CJ pledges to invest in ICT to enhance quality justice delivery


Ms Sophia A.B. Akuffo, the Chief Justice, has pledged to make the right investment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the delivery of quality justice.

“The goal of delivering quality justice is one that my administration will focus keenly on. We will continue to make the right investment in key areas, especially in Information and Communication Technology to make this goal achievable.”’

In her message to usher in the 60th Legal Year, Ms Akuffo prayed that God will continue to imbue in the judges the spirit of courage and fearlessness to defend and protect the law at all times and deliver quality justice to all who come before them.

The theme for this Legal Year is: “Quality Judges, Delivering Quality Justice.”

The Chief Justice said this year theme had been carefully chosen to underscore the critical role of judges in the administration of justice.

Ms Akuffo said: “Judges are at the heart of the justice delivery system. A competent and knowledgeable judge who has a clear understanding of the law and its nuances will apply the law in the manner that produces fair and equitable outcome in any dispute.”

She observed that quality justice was also the product of sound legal training and continuous judicial education.

“Equally important is the need for us, as judges, to demonstrate the core values of judicial conduct – independence, impartiality, integrity, propriety, equality, competence, and diligence,” she said.

Ms Akuffo entreated all to solemnly reflect on their conduct in the past and to see whether in the discharge of their duties they did that in accordance with the law and good conscience.

“We must not repeat the mistake of the past. Instead we must commit to doing our very best to ensure that the administration of justice in Ghana delivers excellence at all levels of the court,” she added.