of questions on leadership and resilience.

When asked about her vision for Ghana, Ms. Cachana emphasized the urgent need to address illegal mining and provide alternative livelihoods for affected communities.

With her exceptional performance, Ms. Cachana captured the hearts of the judges and emerged as the ultimate winner.

Commenting on the significance of technology in healthcare, Ms. Akyere Rockson, founder of Miss Health Ghana, highlighted the transformative potential of innovations like medical drones, telemedicine, and mobile health applications.

She urged leaders and policymakers to prioritize increased funding for the healthcare sector to accelerate technological advancements and improve service delivery.

The esteemed panel of judges included Dr. Grace Buckman, Dr. Emmanuel Amankrah, Kojo Soboh, and Eunice Darkoh.

Other contestants who showcased their talent and dedication to health were Tweneboa-Kodua, Melissa Abena Asare, Anita Dankwa, Maud, Jacqueline Fosu, Priscilla Ayeley Kwablah, Nyarko Nana Afua Ohenewaa.


Flatulence tax: Denmark agrees deal for livestock emissions levy Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:43:55 +0000

Denmark has agreed on how to implement the world’s first tax on agricultural emissions, including flatulence by livestock.

This comes after months of negotiations between the country’s major parties, farmers, the industry, trade unions and environmental groups. The Green Tripartite agreement was first announced in June.

From 2030, farmers will have to pay a levy of 300 kroner ($43; £34) per tonne of methane (as per carbon dioxide equivalent) on emissions from livestock including cows and pigs, which will rise to 750 kroner in 2035.

The Green Tripartite minister said they will “do what it takes to reach our climate goals” after receiving a “broad majority” in parliament.

“[It is a] huge, huge task that is now underway: to transform large parts of our land from agricultural production to forestry, to natural spaces, to ensure that we can bring life back to our fjords,” Jeppe Bruus said.

Part of the Green Tripartite agreement between the government, the agriculture industry and environmental organisations is to also reduce nitrogen pollution in an effort to restore the coasts and fjords. Nitrogen emissions could be reduced by 13,780 tonnes annually from 2027, AFP news agency reported.

A concerted effort will also be made to improve the country’s biodiversity.

According to Danish daily The Copenhagen Post, 250,000 hectares of new forest will be planted, and 140,000 hectares of peatlands that are currently being cultivated will be restored to natural habitat.

Peatlands are wetlands characterised by waterlogged conditions and are known carbon stores.

Around 60% of Denmark’s territory is currently cultivated, making it together with Bangladesh the country with the highest share of cultivated land, according to a Danish parliamentary report.

“Danish nature will change in a way we have not seen since the wetlands were drained in 1864,” Mr Bruus said, as quoted by AFP news agency.

Speaking about the agreement, the Danish minister for climate, energy and utilities, Lars Aagaard, said it showed the country’s “willingness to act”.

“It also shows the Danish model – broad political majority in the Danish parliament [and] involvement of the sectors that will be affected by the tax and involvement of environmental stakeholders,” he added, explaining these are “things that we could all benefit from if the rest of the world could foster such cooperation in the climate fight.”
