Beautician in court for distributing photoshopped nude images of actress


A beautician who out of jealousy doctored and distributed the nude images of her boyfriend’s former girlfriend has appeared before an Accra Circuit Court.
The beautician, Chantel Nunekpeku and her boyfriend Kayode Kalode, a music producer are said to have photoshopped the complainant’s pictures onto somebody’s nude.
They have been variously charged with offences relating to obscenity, domestic violence, emotional and psychological trauma.
They have pleaded not guilty and are currently on bail in the sum of GH¢10,000.00 with two sureties to reappear on September 5.
Defence Counsel, Mr Andy K Vortia at the commencement of the trial on Tuesday objected to tendering of document from the complainant.
According to defence counsel the document did not have dates on them and one could not tell the source of the documents.
Prosecuting Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Agnes Boafo, therefore, prayed for a date to put their house in order.
ASP Boafo said Destina Tata resides at Awoshie in Accra whiles accused persons are in an amorous relationship and they were residing at Sowutuom, a suburb of Accra.
The prosecutor told the court that the complainant was ex-girlfriend of Kalode.
According to prosecution, on January 23, this year, Chantel took the pictures of the complainant which she uploaded from social media and photo shopped them with somebody’s nude picture and created the impression that the pictures were that of the complainant.
Prosecution said the pictures were them posted on Instagram and attached the complainant’s name to the pictures which went viral.
The act, according to the prosecutor caused the complainant emotional and psychological trauma thereby undermining her integrity, privacy, dignity and her worth as a human being.
According to prosecution the complainant reported the case to the Police and accused persons were arrested.
During interrogation, Chantel admitted sending photo shopped nude pictures of the complainant on to social media and that she did that out of jealousy.