9-year-old UCMAS champion returns home to rousing welcome


Ghana winner of the Universal Concept of Mental and Arithmetic System (UCMAS) global competition returned to Kumasi to a rousing welcome on Friday.
Nine-year-old Enoch Asiedu of Bethelinter Academy beat competition from contestants from 56 countries to clinch honours for Ghana in the competition held in Malaysia.
The Class Five pupil began his glorious journey to winning global laurel by emerging regional and national champion.
Enoch was met at the Kumasi Airport by a huge welcome party of management, staff and children of Bethelinter Academy as well as relatives and well-wishers.
He has lifted Ghana’s flag high by grabbing picking the first prize in the above -age -seven category.
“First of all, I thank God for his mercies and blessings for taking me through the competition successfully and also I thank the good people of Ghana for the support and well wishes.”
The global laurel winner thanked supporters and well-wishers.
Elated parents, Benjamin and Christiana Asiedu, cannot hide their excitement as they urge parents to prioritize their children’ s education.
Enoch’s father said that “today is my happiest day; I don’t know what to say than to thank God for how far he has brought my son. I will urge all parents to prioritize their ward’s education, for the future benefits are enormous.
He charged parents to yearn for the child’s education.
Proprietress of Bethelinter Academy, Vida Adu Amankwaa, believes it is time to introduce UCMAS as the basic course in schools.
“I am looking out for the day UCMAS will be taught in all basic schools to enhance the thinking ability of children and boost their knowledge to solve complex situations.”
“I am calling on authorities to come up with policies to make UCMAS a compulsory subject in all basic schools.”
Ashanti Regional Coordinator of UCMAS, Erasmus Asamoah Cudjoe, wants the government to consider the proposal for adoption nationwide.
He says that it empowers children physically and mentally to solve complex situations.
“It is about time for policymakers to set their priorities right on issues bothering education. Countries like China and Malaysia are developing all because of the enlightenment of students in UCMAS. We can only progress as a country if we enhance the teaching of maths and science in our various schools. “

Source: Nana Asenso Mensah | Nhyira FM