Democracy Hub demo: Lawyers feeding protesters in Police custody [Audio]


A member of the legal team representing the Democracy Hub protesters, Noah Adamtey is claiming it has become the responsibility of lawyers to provide food for persons in custody.

This according to him is because a court order for the protesters to be fed twice daily is not being complied with.

Mr Adamptey disclosed this on Asempa FM Ekosii Sen.

“We requested for the accused to be fed twice daily and the court agreed but when some of the legal team members visited some police stations on Thursday, the police said they can’t feed them so we have to provide food. With the support of our members, we now provide food twice daily for them,” he said.

In court on Thursday, the prosecution in the trial rejected the claim of not feeding the suspects.

Opposing arguments for bail, the prosecution, led by Nana Akosua Kusi told the court that the police go to the extent of buying the accused person meals from Papaye.

However, Mr Adamptey has said otherwise, stating some police officers can attest to the situation.

“At the Dansoman police station, there was this female officer there who used to buy food for a lady in custody. But we can’t really fault the police if they can’t feed them because it is the responsibility of the government,” he stated.

However, the lawyer has said the team will bring the development before the court’s attention during the next hearing.