Some three hundred and fifty (350) persons living in one of the safe havens at Adidome in the Central Tongu district of the Volta region have lauded government for taking good care of them after the flood.
According to them, they get enough food and shelter in the classrooms provided for them.

During a visit by the Director General of NADMO, Nana Agyeman Prempeh and the Deputy Director In-charge of Operations, Seji Saji to the safe haven, the victims welcomed them with excitement.
80-year-old, Felicia Adetorvo who was eating Jollof rice with her colleagues told Adom News reporter, Shine Acquah that they have gotten the best treatment so far.

“I drank tea in the morning, took porridge for brunch, and I ate kenkey with fried fish, and now I’m eating Jollof. We want charcoal and dry fish to prepare my favourite kokonte” she said.

However, a student nurse at the facility said most of the people are traumatised and have been wondering how to start life.

She appealed to authorities to assist them with professional therapy to enable them come to terms with the reality.
Meanwhile, the Springfield Group has also handed over a truck load of relief items to the Assembly to be given to the displaced residents.
The items include toiletries, snacks, mattresses, clothes and many others is their widow’s mite.