STAAF Volunteers break ground for Sokpoe library project


Non-profit organization STAAF Volunteers, and its American partner, the Rural Africa Literacy Project, have held a groundbreaking ceremony to to build a community library complex in Sokpoe in the South Tongu District in the Volta Region of Ghana.
Executive Director of STAAF, Steve Awuyah Addae said the building will have an archive centre, computer lab, in-and-outdoor classrooms, study rooms and community space for programs.
He said the lack infrastructure and the disparity between the urban and rural areas in Ghana is the drive behind his vision to provide empowerment systems like libraries, schools and others in rural areas.
Steve Awuyah Addae observed that children in rural Ghana are less likely to perform well in school due to the lack of resources such as libraries, school buildings, housing for teachers, books, computers and food for the school kids.
“Our role in the non-profit sector is to compliment the public and private sector to promote social mobility and opportunity for rural development. Our priority is to provide access for school children and school dropouts.The library is an avenue for enquiry and social experiment to promote literacy,” he said.
In attendance were traditional leaders, university scholars, business leaders, volunteers, students, and community members.
The guest speaker for the occasion, Prof. Joshua Alabi, former Vice Chancellor of University of Professional Studies, highlighted the importance of education and libraries, saying that when he was Board Chair of SSNIT, they built a community library in Accra.

Prof Joshua Alabi delivery guest speaker’s address

He expressed his passion for education and youth development and pledged to support STAAF Volunteers to achieve its vision.
The Paramount Chief of Sokpoe, Fiaga Kadzi Zoga II, was also at the ceremony, and called on all his subjects to support the initiative.
Indeed, the Traditional Council of Sokpoe and the Paramount Chief, donated a parcel of land to start the library and also gave 100 bags of cement to support the project.
South Tongu District Chief Executive, Louis Agama, and the District Director of Education, Madam Araba Zentey also pledged their support for the project.
The youth of Sokpoe and surrounding towns expressed joy and hope for their new community library, and are eager to volunteer for community service.