Hot video: Ghanaians in Benin to be deported


A Ghanaian fishing community at Akpakpadodome in Benin is facing eviction following the government’s decision to develop the area.
The community made up 860 Ghanaians who survive on small-scale fishing was established by their grandfathers about 90 years ago but are now at a cross-roads after the Benin government announced its decision to move them to develop the area.
After establishing routines and a makeshift churches, schools in their new home at the rivers’ confluence, they are under threat of being moved.

One of the elders in the community in an interview on Kofi TV said they have receive official notice and they have up to 28th July to leave the place.
He indicated that, authorities in Benin claim land law in the country contains no provisions for ownership claims by fisher populations because riverbanks are deemed state-public land to which individuals have no right.
“People from Benin who leave in the area have been compensated but the government gave us nothing because we are from Ghana” he bemoaned.
“It’s miserable and sad we are about to lose all our livelihoods we took years to build” one of the distraught fishermen stated.
Though they have petitioned Ghana’s Embassy in Benin over the issue, they are calling on President Akufo-Addo to intervene.

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