Residents of Bunso in the Abuakwa District of the Eastern Region are grappling with the negative consequences of the theft of an Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) transformer, which has left the community without power for five days.

The stolen 100KV transformer, located in front of the Bunso police and fire service stations, has plunged the entire community into darkness.

When an Adom News correspondent visited the scene, ECG workers were busy installing a new transformer to restore power to the area.

This incident marks the fifth time such theft has occurred in the district, causing significant disruption each time. Residents expressed their frustration and highlighted the severe impact of the power outage on their daily lives and local businesses.

“It’s been five days now since the electricity went off, and it has affected us in so many ways,” said a local resident. “The Bunso Agric College and the CSIR Plant, along with other businesses that depend on electricity, have all been severely impacted.”

The theft has not only disrupted the lives of individual residents but also hindered the operations of educational institutions and research facilities that rely heavily on consistent power supply.

The community is urging authorities to take stronger measures to prevent such incidents in the future and ensure a stable power supply for Bunso and its surroundings.