Hot Audio: Assin Dompem youth beg for Kente Factory


Youth of Assin Dompem in the Assin Central constituency of the Central region are appealing to government to consider establishing a Kente weaving factory in the area as part of government’s 1 District 1 Factory policy.
According to them, the move will help in curbing the rising the rising youth unemployment in the area.
Some of the youth who spoke to Adom News’ Alfred Amoh say every three out of five young men in Assin Dompem, know how to weave kente.
But lack of working capital has made it impossible for them to enjoy full benefit of their craftsmanship hence the plea on government.
According to them, establishing Kente factory in Assin Dompem will not only reduce unemployment, but will also portray the rich Ghanaian culture across the country through exportation.
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Meanwhile, Mr. Gyedu Ankomah who has currently employed 47 youth from Assin Dompem in a mini Kente weaving center called for Public Private partnership (PPP) arrangement to enable him expand the business and employ more youths in the area.