Audio: 18 yr-old shoots himself dead


An 18-year-old man Nwelgnel Yegbaja has killed himself at Sangnayili, a remote community near Bimbilla in the Nanuber North District in the Northern Region.

He shot himself in the left rib with a local gun at a farmland plunging residents in a state of mourning.

District Crime Officer, ASP Ebenezer Peprah who confirmed the incident to Adom News said the deceased and his brother had scheduled a routine night hunting of birds but Yegbaja quietly left the house on the brother’s blindside.

He said Yegbaja left their house at about 8:00 pm Tuesday evening when they were preparing for the hunting and did not return until a search party found him dead in a bush with his weapon beside him.

ASP Ebenezer Peprah indicated that, brother of the deceased strongly believed that his brother committed suicide because he had no records of mental disorder.

The body he noted has since been deposited at the Bimbila Government Hospital morgue and the police have begun investigation into the circumstances that led to his death.

Source: Illiasu Abdul Rauf