Bible now symbol of decoration, security under pillows – Reverend



Reverend Ken Djotepe, acting Director of Programmes, Economic and Social Relations of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana on Sunday said that the Bible has become a symbol of decoration and security posts under pillows of Christians.

He said it had also become a fashionable enterprise to own one without reading it.

“We as Christians have failed to pray fervently and read religiously the Bible and have therefore fallen short of the grace and glory of God,” Rev. Djotepe said and called for change of hearts.

He said this in a virtual sermon on the second Sunday after Easter under the theme, “Lord Stay With Us,” as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to keep Churches shut in order to obey the social distancing protocols.

The Reverend Minister said one of the cardinal principles of a Christian was to remain prayerful with regular reading of the Bible but the situation was the reverse.

Rev. Djotepe said failure to read to understand the scriptures made Christians susceptible to illogical and untruths being disseminated by charlatans, who preyed on them for lack of knowledge.

“Owning a Bible does not make you a Christian,” he said.

Rev. Djotepe said for the “Lord to stay with us,” Christians must know the word, God’s prophesies and how His salvation worked.

He said the faithful would renege on their Christianity if they failed to partake in communion as a sign of his blood and body.

Rev. Djotepe said partaking in communion reaffirmed the Christian faith in remembrance of Jesus Christ, as the Lord and Saviour.

He indicated that communion was instituted as a re-unionised camaderie in ancient time and continued to be upheld today to build a community of righteousness and decency.

Rev. Djotepe said Jesus Christ had energised Christians enough to remain relevant until his second coming, where a final banquet would be laid for abundant food and wine and no hunger and disease again.

He urged Christians to exemplify the principles on which, Jesus Christ continued to operate and refrain from being hear-say believers.