Nana Asare Akyeahene II, Dawuhene, Nana Awuku Bram I, Kyidomhene of Dawu, Nana Tufuhene I of Dawu-Akwapim; AbusuapanyinOfosuBudu, KwesiLarbi clan of Ankpone, (Dawu-Akwapim) KwabenaOtchere (Nigeria), Mr. Frederick Otchere, Adenta, Mrs Ellen Jackson (Accra), Madam Clara Donkor (Accra); Madam Gladys Adjei (Accra), OpanyinKwabenaAcheampong,(aka. GeorgeAdjei) all of Kwamanye Family of Dawu-Akwapim, Abusuapanyin Kwadwo Koramua Nyarko, (Ankpone-Dawu), Abususapnyin Alex Ofosu Agyeneso (Dawu), Opanyin Ohene Kofi, Dawu; Opapanyin Kobo (Dawu) and the entire Asibon family of Sekondi Takoradi with much sorrow announce the death of their beloved:

Nelson Yaw Adjei Manyah (C.E.O. of Manyako Ltd.)
Aged: 51 Years
(Which sad event occurred on 25th of November 2020)
Funeral Arrangements Are As Follows:
Friday, 22 January 2021, family gathering at his residence.
Time: 8:00 pm
Burial Mass: Saturday, 23rd January 2021 at the St Dominic Catholic Church Mallam         (Borla Rd).
Time: 7:00 am
Interment: Dawu, Akwapim
Final Funeral Rites: St. Bernadette School Hall (Dansoman)
Time: 12:00 noon
Thanksgiving Service: Sunday, 24th January 2021, at the St Dominic Catholic Church, Mallam (Borla Rd).
Time: 8:00 am
Widow: Mrs. Elaine Baaba Adjei Manyah
Children: Iris Adjei Manyah Jnr, Alfred Kofi Manyah, Samuel Nana Yaw Adjei Manyah
Grandchild: Rayshwan Adjei Manyah-Cooper
Mother: Madam Mabel Asibon (Mabatta Ent. Accra)
Attire: Saturday: Black
Sunday: Black & White