A former Chief Executive of the Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors (CBOD), Senyo Hosi, has called for the resignation of the Food and Agriculture Minister, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto.
In a two-page letter, Mr Hosi also asked the Chief Director of the Ministry to give up the position.
According to him, the Ministry engages in an arm-chair analysis and practices a culture of ‘knowing everything’, without adequate consultations and collaborations with industry players.

A posturing, he indicated “will take this country nowhere.”

“Your conduct and management of this matter are sub-optimal and respectfully, proves your unfitness to lead in the policy space for this sector. It is no wonder that we have spent billions of cedis and yielded sub-optimal effect, under all kinds of sloganeering and questionable data reportage,” parts of his letter read.

He, therefore, noted that the resignation of the two will save the sector which plays a critical role in the country’s economic growth from collapse