Adom FM’s People’s Forum advocacy gets death trap ‘Peace Be Town’ bridge fixed



Residents at Peace Be Town, a suburb at Ashaley Botwe in the Adentan constituency of the Greater Accra region are heaving a sigh of relief following the construction of a bridge in the area.

In October 2023, Adom FM’s People’s Forum train made a stop at Peace Be Town to shed light on the plight of the residents.

Distraught drivers and residents who shared their frustration on the Dwaso Nsem segment said the bridge was a death trap.

They claimed Member of Parliament (MP), Mohammed Adamu Ramadan promised to put their road and bridge in shape but has neglected them.

After weeks of intensive campaign, duty bearers have fixed the bridge.

During a visit to the area on Thursday, November 23, 2023, the residents who were full of praise commended Adom FM.

They also lauded the Assemblyman, Samuel Akrofi, for his role in ending their nightmare.

Mr Akrofi who also spoke to the team expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the spotlight which has brought relief to his people.

However, he acknowledged the project was completed through a collaborative effort with the Municipal Chief Executive(MCE) and other stakeholders.

“I thank the contractor, B5 Prestige Limited and also the MCE who led a visit to the CEO of the Coastal Development Authority Jerry Ahmed’s office.

Jerry assured us the bridge will be fixed immediately because they saw it on TV and it has gained a national attention. True to his words, we are rejoicing today,” he said.

Mr Akrofi revealed his next agenda is to press on leadership to give considerable attention to the roads.


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