Photos: Danger looms as huge rock is waiting to fall on commuters


Residents of Akwamufie and its environs in the Eastern region are appealing to Ghana Highway Authority to help get rid of a huge rock which could fall on road users at Akwamu Asafo.

The area started experiencing fall rocks last year when Highways excavated a hill to create a road diversion for commuters after a portion of the 8-kilometre road leading to Akwamufie caved in.

Adom News’ Kwame Yankah who visited the area was told that when the road caved in last year, residents had to find alternative routes through Juapong to Akwamufie and beyond.

This then prompted Highways to divert the road for commuters by excavating part of the hill.

However, continuous rainfall in the area has eroded the hill causing the rocks on top of the hill to fall.

Assemblyman for Akwamufie Electoral Area, Stephen Adu Acquah, tells Adom News that school children among other commuters are at risk if the huge rock falls.

“A rock fell the other time whilst it rained heavily and the driver of our vehicle had to park for fear on being hit by these falling rocks. I don’t know what those at Highways are waiting for.

“Should the rock kill someone before they act? I don’t just get it. I am pleading with them to fix the problem”, he said.

Stephen Adu Acquah says road users are exposed to another danger as the portion which caved in has not been filled.

“Any driver who loses control of his steering wheel at this point will find himself in the Volta Lake”, he revealed.

Drivers say it is very risky driving on this stretch at night.

“If you are new on this road, you could find yourself wanting due this. We don’t want to lose any soul before Highways will act. The best time to act is now”.