Banda chief appeals for military camp, police station


The chief of Banda in the Krachi Nchumuru District of the Oti Region, Nana Akwasi Omankuminte Il, is appealing for a military camp at Kpandai and a police station at Kumdi to curb insecurity in the area.

The chief made this statement during his address on the occasion of the maiden celebration of the Tekpang Djunduai festival of the chief and people of Banda Tekpang traditional area.

The chief also applauded the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government led by President Nana Akufo-Addo for constructing most of the roads in the area.

He said the roads from Krachi to Dambai Lake Side, from Banda Junction through Banda to Kpandai have been constructed and also used the platform to advise the Oti Regional Highway office to get a routine maintenance team to take care of the weaker portions of the road.

Nana Omankuminte also expressed his profound appreciation and gratitude to President Akufo- Addo and the NPP government for fulfilling their developmental agenda by implementing the Free SHS policy, the expansion of the School Feeding Programme, One Village One Dam, One District One Factory and many others.

However, the chief bemoaned the water situation in the area and urged the government to come to their aid.

He also called on the government to establish Technical/Vocational institute or a Senior High School (SHS) in the area.

Present at the event were the District Chief Executive for Kpandai District, Atta Kofi Emmanuel Tatabilata

About Tekpang Djunduai festival

The Tekpang people form part of the Banda Division of the Nchumuru tribe. Among the Banda people the Tekpang people have their own stool (Katerkpangya) meaning the hunter’s stool with its traditional seat at Banda.

Historically, they are hunters. It is through their hunting expedition that they discovered their stool.

The towns under the Tekpang stool include Banda, Banda Katekpai in the Krachi Nchumuru District of the Oti Region, Kumdi and Bankanba also in the Kpandai District of the Northern Region.

The Tekpang people were very brave warriors and fought so many wars, one important war was the Par (gyakyane) war.

They and the Nchumurus were named war captains in their history. Before Tekpang people undertook any of their expeditions, they contacted Djunduai for guidance and protection.

All of them went and returned safely. It is in this light that the festival was initiated to honour the gods and heroes who brought them this far.

The significance of this festival cannot be over emphasised without its religious, political, social, cultural, historical and economic benefits.

The festival enabled the people to appreciate the good works of the fetish Djunduai or god and solicit for prosperity, good health, bumper harvest for the coming years.

The festival also brings tribal and family reunion.

Politically it offers the chief the opportunity to reassert his authority over his sub-chiefs and subjects.