The staff of Bibiani old town Nzongo Primary and JHS embarked on a sit-down strike Tuesday, pointing to the poor hygienic conditions on the school premises.
In recent times, there have been records of yet-to-be-identified persons who evade the school for their illegal activities including smoking and ‘shit bombing’ [ease themselves].
According to the authorities, the residents have turned the school into a ‘wee base’ as they fear it could lead to explosion of infections.

With their pleas and warnings falling on deaf ears, the school authorities staged the sober protest to voice their anger.
Some students, speaking to Adom News’ Augustine Boah, said the smell from the latrines and those smeared on their marker boards, tables and chairs predisposes them to illnesses.
Another student added that in multiple times, they are forced to dispose off the fragments of cigarettes and ‘wee’ in their classrooms.
They appealed to the authorities to come to put in place stringent punishment for perpetrators.
The Assembly member of the electoral area, Abdallah Mohammed, admitted the problem and sent a firm warning to perpetrators of the act to be very careful because anyone who will be caught in the act would be used as a scapegoat.