Coalition Against Galamsey criticizes House of Chiefs for rejecting mining ban


The Ghana Coalition Against Galamsey has expressed its profound disappointment with the National House of Chiefs’ recent stance regarding the ongoing mining crisis, as conveyed through its president.

According to the Coalition, the chiefs’ rejection of a ban on all forms of mining sends a troubling message that contradicts the nation’s efforts to combat galamsey and its environmental destruction.

The Coalition criticized the silence of the National House of Chiefs on this critical issue, noting the alarming timing of their publicized position.

This comes in light of Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II, President of the National House of Chiefs, having dismissed calls for a complete ban on all mining activities in Ghana.

Instead, he advocated for stronger regulations to ensure responsible mining practices.

This, the Coalition believes that the chiefs have inadvertently supported the continued devastation of Ghana’s environment, which they are constitutionally mandated to protect.

This development is especially concerning given that some chiefs have been complicit in the illegal activities of galamsey, which have resulted in poisoned water bodies and the destruction of farmlands.

The Coalition pointed out the contradiction between the House of Chiefs’ current posture and an earlier statement issued in February 2024, which called for stronger measures to tackle illegal mining.

The Coalition urged the National House of Chiefs to clarify its position on galamsey and to take a firm stand against the illegal mining operations threatening the livelihoods of Ghanaians.

The group stressed that the chiefs have a critical role to play in safeguarding the environment and the nation’s future.

They called on the chiefs to join the fight against galamsey, which poses a serious threat to the well-being of their subjects and future generations.

The Coalition remains hopeful that with concerted efforts, positive change in the battle against illegal mining is possible and inevitable.