Man stabbed to death at engagement ceremony


A happy crowd at a marriage event in Adansi Akwansrem in the Ashanti Region were suddenly thrown into a state of shock after a middle aged man, Yaw Owusu in a fit of anger stabbed one male guest at the event with a kitchen knife.

The unfortunate incident occured on Saturday 31st December after the accused who was reportedly opposed to a song being played at the engagement ceremony inisisted that the song be stopped.

His action sparked a fight amomg the gathering some of whom stood up to the suspect’s unruly behaviour but in the melee the suspect thrust a knife through the chest of a man by name Asare, sending him to the ground instantly.

The victim was rushed to the New Edubiase Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

When news of the death of the victim got to guest at the event, some angry young men suddenly started destroying properties in the house worth several thousands of cedis.

The Adansi Fomena District Police Commander, Supt. Yaw Asubonteng confirmed the incident and the arrest of the suspect, adding that the corpse has been deposited at the New Edubiase Government Hospital morgue.