Ghanaian boxer Braimah Kamoko, popularly known as Bukom Banku, has surprised many by shifting his political allegiance from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to the New Force led by Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar.

Speaking to residents of Chorkor in the Accra metropolis, Bukom Banku urged his supporters to vote for Cheddar in the upcoming elections.

He stated that he has a close friendship with Cheddar, for which he asked his followers to trust his judgment and rally behind the New Force.

However, he also acknowledged that individuals who have pledged allegiance to other parties have the freedom to vote according to their preferences.

This unexpected move has shocked Ghanaians, given Bukom Banku’s long-standing support for the NDC and its flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

Known as a dedicated advocate for the NDC, Bukom Banku has previously described Mahama as a father figure in politics and has actively campaigned for him in past elections.

His endorsement of Cheddar’s New Force has left many speculating on the reasons behind his change of heart and if it is motivated by money.