Adom FM’s CJ Forson to officially adopt baby dumped in public toilet



Adom FM’s morning show host, Chief Jerry Forson, has announced plans to officially adopted a baby, ‘Adom’ who was dumped in a public toilet at Tuna in the Savannah region.

The baby who turns one this year was discovered in Tuna main market public toilet by an attendant in May 2022.

Announcing his plans on Adom TV’s M’ashyase3, CJ said he will adopt the baby to mark his birthday on May 7.

“Every month, I send money for her upkeep and I have told my children about her so they know they have a sister somewhere who will join them at home one day,” he told show host, Afia Amankwa Tamakloe.

The little girl’s story was reported by Adom News correspondent, Rebecca Nantomah.

Touched by the story, CJ donated some items including lactogen, clothes, bathing and washing soaps, diapers, lotion as well as a cash amount of Gh¢500 to the baby at the Nakwabi Children’s Home at Sawla.

The items were presented on CJ’s behalf by Rebecca.


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The in-charge of the Nakwabi Children’s Home, Sister Merry Naaloseeme thanked Mr Forson and Adom News for the support.

To show appreciation, Miss Merry named the baby ‘Adom’ after Adom FM for being the best supportive station in Ghana.

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