TVET should lead Africa’s Industrialisation drive – Adutwum to African leaders


The Minister for Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum has emphasized the pivotal role of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in driving Africa’s industrialization.

During the 2024 Africa Skills Week, held in Accra which brought together key stakeholders under the theme, “Boosting Excellence and Innovation in TVET: Interregional Policy Dialogue and Global Agenda Setting,” Dr. Adutwum highlighted that TVET is central to President Akufo-Addo’s “Ghana Beyond Aid” vision.

He noted that, a well-trained workforce is essential for achieving economic independence and sustainable development.

“Our government understands that industrialization hinges on the availability of technical skills. This is why we’ve made TVET reforms a priority, ensuring that technical and vocational education is both accessible and affordable” the Minister said.

He celebrated the success of Ghana’s Free TVET policy, which has significantly increased enrolment and changed perceptions about vocational education.

“TVET is no longer seen as a fallback option but as a first-choice pathway for young people eager to contribute to national development,” he noted.

Dr. Adutwum also discussed the government’s substantial investment in upgrading TVET infrastructure, modernizing curricula, and expanding access through programs like the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project and the Competency-Based Training (CBT) model.

He applauded the work of the Sector Skills Bodies (SSBs) in aligning TVET curricula with industry demands, especially in key sectors such as automotive, oil and gas, ICT, and renewable energy.

“We’ve bridged the gap between education and industry, equipping students with the skills needed to seamlessly transition into employment.”

The Minister urged greater collaboration among African countries to tackle shared challenges like youth unemployment and the need for lifelong learning.

“Africa must come together in its approach to skills development,” he stated.

“By sharing best practices and fostering regional cooperation, we can cultivate a skilled workforce that fosters innovation and economic growth continent-wide.”

Dr. Adutwum further reaffirmed Ghana’s dedication to upholding international TVET standards, including UNESCO’s Strategy for TVET 2022-2029, and called on global partners to continue supporting initiatives that empower African youth.

“TVET represents the future of work and Ghana is at the forefront of this transformation, leading the charge in shaping Africa’s future.”

Source: Adomonline