The Bosomtwe District Assembly in the Ashanti region has ordered the Church of Pentecost at Feyiase to pull down 15 feet of its church building under construction.
The 15 feet, according to the assembly, was illegally added contrary to the building plan the church submitted for approval in 2018.
The Church of Pentecost at Feyiase, in 2018, submitted a 30-feet building plan to the Bosomtwe Assembly for which a building permit was issued.
Four years on, the church has put up a 45-feet storey building which goes against the approved building plan.
The structure poses danger due to its closeness to the Gridco High Tension Lines in the area.
Nhyira FM’s Kuro Yi Mu Nsem show reported on the development and called the attention of the Bosomtwe Assembly.
The Assembly followed up and had a meeting with leaders of the church who admitted going beyond the building plan.

It is claimed an assessment of the closeness of the building to the high tension possessed no danger.
The Assembly however insists the church built the facility according to the approved plan.
Speaking to Nhyira FM’s Kwadwo Jantuah on Kuro Yi Mu Nsem, the Bosomtwe Assembly Engineer, Isaac Kumi, said the church has been ordered to pull down the additional 15 feet.
The Assembly has in the meantime suspended the building permit issued to the Church.
“After our meeting with them, they admitted they have gone beyond the plan they brought.
I have therefore written an official letter to them that based on the plan we approved for them, we are suspending the permit we gave them until they go back with the technical advice and pull down the additional 15 feet.
I told DCE it is not negotiable and if they don’t they can’t proceed with construction.
Then we will add an additional one and completely demolish the entire building.”
The church has also been asked to engage the services of an expert to conduct a structural integrity report before the 15 feet is pulled down.