Following unresolved issues surrounding the management of the Keta reclaimed land, amidst an accusation that the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) took the land meant for a stadium to build a private residence on it, some unidentified men on Sunday morning stormed the area to demolish the MCE’s building.
Apart from the private-storey building of the Keta Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Emmanuel Gemegah, which was partly demolished, they also demolished a fence wall of Rocky Amugi in the area.
They were armed and were at the site of the Keta reclaimed lands at Adzido-Aflasco, near the Emancipation Beach around 9 a.m. on Sunday, December 29, 2024 with two bulldozers.
It took an intervention by the Police to stop the unidentified men from further demolishing the building.
In October 2024, the youth in a similar fashion attacked the building of the MCE and wrote ‘Stop Work’ on it, arguing that the MCE was building illegally on the land reserved for a Stadium in Keta.
They claimed the matter was before the High Court at Sogakope but the developers have ignored the warnings and continued with their works.
There have been a number of public protests in the area about the said reclaimed land aimed at stopping the Keta MCE from giving out the land for the development of private properties.