Cassava – Lessons from Thailand


Thailand is the world’s largest exporter of cassava, accounting for 80% of global trade in 2010.Earnings from exports of cassava products were nearly $2.8 billion in 2014.Cassava is not widely consumed as a food product in Thailand unlike Ghana, thus nearly all production is for industrial purposes, with starch being the main product.

Smallholder farmers as in Ghana, form the majority of Thailand’s cassava farmers. An estimated 535,532 families grow cassava in the country, seeing average yields of about 24MT/ha compared to average yields of 8-12MT/ha in Ghana.

Three key success factors have been largely responsible for cassava industrialization in Thailand: 1) R&D to support high-yielding production, 2) farmer outreach and support to build strong supply chains, and 3) policies to create a favourable enabling environment.

Initiatives and policies such as the Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI), which is funded by the Ministry of Commerce,have all contributed to this success.

So if Thailand can do it so can we.Creating an enabling environment is key in achieving success and i am looking forward to Ghana creating a multi billion dollar cassava industry.