An aggrieved beneficiary of the Nation Builders Corps {NABCO) programme, Deborah Enam Sogbey, has staged a demonstration against the government’s failure to pay their 8-month arrears since their contract was terminated.

Clad in red, her one-woman demonstration started from Anloga Junction, through to Adum and made a final stop at the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council {RCC} to hand a petition to the government.

Though she missed the window to hand over the petition to the Region Minister, Deborah says she is determined to get the needed attention.

She complained of a horrible life she has been living after the end of the NABCO programme.

“Life has become unbearable for me, I barely make ends meet, I have now become a beggar resorting to friends for 20ghc daily, I can’t pay feed well not to take of paying bills, yet I have a child and parents to feed,” she asserted.

“Your Excellency, I am suffering, we NABCO trainees are dying out of hunger out of hunger, starvation, and improper health care. Most NABCO trainees are already dead and gone out of frustration, so to whom will you pay their arrears? We need the 8 months’ arrears to start up something for ourselves since we are not getting employment even though we have the experience and the qualification,” she stressed.

Over the years, NABCO trainees have staged diverse demonstrations to get the government to release their arrears.

Deborah believes somebody needs to do something and she has volunteered to champion the course of her colleagues.

She believes her action will speak volumes to people in authority for them to settle the arrears before she endangers her life as the current nonpayment of arrears has plunged her into.

“Most of the CEOs and men in authority are wicked, they try to have sex with you and promise you of job which and don’t believe, and even if they give me a job after sleeping with me, what will be the relationship that will exist between me and the MD at the workplace, because I have refused to offer my body I have been denied countless jobs even though I have the skill, expertise, and qualification. They are just wicked and inhumane,” she bemoaned.

Deborah wants to press the course of NABCO trainees until they are paid and offered better jobs as the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia promised them.