Two people were found dead at Nanakrom in the Adentan constituency after drowning in separate incidents following last Saturday’s downpour.

All the victims are male adults with one identified as Mohammed Muftawu, a father of six believed to be in his 40s.

The father-in-law of the deceased, Mallam Suleman narrated the incident on People’s Forum, a segment on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem Thursday.

According to him, the area, including their homes floods anytime it rains heavily due to a poor drainage system that runs through Adentan to Nanakrom.

The situation he said has led to the destruction of roads and bridge due to which residents have to improvise.

“Anytime, it rains, they move to their friend’s house for safety. So during the heavy rains on Saturday, they vacated the house but Mohammed came back to change his clothes. He was crossing the bridge when a concrete block he stepped on caved in, pushing him inside the gutter,” he narrated.

Mallam Suleman said Mohammed’s friend looked on helplessly while all attempts by the deceased to hold a tree stump proved futile.

“He couldn’t swim so when he went under the water, he drowned,” he said sadly.

The father-in-law revealed another body was recovered after Mohammed’s body was retrieved but they are yet to established if he was swept from somewhere.

His aggrieved widow, Nahiba who is in pain, is yet to come to terms with her husband’s sudden demise.

Nahiba said she left home to buy food for her children after the torrential rains only to hear the bad news.

“I had wanted to go and cook at home but when I returned, our entire area was flooded so I just had to buy food outside and my husband even told me to buy waakye for him. I left a few minutes and heard wailing and crying that he had drowned,” she said.

She added, “Now my husband is gone, who will help me take care of my kids. My greatest nightmare is what will happen if it should rain again.”