Asawase: Family of alleged police murder victim rejects report


The family of Salahudeen Tafilu, a 34-year-old who died at Dagombaline due to alleged police brutality, claims to have been vindicated by an autopsy report revealing that the deceased suffered from massive blood in his abdominal cavity.

The family has rejected the police report on the incident, asserting that Salahudeen was manhandled by police officers, leading to his untimely death.

According to the police report provided to the family, the deceased was released to go to the hospital after the officers realized he was unwell following his arrest during a swoop in the area.

The tragic death of Salahudeen sparked outrage among some youth in the Asokore Mampong Municipality, prompting them to attack the Asawase police station and cause damage to properties.

In response to the incident’s gravity, Parliament has taken action by summoning the Interior Minister to answer questions regarding the matter. This action was initiated after the Member of Parliament for Asawase, Muntaka Mubarak, raised the issue on the floor of Parliament.

Seeking justice for the deceased, Salahudeen’s elder brother, Ibrahim Mohammed, expressed that the family will rely on the findings of the autopsy report in their pursuit of justice and accountability for the tragic loss of their loved one.

“The police report they brought is fake because that is not the case at all. We do not regard that report but that of the doctors. He was not sick, he was working when he was attacked, beaten and killed. So we want justice, we want the authorities to make known the truth.”

“We have been asked to be patient so we are waiting on the authorities to seek justice for us,” he said.

A concerned youth group in Asawase also condemned the killing and called for an investigation to deal with the handlers of the victim leading to his death.

The group, Concern Youth of Asawase, accused the police of targeting and killing Zongo youth in the past years and urged that the policeman involved in Salahudeen’s murder be dealt with.

“We are calling on the government to as a matter of urgency step in to ensure that justice is served our brother, and the Policemen who killed our brother are brought to book to face the full rigors of law. We the Concern Youth of Asawase will not rest until justice is served.

“Enough is enough! Enough of the Kill and Pay by the Police and Government; Allow the Zongo Youth to Grow.”


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