Judgement day for Mawarko ‘pepper’ manager


The Abeka District Court in Accra has set July 26 to deliver its ruling in the case in which Jihad Chabaan, the embattled Ablemkpe branch manager of Mawarko Restaurant, is standing trial for allegedly assaulting a cateress at the eatery.
The court, presided over by Victoria Guansah, scheduled the judgement date yesterday after both parties had closed their cases.
The five-month old trial saw the prosecution lining up four witnesses to affirm its charges against the accused manager.
Mr Chabaan on the other hand, called one witness – Abigail Aduamoah – to parry the charges preferred by the prosecution led by Chief Inspector H.A. Hanson. He had earlier indicated that he would be calling two witnesses to testify in the case.
The accused had in the course of the trial denied his statement to the police, indicating that it was twisted to mean he dipped the face of the complainant into blended pepper.
Defence lawyers had accused the complainant of initiating the action because she wanted to make money out of the case.
Evelyn Boakye, the complainant, had dragged Jihad, 26, before the court for assault.
The accused is reported to have dipped the head of Evelyn into blended pepper on February 26, 2017.
According to the prosecution, Jihad offensively conducted himself when he angrily called the complainant a “prostitute.”
He is facing an additional charge of intentionally and unlawfully causing harm to Evelyn when he dipped the face of the complainant in the blended pepper.