AG’s department investigates release of ‘Delta 8’


The Attorney General’s department is set to launch investigations into the circumstances that led to discharge eight suspects and members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) vigilante group Delta Force by a Circuit Court in Kumasi.

According to a statement issued in Accra, the suppose advice given to the prosecution by the Principal State Attorney in the Ashanti region to discontinue the case for lack of evidence was done “without recourse to advice from higher authority”.

This statement comes after the Minority in Parliament accused the Attorney General, Gloria Akuffo of showing gross disrespect to the judiciary.

Addressing a press conference in Accra Wednesday, the leader of the Minority, Haruna Iddrisu says the decision by the prosecution to enter a nolle prosequi in the infamous Delta Force court invasion scandal is bias, and capricious.

The NDC is, therefore, demanding the freed hooligans and members of the Delta Force must be rearrested and prosecuted with immediate effect.

In a rebuttal, a statement signed by Information Minister, Mustapha Hamid said the decision to free the eight Delta Force members is a unilateral decision taken by Principal State Attorney.

The AG’s department which has begun investigations into the matter pledged commitment to ensuring that the rule of law is applied.

Below is the full statement


The Attorney General’s department is investigating circumstances under which a Principal State Attorney in Kumasi decided without recourse to advice from higher authority on a matter of high public interest of this nature to drop charges against persons arrested in connection with disturbances in a Kumasi Magistrate’s court in April this year.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the decision was taken without recourse even to the Director of Public Prosecution and may amount to a breach of internal procedures on matters of this nature.

While the department awaits the full results of this investigation we will like to reiterate our commitment to ensuring that the rule of law is applied at all times and persons found culpable of any  breaches that bring the work and commitment of the department into disrepute will be sanctioned and the appropriate remedies adopted in the interest of the Republic.

Information Minister