NPP needs Communication Institute – Youth Organizer hopeful urges


A New Patriotic Party (NPP) National Youth Organizer hopeful, Bright Essilfie-Kumi, has proposed the establishment of ‘NPP Communication Institute’ to train its communicators across the country.
Mr. Essilfie-Kumi said in every region and constituencies, the communicators appear on television and radio stations to defend and explain the policies of the government, so if they are not properly trained, defending the government will be difficult.
The NPP National Youth Organizer hopeful made the proposal in relation to Information Minister, Mr. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid’s comments that government would expand its communication frontiers.
The Information Minister in a media encounter in Accra said the expansion would help the media to reach government officials for timely information.
According to the Information Minister, government had decided to appoint spokespersons for each of the five Cabinet Sub-committees including the Legal and Governance, Economy and Finance and Infrastructure, as well as Security and Social Services.
Mr. Essilfie-Kumi, who is a staunch member of the party (Ghana and USA) and President of Movers for Change (MOCHA), remarked: “why can’t we train and equip the old communicators of our party who know their stuff, polish their skills and maintain them”.
“We can then start paying them to be consistent with their work. We cannot afford to use them in opposition, dump and employ the so called professionals while in power”, Mr. Essilfie-Kumi cautioned.
The Youth Organizer hopeful explained that “this is why I propose the establishment of the NPP Communications Institute to admit, train, certify and produce communicators, then grant them the permit to speak on our behalf. Remember, communication covers  wider spectrum of areas that require content, written and spoken materials with a bit psychology to adjust and pause where necessary. Training is the way to go”.
He explained that “the NPP Communications Institute, which is one of my policies is that, you and I know that in every region in every constituency, we have communicators who actually go on radio stations, TV stations trying to defend the policies of the party. Now, one thing is very obvious, defending a party policy or manifesto or whatever it is while in opposition is entirely different ball game from when you are in power and my agenda is very simple”.
The President of MOCHA noted that “the problem we have as I speak to you now is that, when we throw every policy out there, everybody goes out there and they try to dissect the mind of the policy makers, the media then carries them in different ways making the understanding difficult. These bits and pieces don’t come together because everybody speaks their mind from a different perspective but if we are able to train people on how these programs and policies  intends to achieve, it will help all of us speak in a very centralized way.”
Mr. Essilfie-Kumi noted that currently what is happening in the party is that, “somebody may be in Kumasi or other towns and cities, talking about same programme the government has initiated and whatever he is saying is different from the guy in Accra, but when we train them, we build them, their speaking skills, build their content to communicate on behalf of the party on any medium being radio or TV”.

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