Royal Image Group exposes youth to opportunities in social media and entrepreneurship


The Ghanaian youth have been exposed to the benefits of using social media positively to build an entrepreneurial journey.

For better appreciation of the benefits and dangers of digital media, the Royal Image Group organised a conference for the youth on the theme: “Social Media a Tool or Trap”.

The event in Kumasi empowered participants to appreciate social media as a powerful tool to influence their lives.

Speaking at the Conference, SRC President of KNUST, Samuel Afful described social media as a double-edged sword that the person wielding it determines which side to use.

“I recall an alumni telling me he has become addicted to pornography through Social Media as well as another getting employment through an advertisement on social media. So one person gainfully employed and on the other hand has become morally corrupted through the same agent,” he explained.

The advancement of technology has opened up the digital space as an influencer in people’s routine activities

Another speaker, Linda Ayesu cautioned the youth against emulating deceptive lifestyles portrayed on Social Media platforms.

“You shouldn’t be deceived or force yourself to where you have not reached but rather use Social Media platforms to build capacity and networks which will better you,” she pleaded.

Some of the participants shared insights they have gained and promised to use social media as a tool rather than a trap.

“I knew the potential of Social Media but didn’t allow myself to make good use of it, but now I have gotten the right knowledge I will start making money,” one happy fellow opined.

The Amansie Rural Bank pledged its readiness to grant loans to young entrepreneurs who have brilliant ideas but lack the funds to make their plans come through.

Social media has come to stay and its incumbent on the user of such platforms to use it for positive things.