5 common laundry mistakes that are ruining your clothes



When it comes to washing clothes, it is important to avoid certain laundry mistakes that could ruin your clothes.

This is why when it comes to washing clothes, it is important to avoid certain laundry mistakes that could ruin your clothes. Here are some of these laundry mistakes to avoid;

Zippers and buttons left undone can snag or tear other garments when you are doing your laundry.

Zippers can also scratch the inside of your machine, while open buttons can weaken the thread holding them in place.

Before tossing clothes into the washer, ensure all zippers are zipped, buttons are fastened, and hooks are secured.

5) Leaving wet clothes in the washer

Forgetting to transfer wet clothes from the washer to the dryer immediately can lead to mildew growth and musty odours.

The longer clothes sit in a damp environment, the more bacteria and mould can build up.

If you’re unable to dry your clothes right away, consider using a delay-start option on your washer or set a reminder to move them as soon as possible.

At the end of the day, it is important to note that taking care of your clothes properly can extend their lifespan.

This can in turn save you money and reduce waste. So, next time you do laundry, remember to apply these tips so you can preserve the quality of your favourite clothes.