Assin North Bye-election: Deputy Minister and NDC MP engage in heated debate on TV


On June 29, a heated exchange took place on Metro TV between two Members of Parliament, John Ntim Fordjour of Assin South and Kofi Adams representing Buem.

The discussion centered on the aftermath of the Assin North bye-election tion.

The clash was triggered when Kofi Adams accused Ntim Fordjour of being hooted at by National Democratic Congress supporters both before and during the June 27 bye-election.

Mr Adams specifically mentioned an incident in the Ningo Gangan area, where the Deputy Minister was allegedly hooted at on the day before the election for spreading misinformation on a radio program.

Mr Fordjour swiftly responded to these claims, strongly objecting and urging Mr Adams to show respect and rise above making such accusations. He pointed a finger at Mr Adams to emphasize his discontent.

However, the Buem MP persisted, asserting that the people of Assin North had spoken through the election results.

He believed that the victory in Assin North would have a positive impact on the other Assin constituencies – Central and South – potentially leading to new developments in those regions.

Mr Fordjour counterattacked, daring Mr Adams to challenge him for his own seat, indicating that he should concentrate on securing his position rather than making bold claims.


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